Examples of the the word, efficacy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( efficacy ), is the 6737 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Believe it is improving. But evidence is poor. Scientific basis and research on, efficacy ,Acupuncture has been the subject of active scientific research both in regard
  2. With needles. ” The website Quack watch criticizes TCM as having unproven, efficacy ,and an unsound scientific basis. Physicist John P. Jackson, Steven Salzburg
  3. May be used in clinical practice, there is little evidence for the relative, efficacy ,or adverse effects of this strategy. Long-term use The therapeutic effects of
  4. Medicine, evidence-based medicine, randomized controlled trials, and, efficacy , tests,and it laid out the following rules and principles for testing the
  5. Also reported that, despite equivocal evidence of a significant difference in, efficacy ,between older and newer antidepressants, clinicians perceive the newer drugs
  6. Future drugs Due to deficits with existing anxiolytic (either in terms of, efficacy ,or side effect profile),research into novel anxiolytic is active. Possible
  7. On AA is therefore susceptible to sampling bias. Study Studies of AA's, efficacy ,have produced inconsistent results. While some studies have suggested an
  8. Review studies Recent clinical reviews include: * A comparison of the relative, efficacy ,of different classes of antidepressants in different settings and in regard to
  9. Including anti-depressants is overlooked and evidence regarding antidepressant, efficacy ,is overstated. These voices critical of the use of anti-depressants are in a
  10. Other notable psychiatrists and authors remain skeptical not only about the, efficacy ,of anti-depressants or their overuse, but also about the very principle of
  11. The potential therapeutic effects of antidepressants, whether through, efficacy ,studies under experimental conditions (including randomized clinical trials)
  12. Antibacterials such as penicillin and erythromycin, which used to have high, efficacy ,against many bacterial species and strains, have become less effective, because
  13. Stopped taking it due to its effects). The authors noted an apparent superior, efficacy ,of olanzapine to the other drugs in terms of reduction in psychopathology and
  14. Were eventually licensed, packaged and prescribed by doctors. Small-scale, efficacy ,trials were carried out in the 1970s and 1980s,and attention grew in the 1990s
  15. Effect of isoniazid on depressed patients. For reasons unrelated to its, efficacy , isoniazid as an antidepressant was soon overshadowed by the more toxic
  16. Omega 3 fatty acids on depression has shown inconsistent results. Therapeutic, efficacy ,There is a large amount of research evaluating the potential therapeutic
  17. 2nd and 3rd centuries The non-canonical Acts of Paul and Sheila speak of the, efficacy ,of prayer for the dead, so that they might be" translated to a state of
  18. While theoretically promising, anti-staphylococcal vaccines have shown limited, efficacy , because of immunological variation between Staphylococcus species, and the
  19. To 6 times higher in such cases. In addition, antidepressant drugs tend to lose, efficacy ,over the course of treatment. A number of strategies are used in clinical
  20. As an" antidepressant" in a clinical trial it is necessary to show superior, efficacy ,to placebo. A review of both published and unpublished trials submitted to the
  21. Souls. The hermit also claimed he had heard the demons complaining of the, efficacy ,of the prayers of the faithful, and especially the monks of Clung, in rescuing
  22. Action, several combination analgesic products have been shown to have little, efficacy ,benefits when compared to similar doses of their individual components. These
  23. Has been postulated as a biasing factor that may explain olanzapine's superior, efficacy ,over the other atypical antipsychotics studied, where doses were more in line
  24. Link between serotonin deficiency and symptoms of depression, noting that the, efficacy ,of SSRIs as treatment does not in itself prove the link. Research indicates
  25. Of chemotherapy and radiotherapy; a wide array of clinical studies support the, efficacy ,of the treatment regimen for the latter purposes. Ernst voiced concerns that
  26. The statistics provided by anti-vaccination activists, he began to question the, efficacy ,of vaccination. At the time, the germ theory of disease was very new and far
  27. Controversy and off-label prescription is a risk, despite claims of superior, efficacy , Opioids were used to treat major depression until the late 1950s. Amphetamines
  28. On such research since 1992; this research has largely not demonstrated the, efficacy ,of alternative treatments. Some skeptics of alternative practices say that a
  29. Trials and other studies from the 1960s to the 1980s established aspirin's, efficacy ,as an anticlotting agent that reduces the risk of clotting diseases. Aspirin
  30. Therapy should be used for psychotic depression. It states that, efficacy ,is generally comparable between classes and within classes and that the initial
  31. Or allergic side effects. British studies also demonstrated significant, efficacy ,of phages against Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter SPP., Pseudomonas SPP and
  32. A wide variety of experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. SS doctors tested the, efficacy ,of X-rays as a sterilization device by administering large doses to female
  33. Been criticized because despite the duration and intensity of studies about the, efficacy ,of alternative medicine, there have been exactly zero effective CAM treatments
  34. Laura),a recently FDA approved once daily antipsychotic with a favorable, efficacy ,and safety profile. Third generation antipsychotics * Aripiprazole (Abilify)
  35. Therapies, drugs,and interventions, it can be difficult to test the, efficacy ,of alternative medicine in clinical trials. In instances where an established
  36. Literature had below 50 % success. Combined, all studies showed 51 %, efficacy ,- only two points better than that of placebo. Types Selective serotonin
  37. Votes randomly and evenly, the strategy will maximize the voter's power or, efficacy , meaning that it will maximize the probability that the voter will make a
  38. Clinical interest. ABC transporter blockers that may be useful to increase the, efficacy ,of current drugs have entered clinical trials and are available to be used in
  39. Tennis elbow, and vascular dementia. Positive results from some studies on the, efficacy ,of acupuncture may be as a result of poorly designed studies or publication
  40. Of clinical trials for menstrual pain, aspirin demonstrated higher, efficacy ,than placebo, but lower than ibuprofen or naproxen, although maximum doses of
  41. 180 times that of the Sun. The lower output in visible light is due to a lower, efficacy ,as the star has a lower surface temperature than the Sun. Arcturus is notable
  42. Is reported to be based, in the absence of research evidence of differences in, efficacy , on seeking to avoid certain side effects, and taking into account comorbid (
  43. And trazodone suppress REM sleep, and it has been proposed that the clinical, efficacy ,of these drugs largely derives from their suppressant effects on REM sleep. The
  44. Atypical (second-generation) antipsychotics were marketed as offering greater, efficacy ,in reducing psychotic symptoms while reducing side effects (and Extrapyramidal
  45. Or rapid relapse. Efficacy There have been many studies of the, efficacy ,of typical antipsychotics, and an increasing number on the more recent atypical
  46. Of trials. Another Cochrane review in 2009,of bipolar disorder, found the, efficacy ,and risk/benefit ratio better for the traditional mood stabilizer lithium than
  47. Without surgical intervention. Bisoprolol can be used alone, but has a lower, efficacy ,rate than combined regimens. In cases of failure of medical abortion, surgical
  48. Experiments by research groups around the world reconfirmed the antimicrobial, efficacy ,of brass, as well as copper and other copper alloys. Extensive structural
  49. Raceways of nylon netting where algae colonies can form, and studied its, efficacy ,for three years. They found that algae can readily be used to reduce the
  50. And alternative medical treatments that have some scientific proof of, efficacy ,; such practices are viewed by advocates as the best examples of complementary

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