Examples of the the word, token , in a Sentence Context

The word ( token ), is the 6748 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And placed in the empty space, and,if a land hex is" discovered ", a number, token ,may be assigned. As a reward for discovering land, the player making the
  2. Architecture which allowed them to compete directly with IBM. Ethernet replaced, token ,ring, and went on to become the dominant networking model in use today. In
  3. Analysis breaks the source code text into small pieces called token s. Each, token ,is a single atomic unit of the language, for instance a keyword, identifier or
  4. Had money-changing tables at which each coin would be examined separately and a, token ,of actual worth given to the layperson so that he or she could be seen by the
  5. Represented by number token s),players may earn cloth token s when the number, token ,for the Forgotten Tribe's villages are rolled. Cloth token s, in turn, are
  6. Commonly associated with the Tim Hortons chain of coffee shops. By the same, token , triple-triple. * Mickey: a bottle of hard liquor (informally called a pint in
  7. Or parsing rules. A value expressed using an encoding scheme may thus be a, token ,selected from a controlled vocabulary (for example, a term from a
  8. These can determine everything from how many steps a player moves their, token , as in Monopoly, to how their forces fare in battle, such as in Risk, or which
  9. LAN was the norm. This is in comparison with token passing LAN's ( token ring, token ,bus),all of which suffer throughput degradation as each new node comes into
  10. Many other decorating techniques and numerous traditions of giving them as a, token ,of friendship, love or good wishes. A tradition exists in some parts of the
  11. Followed, it was riven by periods of internal strife and the new king only made, token ,and unsuccessful attempts to recapture Babylon, whose Massive kings had taken
  12. Reserved character sequences. In the statement if token is then result, token , there is both a keyword if and a variable named if. Because of this keyword
  13. Or TOKENS: the effective value of the attribute can only be a valid name, token ,(or a spaced-separated list of such name token s),but it is not restricted to
  14. Balkans battled various resistance groups. The Bulgarian government declared a, token ,war on the United Kingdom and the United States near the end of 1941,an act
  15. Of favoring bold, loud performers who can command attention. Token Bardic A, token ,bardic circle, also known as a" poker-chip" bardic circle, attempts to
  16. The computers shared the channel. This scheme was simpler than the competing, token ,ring or token bus technologies. Computers were connected to an Attachment Unit
  17. Unit of the language, for instance a keyword, identifier or symbol name. The, token ,syntax is typically a regular language, so a finite state automaton constructed
  18. Since 1986,it is common for Argentines abroad to hear Maradona's name as a, token ,of recognition, even in remote places. In Argentina, Maradona is often talked
  19. Is the standard measure of all that men teach),you may know by that same, token ,that it is false; regardless of the position of the man who says it. " The
  20. Shared historical events are not so much of a confounding factor. By the same, token , however, cross-sectional research may not be the most effective way to study
  21. For service with Virgin Atlantic Airways. Branson claimed this to be the same, token ,price that British Airways had paid the British Government; however, BA denied
  22. Text which is immediately inserted literally in the currently parsed, token ,(if such character is permitted in the textual value of that token ). This
  23. Globe. J. Festinger studied the ability to retrieve information associated with, token ,objects. Less successful was University of London mathematician Samuel Goal in
  24. Public pay phones are available for local calls and require the purchase of a, token ,from the telephone exchange or some shops and kiosks. Tokens allow a call of
  25. Type allows more building power, gold rivers are either marked with number, token ,of only 2 or 3 dots and/or are far away from starting positions to offset this.
  26. A creed is sometimes referred to as a symbol (, sýmbolon),signifying a ", token ," by which persons of like beliefs might recognize each other. When the
  27. The compiler would see in the above example would be" if token ifthenresult, token ,". The syntax for expressions let the multiplication operator be omitted, e. g.
  28. As JSON or JavaScript. Possible solutions include requiring an authentication, token ,in the POST and GET parameters for any response that returns private JSON (
  29. Not by recognizing reserved character sequences. In the statement if, token ,if then result token , there is both a keyword if and a variable named if.
  30. Shared the channel. This scheme was simpler than the competing token ring or, token ,bus technologies. Computers were connected to an Attachment Unit Interface (
  31. Parsed token (if such character is permitted in the textual value of that, token ,). This allows some characters that are needed for the core syntax of HTML or
  32. Which suffer throughput degradation as each new node comes into the LAN, due to, token ,waits. This report was controversial, as modeling showed that collision-based
  33. Requested that the Athenians give him a 'earth and water ', a traditional, token ,of submission, which the Athenian ambassadors acquiesced to. The Athenians
  34. Is a Jewish tradition of placing small stones on a person's grave, as a, token ,of respect. Stu pas in India and Tibet probably started out similarly
  35. Between 'single' or" double" quotation marks if it's not a simple name, token ,;; NOTATION (notation1 | ...): the effective value of the attribute can only
  36. But canonical—Apple soft converted "? " In entered programs to the same, token ,as" PRINT ", thus either would appear as" PRINT" when a program was listed.
  37. In terms of his hitting achievements, while making only five widely-scattered, token ,appearances on the mound, winning all of them. In 1920,his first year with the
  38. Of the Old Testament. He is said to speak in thunder, and thunder is seen as a, token ,of His anger. This power was then extended to prophets like Moses and Samuel
  39. Images of Sargon were erected on the shores of the Mediterranean, in, token , of his victories, and cities and palaces were built at home with the spoils of
  40. With the free form nature of the chaos circle. A container full of some type of, token ,such as poker chips is supplied for the circle. Each person participating in
  41. On the LAN was the norm. This is in comparison with token passing LAN's (, token ,ring, token bus),all of which suffer throughput degradation as each new node
  42. Corporations are essentially 'centrally planned economies ', aside from some, token ,intra-corporate pricing. As pointed out by Kenneth Arrow and others, the
  43. Of" movements "," phases" or" steps" over" elements ". By the same, token , Mu is thought of as" Tree" rather than" Wood ". The five elements are: The
  44. Where the City of Oslo, Norway presents a tree to the people of London as a, token ,of appreciation for the British support of Norwegian resistance during the
  45. 64 bytes),90 % throughput on the LAN was the norm. This is in comparison with, token ,passing LAN's ( token ring, token bus),all of which suffer throughput
  46. In order to facilitate trade, and primarily can be used as a legal tender, token ,for commerce in the designated country, region,or territory. Coins are usually
  47. To influence others as a result of their defined social status. By a similar, token , a fear of experts can arise from fear of an intellectual elite's power. In
  48. Substitutions based on syntactic forms. # Syntax analysis involves parsing the, token ,sequence to identify the syntactic structure of the program. This phase
  49. Session to another, or even as the game is played. *Game piece (or counter or, token ,or bit or people or mover or pawn)—a player's representative on the game board
  50. In Alabama were decided in the Democratic Party primary, with generally only, token ,Republican challengers running in the General Election. Developments in the

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