Examples of the the word, potter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( potter ), is the 6732 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His wares from anything else on the market. He was perhaps the most famous, potter ,of all time. By 1763,he was receiving orders from the highest levels of the
  2. Clay is placed in the center of a turntable, called the wheel-head, which the, potter ,rotates with a stick, with foot power or with a variable-speed electric motor.
  3. Plasticisers. Jiggering and volleying: These operations are carried out on the, potter ,'s wheel and allow the time taken to bring wares to a standardized form to be
  4. Italian composer and violinist (d. 1742) *1730 – Josiah Wedgwood, English, potter , ( d. 1795) *1803 – Peter Chanel, French priest and saint (d. 1841) *1807 –
  5. At Thermal Himeraeae (modern name Termini Image) in Sicily. The son of a, potter ,who had moved to Syracuse in about 343 BC, he learned his father's trade, but
  6. Did the Hindi dubbing voice for Hermione Granger in the first two Harry, potter ,films, But since the third film,Hermione's second and permanent Hindi dubbing
  7. From Period II. In period III, the finds becomes much more abundant as the, potter ,'s wheel is introduced, and they show more intricate designs and also animal
  8. Neighbour as he hurries after wealth. But Strife is unwholesome for men. And, potter ,is angry with potter , and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of
  9. BCE),and the Uruk period (3,500-2,000 BCE). The invention of the, potter ,'s wheel in Mesopotamia sometime between 6,000 and 4,000 BCE (USAID period)
  10. May be returned to the kiln to re-oxidize if firing results do not meet the, potter ,'s expectations, although each successive firing has a high chance of weakening
  11. Or a person peering out # Samsara constructive volitional activity - a, potter ,shaping a vessel or vessels # Vienna consciousness - a man or a monkey
  12. Plural" potter ies" ). Pottery also refers to the art or craft of the, potter ,or the manufacture of potter y. The definition of potter y used by ASTM is" all
  13. Galumph, Italian composer (b. 1706) *1795 – Josiah Wedgwood, British, potter , ( b. 1730) *1813 – Kenneling, Aborigine interlocutor (b. c.1764) *1826 –
  14. Inventor of the anchor with two flukes, and others made him the inventor of the, potter ,'s wheel. Revival in the 18th century In 1788 Jean Jacques Archenemy (1716–95
  15. The only character to use a quarterstaff in the early ballads is the, potter , and Robin Hood does not take to a staff until the 18th century Robin Hood and
  16. Johnson is most likely to have been buried in a pauper's grave (or ", potter ,'s field" ) very near where he perished. Devil legend According to legend, as
  17. In water, the Baku can crack, break,or even explode! Raku-glaze color The, potter ,may use one or more glazes, which comprise metal and oxygen. The glaze is
  18. Ware to use a seal mark and the first to focus on close collaboration between, potter ,and patron. Other famous Japanese clay artists of this period include Done (
  19. A permanently weakened knee, which made him unable to work the foot pedal of a, potter ,'s wheel. As a result, he concentrated from an early age on designing potter y
  20. Meaning In classic Sanskrit, the term was often compared to a large, potter ,'s wheel that would screech as it was spun around, and did not turn smoothly.
  21. Village, and afterwards many stayed. The future site of Washington Square was a, potter ,'s field from 1797 to 1823 when 10 to 20,000 of New York's poor were buried
  22. Author of Principal Botanical ** Ursula Moment née Darwin (1908–2010), potter , ** William Erasmus Darwin (1839–1914),the eldest son of Charles Darwin (
  23. People who had already named rivers, cities-and even some specific trades like, potter ,and coppersmith-before the Sumerians appeared. Landsteiner called the
  24. English Dissenters. By the age of nine, he was proving himself to be a skilled, potter , He survived a childhood bout of smallpox to serve as an apprentice potter
  25. Find hand-building more conducive to create one-of-a-kind works of art. The, potter ,'s wheel. In a process called" throwing" ( coming from the Old English word
  26. Is molded say to its molder,“ Why have you made me like this? ” 21 Has the, potter ,no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honorable
  27. A peg driven into the earth. It would have been rotated by repeated tugs by the, potter ,or his assistant. ) More recently, the oldest-known wooden wheel in the world
  28. Reduction chamber at the end of the Baku firing was introduced by the American, potter ,Paul Soldier in the 1960s to compensate for the difference in atmosphere
  29. Potter. He survived a childhood bout of smallpox to serve as an apprentice, potter ,under his eldest brother Thomas Wedgwood IV. Smallpox left Josiah with a
  30. Or decorative arts include artisan, craftsman,and specialized terms such as, potter , goldsmith or glassblower. Fine arts artists such as painters succeeded in the
  31. Scholar of the Tokugawa school (d. 1801) * July 12 – Josiah Wedgwood, English, potter , ( d. 1795) * July 26 – Charles Messier, French astronomer (d. 1817) *
  32. Or cup. Also known as" lining ", this operation is often carried out on a, potter ,'s wheel. Burnishing: The surface of potter y wares may be burnished prior to
  33. Axis. These can then be altered by impressing, bulging, In addition to the, potter ,'s hands these techniques can use tools, including paddles, anvils & ribs, and
  34. The invention of agriculture and of potter y: *ca. 4500 BC: invention of the, potter ,'s wheel, beginning of the Chalcolithic (USAID period) *4500–3300 BC:
  35. Keramikos)," of potter y" or" for potter y ", from κέραμος (Ramos),", potter ,'s clay, tile, potter y ". The earliest mention on the root" cream-" is the
  36. Compensates the potter by giving him a certain amount of beer. In a city,the, potter ,may need a new roof, the roofer may need new shoes, the cobbler may need new
  37. For these increasingly complex transactions. To oversimplify, in a village the, potter ,makes a pot for the brewer and the brewer compensates the potter by giving him
  38. Valerie Flaccid). Cults * Prometheus had a small shrine in the Karamazov, or, potter , 's quarter, of Athens, not far from the Academy. The Academy had its own altar
  39. A village the potter makes a pot for the brewer and the brewer compensates the, potter ,by giving him a certain amount of beer. In a city, the potter may need a new
  40. Coulage. In later years Pablo Picasso became a prolific ceramicist and, potter , revolutionizing the way Ceramic art is perceived. George E. Or and more
  41. Actress and motivational speaker * May 5 – Lance Henriksen, American actor and, potter ,* May 7 – Jim Connors, American radio personality (d. 1987) ** Angela Carter
  42. After wealth. But Strife is unwholesome for men. And potter is angry with, potter , and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of
  43. English word" ceramic" is derived. The" Inner Karamazov" was the former ", potter ,'s quarter" of the city and" Outer Karamazov" covers the cemetery and also
  44. Smoothly. The opposite of Gurkha was the term Sakha, which brought to mind a, potter ,'s wheel that turned smoothly and noiselessly. In other Buddhist-influenced
  45. That wheels were used for the production of potter y. (Note that the original, potter ,'s wheel was probably not a wheel, but rather an irregularly shaped slab of
  46. Works online * Josiah Wedgwood (12 July 1730 – 3 January 1795) was an English, potter , founder of the Wedgwood company, credited with the industrialization of the
  47. Intensive year-round agriculture, developed a writing system, invented the, potter ,'s wheel, created a centralized government, law codes, and empires, and
  48. Nazarene, Prime Minister of Japan * May 30 – Karol DNSSEC, Slovenian, potter , Master of folk art (d. 2002) * June 2 – Kathryn Tucker Wind ham, American
  49. Body and water. Hand-building is slower than wheel-throwing, but it offers the, potter ,a high degree of control over the size and shape of wares. The speed and
  50. To mean going round and round from one place to another in a circle, like a, potter ,'s wheel, or the wheel of a water mill. When a fly is trapped in a closed jar

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