Examples of the the word, policeman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( policeman ), is the 6749 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A puppet ruler, and anarchy spread until the company stepped into the role of, policeman ,of India. The transition to formal imperialism, characterised by Queen Victoria
  2. Later in that episode during the" Police Constable Pan Am Sketch ",the, policeman ,tells a chemist" one more peep out of you, and I'll do you for heresy ", with
  3. Floor when the shooting occurred, then went downstairs where he encountered a, policeman , Oswald asked for legal representation several times while being interrogated
  4. Black Panther Party" after suffering a beating from" white racists" and a, policeman ,for his efforts to disrupt a George Wallace for President rally in 1968. The
  5. Wales, in 1967,for the Maharishi Yogi's Transcendental Meditation seminar,a, policeman ,did not recognize her and stopped her from boarding. She later recalled how the
  6. Then went to the second-floor for a Coca-Cola, where he encountered a, policeman , During his last interrogation on November 24,according to postal inspector
  7. What never? Well, hardly ever! "," let the punishment fit the crime ", and " A, policeman ,'s lot is not a happy one ". The operas have influenced political style and
  8. Danish financier and industrialist (d. 1901) *1848 – Wyatt Earp, American, policeman , and gunfighter (d. 1929) *1849 – Alfred von Trinity, German World War I
  9. At Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base which left 11 hostages,5 terrorists, and 1 German, policeman ,dead. Genscher's popularity with Israel declined further when he endorsed the
  10. Frontier murderer and outlaw, John Wesley Hardin, is killed by an off-duty, policeman ,in a saloon in El Paso, Texas. *1909 – First automobile race at the
  11. Or proximity, was tested with the case of Mensch v. Coffey. The wife of a, policeman , Mrs Coffey suffered a nervous shock injury from the aftermath of a motor
  12. In exchange for supplying the troops for the Holy Alliance to serve as the, policeman ,of Europe, should be that Europe would leave Russia a free hand in dealing with
  13. Area, including one around the Dunbar. Police uniform is light blue with a, policeman ,cap, and it is common to see policemen with face masks, protecting themselves
  14. In the Israeli sitcom The Pajamas, one of the characters of Kobe are a grotesque, policeman ,named 'Marcel Fuel ', as a reference to Poirot ('Poirot' and 'Fuel' are
  15. Was called out, and " How did you hurt your eye? "; Oswald answered," A, policeman ,hit me. " Police interrogation Oswald was interrogated several times during his
  16. Colonialism as did other imperial powers. The United States as" the world's, policeman ," While the United States does not have a traditional empire in the later form
  17. The Hilton Hotel in Sydney, Australia,killing two refuse collectors and a, policeman , *1979 – An intense windstorm strikes western Washington and sinks a
  18. Nicholas II) suffers a critical head injury during a sword attack by Japanese, policeman ,Sudan San. He is rescued by Prince George of Greece and Denmark. *1894 –
  19. Was sentenced to serve three life sentences. Scale was a former Mississippi, policeman ,and sheriff's deputy. * The 1965 Alabama murder of Viola Lizzy. She was a
  20. Military; the word is often incorrectly used in English to refer to any French, policeman ,which is civilian. Note - the picture titled Gendarmes in fact shows Republican
  21. Between the two sides. During the fighting, two people, one Croat and one Serb, policeman , were killed. Twenty other people were injured and twenty-nine Karina Serb
  22. man's country. " The fossil police The government offered Louis work as a, policeman ,in intelligence, which he could not afford to refuse. He traveled the country
  23. Required judo training from expert Ken Sukiyaki and Jack Allan, a former, policeman , The Cagney's had hoped that an action film would appeal more to audiences, but
  24. Policeman intervened, firing his weapon at the East German border guards. The, policeman ,removed Engels from the vehicle, which had become entangled in the barbed wire.
  25. To travel around with a mean old hound. " This description happens to match the, policeman ,who is pursuing the trio. The four of them come across a radio station owned by
  26. Bomb and resulting police riot left at least a dozen people dead, including one, policeman , A sensational show trial ensued in which eight defendants were openly tried
  27. Head of the NKVD, but chose Beria probably because he was a professional secret, policeman , In September, Beria was appointed head of the Main Administration of State
  28. Domestically by the BBC in 1982,Welles claimed that during opening week,a, policeman ,approached him one night and told him:" Do not go to your hotel room tonight;
  29. Part of the" Holy Alliance. " The Holy Alliance was formed to serve as the ", policeman ,of Europe. " However, to be the policeman of Europe and maintain the Holy
  30. Cookies sandwiched together with dunce de Lethe or a fruit paste. The ", policeman ,'s" or" truck driver's" sweet is cheese with quince paste or dunce de
  31. In the Key of Oscar, Peterson tells how Grand stood up to a gun-toting southern, policeman ,who wanted to stop the trio from using" white-only" taxis. The entire
  32. Slave trade centuries before. The hat that frames the head of the Negro, policeman ,resembles a cage, and represents how constrained the independent perceptions of
  33. Russia in Central Asia. Unchallenged at sea, Britain adopted the role of global, policeman , a state of affairs later known as the Pax Britannica, and a foreign policy of
  34. Elbow" test: Would the defendant have committed the crime even if there were a, policeman ,standing at his elbow? ). The Durham/New Hampshire Test The strict M'Heighten
  35. Trio of films featuring Paul Marco as" Officer Elton ", a whining, reluctant, policeman , The other two films are Plan 9 from Outer Space and Night of the Ghouls. The
  36. Murderers as offering a chance to acquire fame for themselves. The first is a, policeman , Detective Jack Spaghetti (Tom Size more),who seems particularly fascinated
  37. Some time. The more you shoot, the better I will like you, and I assure you no, policeman ,will get into trouble for shooting any man. Attributed to Lt. Col. Smith, June
  38. María Ana Test had caused the fatal injuries that resulted in the death of, policeman ,Nor Argentina Alert at the airport after having shot him with an Ithaca
  39. Wall. He was fired at and seriously wounded by border guards. But a West German, policeman ,intervened, firing his weapon at the East German border guards. The policeman
  40. A large family with little wealth. Poirot’s police years:" Gustave … was not a, policeman , I have dealt with policemen all my life and I know. He could pass as a
  41. State security ", the secret police) or OPO for Volkspolizist (" people's, policeman ,"). East Asian languages whose writing uses Chinese-originated ideograms
  42. Everett protests, stating that they had been pardoned on the radio, but the, policeman ,pursuing them ignores their pleas. The three begin to despair while Everett
  43. Plots—the central figure may be a private eye (The Big Sleep),a plainclothes, policeman ,(The Big Heat),an aging boxer (The Set-Up),a hapless grifter (Night and
  44. Clown adopts an eccentric character of some type, such as a butcher, a baker,a, policeman , a housewife or hobo. Prime examples of this type of clown are the circus
  45. I know. He could pass as a detective to an outsider but not to a man who was a, policeman ,himself. " — Hercules Poirot in" The Erymanthian Boar" ( 1940). As an adult
  46. Alliance was formed to serve as the" policeman of Europe. " However, to be the, policeman ,of Europe and maintain the Holy alliance needed large armies. Prussia, Austria
  47. Favor of states' rights and against the United States acting as the" world's, policeman , " In 1971,Armstrong was awarded the Sylvan us Thayer Award by the United
  48. Where she lives. Generally, therefore,it is arguably much more convincing if a, policeman , private eye, forensic expert or similar professional is made the hero or
  49. From committing an act he knows to be wrong. (This test is also known as the ", policeman ,at the elbow" test: Would the defendant have committed the crime even if there
  50. Directed by Cash Chopra and written by Salim-Javed. A crime film pitting" a, policeman ,against his brother, a gang leader based on real-life smuggler Heidi Mas tan "

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