Examples of the the word, hurry , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Fears: Fernando and Guglielmo are on their way to the house. The" Albanians ", hurry ,off to hide (actually, to change out of their disguises). They return as the
  2. Pipeline in 1956—the so-called Pipeline Debate—in which the government, in a, hurry ,to obtain financing for the pipeline, imposed closure before the debate even
  3. In the 1866 elections. His conciliatory policies towards the South, his, hurry , to reincorporate the former Confederate states back into the union, and his
  4. To be in a hurry to do so. But conversely this means that the Sun is not in a, hurry ,to dip deeply below the horizon at night. At this latitude at midnight the
  5. Could be used as emergency tourniquets, or anywhere that string was needed in a, hurry , Neckerchiefs were chosen as they could easily be used as a sling or triangular
  6. Lincoln to Fleischer," he recalled. " From Fleischer I had to get out in a, hurry ,because I couldn't take that kind of thing," describing it as" a factory in
  7. Union army. Melanie gives birth to a boy named Beauregard, and now they must, hurry ,for refuge. Scarlett tells Prissy to go find Rhett, but she is afraid to" go
  8. Reluctance of Ibrahim to accept the terms of this" offer," and though in no, hurry ,to launch an actual invasion, Babur made several preliminary incursions and
  9. Could not be trusted an inch – I would not want to expose my back to him in a, hurry ,". Strachan's reaction to the attack, in its own autobiography, My Life in
  10. Come to dig his grave and find him asleep. As they dig Rocco urges Lenore to, hurry ,(We salt is BS in diesel unterirdischen Google! " How cold it is in this
  11. Little heed (Dove core in Santa fret ta –" Where are you running in such a, hurry ,"). He suggests that if she leaves, he may not allow her to return, an idea
  12. As it turns out, Slim Pickens had never left the United States. He had to, hurry ,and get his first passport. He arrived at the set, and somebody said," Gosh
  13. Pullable or a cuttable ball. The backspin or underpin will cause the ball to, hurry ,on at great pace with very little bounce, though this may be harder to achieve
  14. Belarusian poet Lanka Cupola, in his letter to Tarashkyevich, urged him to ", hurry ,with his much-needed work ". Tarashkyevich had been working on the preparation
  15. Of hurry ing, reckless hurry , as in" Not! Haraka" come here! Hurry, hurry , On the contrary to the above definition, there are some words in some of the
  16. And brings it to Saito's attention. As the train is heard approaching, the two, hurry ,down to the riverbank to investigate. Joyce, hiding with the detonator, breaks
  17. Belmonte and Predrill try to enter the palace, Osmin bars their way, but they, hurry ,past him anyway (Tersest:" March! Troll such fort! " –" March! March!
  18. Or captured in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-5,while the French were in no, hurry ,to adopt the new dreadnought battleship technology. Britain also boasted very
  19. That the difference between the two lists was" owing doubtless to the, hurry ,in which Hamilton's memorandum was made out. " A known error in Hamilton's
  20. Water. Regarding the atmosphere of the town, he states:" Horwich is a town of, hurry ,and business, not much of gaiety and pleasure; yet the inhabitants seem warm in
  21. And was modified there to become a" walking cake" for citizens always in a, hurry ,for work and other pursuits. Sfogliatella is another cake from the Amalfi Coast
  22. In May 2010,the Czech president Václav Klaus claimed that they" needn’t, hurry ,to enter the Euro zone ". Peter Mach, an economist, a close associate of
  23. Of an alien creature swinging a stick, a joint US/USSR mission is sent in a, hurry ,to explore the planet, and things develop fast from there. ’S. M. Stirling's
  24. German lake' until the second half of 1944. Though the Soviet navy left in a, hurry , the naval mines it had managed to lay before and during the evacuations caused
  25. Or Viz staffer) suggested" Old people – are you worried that people in a, hurry ,might be able to get past you on the pavement? Why not try stumbling aimlessly
  26. People walking. If the sound editor wants to communicate that a driver is in a, hurry ,to leave, he will cut the sound of tires squealing when the car accelerates
  27. And tell him that his son waits for him. " And then we shall see if he does not, hurry ,over land and sea! " Butterfly kneels in front of her son and asks him," Do
  28. Compulsion and its consequences. He completed Crime and Punishment in a mad, hurry ,because he was in urgent need of an advance from his publisher. He had been
  29. Attempts to secure such a settlement were frustrated because Germany was in no, hurry ,to talk to Britain. Foreign Minister Konstantin von Neural was supposed to
  30. Save his anger for the prisoner in the dungeons below. Pizarro tells him to, hurry ,and dig the grave, then announces that the prisoners will be shut in again.
  31. From. When Pharaoh freed the Israelites, it is said that they left in such a, hurry ,that they could not wait for bread dough to rise (leaven). In commemoration
  32. The series. The result was The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Abuse (1960),made in a, hurry ,and with a relatively small budget. It can be viewed as the marriage between
  33. Is derived from the Proto-Indo-European base *Kurt, which also gave rise to, hurry , carry, harry,hurrah and current. Hours eventually replaced EOH, fitting a
  34. Not only is the Sun not reaching as high, it also seems not to be in a, hurry ,to do so. But conversely this means that the Sun is not in a hurry to dip
  35. As Empress and sends her back to Gaul with orders for the reinforcements to, hurry , However, the Frankish aristocracy is more concerned with the attacks by the
  36. And he sets off on foot through the chaos. He is never seen again. The Beckett's, hurry ,to their basement while the Kemp's (Jimmy's parents) desperately rush to
  37. It is difficult to see why he lifted from old Italian works unless he was in a, hurry , This work contains one of Handel's favorite arias, Cara Sosa, amante Carey
  38. About the need for an agreement between Berlin and Moscow. But Stalin was in no, hurry , On 20 August, Hitler telegraphed Stalin with an offer of an agreement to be
  39. Are free, and he is furious (ACH, Vater, Vater, eilt! " O, father,father, hurry , "). Before they can move, Pizarro enters and demands an explanation. Rocco
  40. Cult Hades, god of the dead, was a fearsome figure to those still living; in no, hurry ,to meet him, they were reticent to swear oaths in his name, and averted their
  41. Haraka would mean hurry ing just for the sake of hurry ing, reckless, hurry , as in" Not! Haraka" come here! Hurry, hurry . On the contrary to the
  42. And instead married his former pre-war lover Betty Farmer whom he had left in a, hurry ,at the Hotel de la Place in 1938. He and Farmer later had a daughter Suzanne in
  43. On one occasion he wrote Cole:" I cannot tell you, dear Cole, how I, hurry ,on, with all sails set, to holy literature. How I dislike everything that keeps
  44. Of the game, Cowboys linemen Randy White and Harvey Martin forced Morton to, hurry ,his throw, and defensive back Randy Hughes intercepted the rushed pass at the
  45. Cash was short they had counterfeit notes printed; if capital was needed in a, hurry , they sold bogus treasury bonds. They annihilated the competition through
  46. Sees Cherubino's military commission, and notes that the Count was in such a, hurry ,that he forgot to seal it with his signet ring (which was necessary to make it
  47. Mentioned in the song" Rappers We Crush" by Compressor and MC Frontal (" I, hurry ,away, get in my Chrysler. Oh, the dismay! /Someone's replaced all of my
  48. As going from first to home on a single. This helped to make the other side, hurry ,the play in a close game later on. I worked out all the angles I could think of
  49. If only my feet travel the road they’ve started. /But you’re in too much of a, hurry ,: if I live you’ll be more than sorry: /many poems, in fact, are forming in my
  50. But Rocco refuses (Jet, Alter,jet hat BS Mile! " Now, old man, we must, hurry , "),and instead Pizarro orders him to dig a grave in the ruined well in the

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