Examples of the the word, prop , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Suits still had some dangers of their own). The life-like animatronic Godzilla, prop ,used in close-up shots is the" Cabot Godzilla. " It was heavily touted in the
  2. Had his assistants dismantle rotten wood from old sets and then create the, prop ,from scratch with this old wood, so the gate would look prop erly ravaged by
  3. Cantor supposed that Thales proved his theorem by means of Euclid book I, prop ,32 after the manner of Euclid book III, prop 31. Tradition has it that Thales
  4. For drawing birds. First, he killed them using fine shot. He then used wires to, prop ,them into a natural position, unlike the common method of many ornithologists
  5. Keep it standing,i.e. by mounting it on a defensive wall or using a portable, prop , A third Greek author, Biton (fl. 2nd c. BC),whose reliability has been
  6. Of the 1950s,in which a moderate, domesticated modernism served as ideological, prop ,to the Cold War. " Late period The continuation of abstract expressionism
  7. In reality, the segment was essentially a carryover from Hodgson's earlier, prop ,comedy performances. The inventions ranged from a karaoke machine that only
  8. If it was the" opposite" ( 6-6 or 1-1,respectively) of the first card,the, prop ,bet paid 500:1. The rules of play against other players Recreational or
  9. More control over the boats' performance. There is no need to change an entire, prop , when there is an opportunity to only change the pitch or the damaged blades.
  10. Be used (such as the scene where Godzilla trips Kong with his tail). The tail, prop ,would be swung off screen by a stagehand. The King Kong suit for this film has
  11. Bombards the home planet of the Charlotte race in order to do his duty and, prop ,up the Terran Empire. These actions affect their characters in different ways
  12. Stop the civil war. The United States and other Western powers used the war to, prop ,up South Korea against Soviet and PRC-backed communist North Korea led by Kim
  13. A middle and an end to them, or they may not. Gags can also refer to the, prop ,stunts/tricks or the stunts that clowns use, such as a squirting flower. Menu
  14. Himself) were Heine Conklin as an elderly studio Guard; and Hank Mann as a, prop ,man. Comedian/actors Chester Conklin; Jimmy Finlay son; Ford Sterling and
  15. Funeral congregation has stepped 40 steps away from the grave. Nair and Menkar, prop ,the deceased soul upright in the grave and ask three questions:" Who is your
  16. The card to be used to settle bets. On one such table, an additional one-roll, prop ,bet was observed. If the card that was turned over was either 1-1 or 6-6,the
  17. Publish the Great Bible in 1539,an English translation that was a formidable, prop ,for his new-found dignity. Response to the reforms was mixed. The reforms
  18. Cut scenes can be seen in the Japanese theatrical trailer. Finally, a separate, prop ,of Godzilla's tail was also built for closeup practical shots when his tail
  19. Theorem by means of Euclid book I, prop 32 after the manner of Euclid book III, prop ,31. Tradition has it that Thales sacrificed an ox to celebrate this theorem.
  20. Hand-bow. The heavy weight and bulk of the gastraphetes may have necessitated a, prop ,to keep it standing,i.e. by mounting it on a defensive wall or using a
  21. In some passages were used to represent a Verna which was used on stage as a, prop , French ballet composers such as Delibes, Gounod,and Massenet made use of the
  22. Full size buses from the 1950s. One of the most unusual buses ever built was a, prop ,for Paramount Productions in 1935 for a movie set. The Montgomery Bus Boycott
  23. To need corrective lenses; before then, his eye-glasses had merely been a stage, prop , He debuted this new, and now much-older, appearance in Love Happy, the Marx
  24. When Todd's grandson attempted to sell Todd's Oscar statuette to a movie, prop ,collector, the Academy won the legal battle by getting a permanent injunction.
  25. But actually built as the P-40 N with V-1710-81 engines. *XP-40Q with a 4-bladed, prop , cut-down rear fuselage and bubble canopy, supercharger,squared-off wingtips
  26. Montenegro was bombed on several occasions, but NATO eventually desisted to, prop ,up the precarious position of its anti-Milošević leader, Đukanović. So-called "
  27. Is leaving her to marry another woman. The telephone proved to be the perfect, prop ,for Cocteau to explore his ideas, feelings,and" algebra" concerning human
  28. Includes their baby, a hungry crocodile, a clown, an officious policeman, and a, prop ,string of sausages. The devil and the generic hangman Jack Ketch may still make
  29. The starting fullback wears jersey number 1. ** The starting loose head, prop ,wears the jersey number 1. ** In the early years of the sport (prior to 1890)
  30. Simulating Godzilla's fire breath. However, the shots in the film where this, prop ,was employed (far away shots of Godzilla breathing his fire during his attack
  31. Display and battery. The IIC even sported a carrying handle that folded down to, prop ,the machine up into a typing position. It was the first of three Apple II
  32. Filming, Hitchcock created and hid various versions of the" Mother corpse ", prop ,in Leigh's dressing room closet. Leigh took the joke well, and she wondered
  33. Being invariably on the side of David. At length, Ish-bosheth lost the main, prop ,of his tottering cause by accusing Abner of sleeping with Rizal (cf. 2 Samuel
  34. Aircraft, including a Cessna Citation 501 jet and a Cessna 414 twin-engine, prop , In 2007, he purchased an Eminent SJ30 long-range private jet, and took delivery
  35. Or riding any number of ridiculous vehicles or" clown bikes ". Individual, prop ,stunts are generally considered to be individual bits. Fear of clowns The term
  36. Prolific silent western film star Tom Mix had gotten him a summer job in the, prop ,department in exchange for football tickets. Wayne soon moved on to bit parts
  37. By July 1991. These aircraft were reinforced in 1992 by a single twin turbo, prop ,Plates/IN BN-2T Maritime Defender for coastal patrol work.! Style="text-align:
  38. A prominent foot that may have been used for both muscle attachment and as a, prop ,for resting the body on the ground. Madsen noted that in about half of the
  39. Reasoning on the part of computers were still science fiction. The HAL 9000, prop , eye lens and HAL point-of-view lens HAL's POV shots were created with a
  40. From the final soundtrack. A small parabolic dish was added to the rear of the, prop ,'s casing to explain why these Dales, unlike the ones in their first serial
  41. Favourite way of ending sketches was to drop a cartoonish" 16-ton weight ", prop ,on one of the characters when the sketch seemed to be losing momentum, or a
  42. With the president's emergency powers called increasingly into use to, prop ,up governments challenged by critical or even hostile Reichstag votes. By 1932
  43. Was left behind when Wood and the crew stole the octopus from a Warner Bros., prop ,warehouse. Plan 9 from Outer Space Wood, in 1956,planned to follow Bride of
  44. Their silhouette to" interact" with the movie as if helping the actors with a, prop ,or the like as part of a joke; in at least one movie, the silhouettes have been
  45. A CBE in 2003,but refused, calling it" a Ruritania charade that helps to, prop ,up our top-heavy monarchy ". In June 2006,he was diagnosed with terminal
  46. Of the slapstick form of comedy. A slapstick (battalion in Italian),is a, prop ,with two flat flexible wooden pieces mounted in parallel so that the two sticks
  47. And a puppet of Kong (used for closeups) were also built. As well, a huge, prop ,of Kong's hand was built for the scene where he grabs MIE Ham (Fujiko) and
  48. Fairchild-Curtis wide-angle lens. This lens is about in diameter, while HAL's, prop ,eye lens is about in diameter. Stanley Kubrick chose to use the large
  49. Models were built that used it prior to the end of World War II. Many, prop ,aircraft today use the XB-25E system. (Number made: 1,converted. ); ZXB-25E;
  50. Mass wafer to be the significant part of the ritual, and the Grail to be a mere, prop , Robert de Boron Though Chrétien’s account is the earliest and most influential

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