Examples of the the word, subdivision , in a Sentence Context

The word ( subdivision ), is the 6740 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And leisure use. Canal Estates (commonly known as bayous) are a form of, subdivision ,popular in cities like Miami, Florida,Texas City, Texas and the Gold Coast
  2. To establish the boundaries of a parcel using its legal description) and, subdivision ,plans (a plot or map based on a survey of a parcel of land, with boundary
  3. Exist today several federal constitutional monarchies. In these countries, each, subdivision , has a distinct government and head of government, but all subdivision s share a
  4. Not yet" Berkeley," but merely the northern part of the" Oakland Township ", subdivision ,of Alameda County. Late 19th century In 1866,Oakland's private College of
  5. Is on the Opalinuston-Formation (Platinum Clay Formation) of the Armenian, subdivision , which is named after Allen. On the Sandberg, the Schnaitberg and the
  6. Of domains descends from right to left; each label to the left specifies a, subdivision , or subdomain of the domain to the right. For example: the label example
  7. The revised proof eliminates these redundancies by relying on a different, subdivision ,of cases. *Finite group theorists have more experience at this sort of exercise
  8. 17 (3),1–11. ) * 1984 Tree ray tracing (Glassier, A. S. (1984). Space, subdivision ,for fast ray tracing. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications 4 (10),15–22. )
  9. Starlink is a variety of BT corn patented by Events Crop Sciences (a, subdivision ,of Events, acquired by Bayer AG in 2002),intended for use in animal feed. U.
  10. Areas where the curve is close to linear. A common adaptive method is recursive, subdivision , in which a curve's control points are checked to see if the curve
  11. On the British battlecruisers such as Tiger. German ships had better internal, subdivision ,and had fewer doors and other weak points in their bulkheads, but with the
  12. French National Assembly, one representing the Leeward Islands administrative, subdivision , the Austral Islands administrative subdivision , the commune (municipality)
  13. Sub-prefectures Chad has been divided since February 2008 in 22 regions. The, subdivision ,of Chad in regions came about in 2003 as part of the decentralization process
  14. E. (1974). http://www.pixartouchbook.com/storage/catmull_thesis.pdf A, subdivision ,algorithm for computer display of curved surfaces. PhD thesis) * 1975 Phone
  15. In RAM UND Wait. Spectrum Akademischer Overlap, München 2004 Central Europe, subdivision ,Sometimes, Central Europe is divided into Western-central and Eastern-Central
  16. Has 5 administrative subdivision s (): * Windward Islands (or officially, subdivision ,administrative DES Miles Du Vent) (the two subdivision s administrative
  17. Urban design. His thoughts on suburban design started in 1900 with a proposed, subdivision ,layout for Charles E. Roberts entitled the" Quadruple Block Plan. " This
  18. Primitive and do not fit into either tribe. Classification and relationship The, subdivision ,of Candidate into" foxes" and" true dogs" may not be in accordance with the
  19. Is a single town with its own local government. However, in some cities it is a, subdivision ,of the city (for example, London,New York City, and Montreal). In such cases
  20. But this list gives an outline of the present structure. Despite the planned, subdivision ,of the country into more numerous provinces, the actual splitting of the former
  21. Phenomena in birds ". American Naturalist 74:249–278 *1941" Borders and, subdivision ,of the Polynesian region as based on our knowledge of the distribution of birds
  22. Other food-related businesses. Further north are North brae, a master-planned, subdivision ,from the early 20th century, and Thousand Oaks. Above these last three
  23. Molar — Replacement parts for Chrysler-built vehicles. ** Molar Performance,a, subdivision ,providing performance aftermarket parts for Chrysler-built vehicles. Brands *
  24. Lot, outlands,waterfront, the verbs locate and relocate, betterment,addition, subdivision ,), types of property (log cabin, adobe ) in the 18th century; frame house
  25. African-American impoverished neighborhood *Grundy Cooper – older middle class, subdivision ,behind the Rapids Parish Coliseum *St. Andrew's Links Estates – a subdivision
  26. Divisions * Canton (country subdivision ),territorial/administrative, subdivision ,in some countries, notably Switzerland * Township (Canada),known as canton
  27. Leeward Islands administrative subdivision , the Austral Islands administrative, subdivision , the commune (municipality) of Mo'orea-Mai'AO, and the westernmost part of
  28. Cuboctahedron. Canton may refer to: Administrative divisions * Canton (country, subdivision ,), territorial/administrative subdivision in some countries, notably
  29. Or slashes (/ or //). For some subjects a numerical geographical, subdivision ,follows the classification letters on the first line. The number 83 stands for
  30. Of its regional GDP in 2009. In 2010,Catalonia ranked the 44th largest country, subdivision ,by GDP (nominal),just behind Quebec (Canada) and ahead Victoria (
  31. Four stages are named and have a GSSP. Because the international stratigraphic, subdivision ,is not yet complete, many local subdivision s are still widely used. In some of
  32. Islands are part of the Society Islands) * Leeward Islands (or officially, subdivision ,administrative DES Miles Sous-le-Vent) (the two subdivision s administrative
  33. Volkssturm unit seems to have corresponded to the next smaller territorial, subdivision ,of the Nazi Party organization—the Eras. The basic unit was a battalion of 642
  34. Connecticut has 169 towns, which serve as the fundamental local political, subdivision ,of the state; the entire state is divided into towns. One, Naugatuck, is a
  35. E. (1974). http://www.pixartouchbook.com/storage/catmull_thesis.pdf A, subdivision ,algorithm for computer display of curved surfaces. PhD thesis, University of
  36. Newtonian (lower/early),Gallic (middle) and Devonian (upper/late). A, subdivision ,in eleven stages, all originating from European stratigraphy, is now used
  37. Drive, and north of Versailles Boulevard and Metro Drive *The Lakes District –, subdivision ,under development that contains small lakes and long walking trails and is
  38. Mountains in Switzerland and France. (See Alpine geography. ) The geologic, subdivision ,is different and makes no difference between the Western and Eastern Alps: the
  39. Land. The first tetrapods appear in the fossil record in the ensuing Armenian, subdivision , the beginning and end of which are marked with extinction events. This lasted
  40. Subdivision behind the Rapids Parish Coliseum *St. Andrew's Links Estates – a, subdivision ,being developed around the golf course Links on the Bayou Western Alexandria
  41. Texture caching, programmable shaders, highend geometry types like hair, subdivision ,or curbs surfaces with tessellation on demand, geometry caching, raytracing with
  42. Energy, development of the industrial and service sector, fisheries,and land, subdivision ,as areas to tackle. The largest company in the islands used to be the Falkland
  43. Kira, Uganda and partly in Kampala, Uganda *Band sub-county, an administrative, subdivision ,of Naming District in Eastern Uganda Music *Band (opera),an offstage
  44. Was called Trinity College until the 1920s,still calls its main undergraduate, subdivision ,Trinity College of Arts and Sciences. Some American universities, such as
  45. Name of the service became" AOL ", and the full name of the Time Warner, subdivision ,became" AOL, LLC ". * On August 2,2006,AOL announced that they would give
  46. Croatia. It drains 76 % The third level of Bosnia and Herzegovina's political, subdivision ,is manifested in cantons. They are unique to the Federation of Bosnia and
  47. Which Applejack network numbers were associated with zone names. A zone was a, subdivision ,of the network that made sense to humans (for example," Accounting Department
  48. Wu region and other parts of Jiangsu. X * Fibrin – ethnic minority in Brazil, subdivision ,of Kayak Indians. * In Uyghurs – Once was the majority of people in Xinjiang
  49. Islands are part of the Society Islands) * Marquesas Islands (or officially, subdivision ,administrative DES (Miles) Marquises) * Austral Islands (or officially
  50. In the Robinson anemometer the axis of rotation is vertical, but with this, subdivision ,the axis of rotation must be parallel to the direction of the wind and

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