Examples of the the word, complementary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( complementary ), is the 6742 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Adjacent angles. *Two angles that sum to one right angle (90°) are called, complementary ,angles. *: The difference between an angle and a right angle is termed the
  2. Mood disturbance and increase quality of life. " Physicians who practice, complementary ,medicine usually discuss and advise patients as to available complementary
  3. Used in a situation where the usage of another is standard). In the case of, complementary ,allophones, each allophone is used in a specific phonetic context and may be
  4. Of efficacy; such practices are viewed by advocates as the best examples of, complementary ,medicine. The combination of orthodox and complementary medicine with an
  5. A simple (i.e. 'broad' ) transcription is used. However, when there are, complementary ,allophones of a phoneme, so that the allophony is significant, things become
  6. By AMD in a slightly modified version of their CS44E process, a 0.25 µm, complementary ,metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) process with six levels of aluminum
  7. When used in conjunction with mainstream techniques, under the umbrella term, complementary ,and alternative medicine, or CAM. Some researchers in alternative medicine
  8. Their Commission E legislation. Alternative medicine is frequently grouped with, complementary ,medicine or integrative medicine, which,in general, refers to the same
  9. Biology and genetics, the linking between two nitrogenous bases on opposite, complementary ,DNA or certain types of RNA strands that are connected via hydrogen bonds are
  10. Australia that" about half the general population in developed countries use, complementary ,and alternative medicine (CAM). " Survey results released in May 2004 by the
  11. Protestant and Catholic strands within the Church of England as contrary but, complementary , both maintaining elements of the true church, but incomplete without the other
  12. Available complementary therapies. Patients often express interest in mind-body, complementary ,therapies because they offer a non-drug approach to treating some health
  13. Of the American Medical Association reported that 42 % of Americans had used, complementary ,and alternative therapies, up from 34 % in 1990. However, despite the growth in
  14. To be called" black ". This provides two superficially opposite but actually, complementary ,descriptions of black. Black is the lack of all colors of light, or an
  15. Regulations or safety standards in place. In Australia, the topic is termed as, complementary ,medicine and the Therapeutic Goods Administration has issued various guidance
  16. Complementary medicine usually discuss and advise patients as to available, complementary ,therapies. Patients often express interest in mind-body complementary therapies
  17. Apollonian and Dionysian. However, the Greeks thought of the two qualities as, complementary ,: the two gods are brothers, and when Apollo at winter left for Hyperbola, he
  18. Is the process where genetic information in DNA is used to produce a, complementary ,RNA strand. This RNA strand is then processed to give messenger RNA (mRNA)
  19. Design and delivery of quality care at the end of life. If the patient desired, complementary ,therapies, and as long as such treatments provided additional support and did
  20. Confusion or make the speaker sound non-native),the allophones are said to be, complementary ,(i.e. the allophones complement each other, and one is not used in a
  21. Use the term CAM, which has become standard. Critics maintain that the terms “, complementary ,” and“ alternative medicine” are deceptive euphemisms meant to give an
  22. Of a class of single-ringed chemical structures called pyrimidines. Purines are, complementary ,only with pyrimidines: pyrimidine-pyrimidine pairings are energetically
  23. Of DNA is then transferred to the recipient cell. 4- Both cells synthesize a, complementary ,strand to produce a double-stranded circular plasmid and also reproduce pile;
  24. License and regulate them. Edward Ernst has said that in Austria and Germany, complementary ,and alternative medicine is mainly in the hands of physicians, In Germany herbs
  25. A video game console that was introduced in 1982 by Atari Inc. as a higher end, complementary ,console for the popular Atari 2600. The 5200 was created to compete with the
  26. Although non-codified statutes also represent a substantial part, playing a, complementary ,role. Court decisions set out interpretive guidelines; however, they are seldom
  27. Numbers of medical colleges have started offering courses in alternative and, complementary ,medicine. A 1998 study reported" There is tremendous heterogeneity and
  28. Remove stress *Annealing (biology),DNA or RNA pairing by hydrogen bonds to a, complementary ,sequence, forming a double-stranded poly nucleotide *Simulated annealing, a
  29. They were considered acceptable. " The non-pharmacologic interventions of, complementary ,medicine can employ mind-body interventions designed to" reduce pain and
  30. Issued various guidance and standards. Australian regulatory guidelines for, complementary ,medicines (AR GCM) demands that the pesticides, fumigants,toxic metals
  31. The acupuncture community. They believe that acupuncture may be considered as a, complementary ,therapy for various conditions. They also believe that definitive conclusions
  32. As the best examples of complementary medicine. The combination of orthodox and, complementary ,medicine with an emphasis on prevention and lifestyle changes is known as
  33. Techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, were once considered, complementary ,medicine, but are now a part of conventional medicine in the United States. "
  34. One of the most widely used classification systems for the branches of, complementary ,and alternative medicine. A 1997 survey found that 13.7 % of respondents in the
  35. And diversity in content, format,and requirements among courses in, complementary ,and alternative medicine at US medical schools ". Common topics included
  36. In 13 countries concluded that about 31 % of cancer patients use some form of, complementary ,and alternative medicine. Alternative medicine varies from country to country.
  37. The thinking process to include exactly four mutually exclusive, opposing, complementary , psychological functions: sensation, intuition,feeling, and thinking. Together
  38. There is no clear and consistent definition for either alternative or, complementary ,medicine. In Western culture it is often defined as any healing practice" that
  39. Between 1986 and 2003,it formally ended funding in 2006. Integrative medicine, complementary ,medicine, fringe medicine Integrative medicine is the combination of the
  40. English language because they cannot distinguish words (in fact, they occur in, complementary ,distribution). English speakers treat them as the same sound, but they are
  41. And to help lessen a patient's discomfort following surgery" as an example of, complementary ,medicine. The terms 'integrative' or 'integrated medicine' indicate
  42. Food. It is now more of a leisure activity linked to the mountain areas and, complementary ,to forestry and the raising of livestock. The Andalusian forests are important
  43. In the 1920s and emphasize that Northern and Southern economies were largely, complementary , Fears of slave revolts and abolitionist propaganda
  44. And Alternative Medicine budget has been on a sharp sustained rise to support, complementary ,medicine. In fact, the whole CAM field has been called by critics the SCAM.
  45. Series of lectures to physicians and medical students. Out of those grew a, complementary ,medical movement, which now includes hundreds of M. D. s, chiefly in Europe and
  46. Up from 34 % in 1990. However, despite the growth in patient demand for, complementary ,medicine, most of the early alternative/ complementary medical centers failed.
  47. Has been a long-term issue for archaeoastronomy. Archaeoastronomy fills, complementary ,niches in landscape archaeology and cognitive archaeology. Material evidence
  48. Historian Richard Abel's sees Alfred's educational and military reforms as, complementary , Restoring religion and learning in Wessex, Abels contends, was to Alfred's
  49. Yoga, osteopathy,chiropractic, naturopathy,and homeopathy. " In defining, complementary ,medicine in the UK, the House of Lords Select Committee determined that the
  50. Thus from disciplinary action, when they prescribe alternative medicine in a, complementary ,manner, if board specific practice requirements are satisfied and the therapies

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