Examples of the the word, cough , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cough ), is the 6744 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Under the trademark name Heroin as a non-addictive morphine substitute and, cough ,suppressant. Bayer marketed the drug as a cure for morphine addiction before it
  2. The drug. There are several conflicting views concerning the US availability of, cough ,preparations containing ethyl morphine (also called Dionne or
  3. ACE inhibitors might increase inflammation-related pain. A persistent dry, cough ,is a relatively common adverse effect believed to be associated with the
  4. A highly intelligent 21-year-old woman (Bertha Oppenheim) for a persistent, cough ,which he diagnosed as hysterical. He found that while nursing her dying father
  5. Is used to treat moderate to severe pain and as an antimissile to treat, cough , Pharmacology As a narcotic, hydrocodone relieves pain by binding to opioid
  6. For opioid maintenance, is used where available and approved for such use as a, cough ,syrup for violent cough ing. Some studies have shown narcotic cough suppressants
  7. Dihydrocodeine syrups. The low sales volume and Schedule II status of Diluted, cough ,syrup predictably leads to underutilization of the drug. There are several
  8. Under name Biocide. Prescriptions are more commonly given for use as an, cough ,suppressant (antimissile) rather than for pain relief (analgesic).; Germany
  9. Dextromethorphan. Dextromethorphan (DXM),an active ingredient found in many, cough ,suppressant cold medicines, is commonly used as a recreational drug.
  10. Out in 1887 and also in 1893 which, with an additional outbreak of whooping, cough , led to the death of 31 children under 10. In 1890 a great fall of rock killed
  11. With an NSAID, paracetamol,antihistamine, expectorant,or atropine. The, cough ,preparation Codifier DH is the purest US hydrocodone item, containing
  12. 40,000 out of 150,000 Hawaiians are estimated to have died of measles, whooping, cough , and influenza. Introduced diseases, notably smallpox, nearly wiped out the
  13. Pediatrician and medical researcher who co-developed the pertussis (whooping, cough ,) vaccine and super centenarian. *1901 – Frank Buckles, last surviving American
  14. The X chromosome. Misuse of multi-symptom cold medications, rather than using a, cough ,suppressant whose sole active ingredient is dextromethorphan, carries
  15. Scale of dextromethorphan. Sorbitol, an artificial sweetener found in many, cough ,syrups containing dextromethorphan, can also have negative side effects
  16. During the rest of the song, it is possible to hear the cast dispense, cough ,medicine, then call for a doctor, the arrival of the doctor and his decision
  17. Similar to ugh. * tough: as in cuff; (other examples: rough, enough ) *, cough ,: as in off; (other examples: Golf (name, some pronunciations) ) * hic cough
  18. 1898 to 1910 heroin was marketed as a non-addictive morphine substitute and, cough ,medicine for children. By 1902,sales made up 5 % of the company's profits
  19. Have been observed in the wild. Their roar often resembles a repetitive, cough , and they may also vocalize mews and grunts. Deer, capybara,tapirs, peccaries
  20. As" round-tripping ", whose prefix is derived from the Robitussin brand name of, cough ,medicine, or " Triple Cs" which is derived from the Coinciding brand name of
  21. Use as a cough syrup for violent cough ing. Some studies have shown narcotic, cough ,suppressants to be useful against dry, unproductive cough ing, but others have
  22. Form a line and chant rhythmically,“ Oooooh-yah ”, with a growl and staccato, cough ,along with the thrust and withdrawal of their lower bodies. Girls stand in
  23. These symptoms remain disputed by some authors. Patients who experience this, cough ,are often switched to angiotensin II receptor antagonists. Rash and taste
  24. Of Juárez. Lopez has also been involved in promoting vaccination for whooping, cough , Lopez is working with Sounds of Pertussis and March of Dimes to promote
  25. A marked difference between dextromethorphan hydrobromide, contained in most, cough ,suppressant preparations, and dextromethorphan polities, contained in the
  26. Forty years later the patent was sold to a Leroy, New York-based carpenter and, cough ,syrup manufacturer, Pearle B. Wait. He and his wife May added strawberry
  27. Were married in May 1880,although, as he said, he was" a mere complication of, cough ,and bones, much fitter for an emblem of mortality than a bridegroom. " And the
  28. Has mortality rate of ninety to ninety-five percent. Symptoms include fever, cough , and blood-tinged sputum. As the disease progresses, sputum becomes free
  29. Algeria),acetyldihydrocodeine and others. * Holocrine, a weak opioid, cough ,suppressant with negligible abuse potential which is available over-the-counter
  30. A., in which he would play a general and Bacall a press magnate. His persistent, cough ,and difficulty eating became too serious to ignore, and he dropped the project.
  31. Or sight rhymes refer to similarity in spelling but not in sound, as with, cough , bough, or love, move. These are not rhymes in the strict sense, but often were
  32. 40,000 out of 150,000 Hawaiians are estimated to have died of measles, whooping, cough , and influenza. Introduced diseases, notably smallpox, nearly wiped out the
  33. Illicit morphine is rarely produced from codeine found in over the counter, cough ,and pain medicines. This methylation reaction is often performed using
  34. Illness and death Edward became ill in January 1553 with a fever and, cough ,that gradually worsened. The imperial ambassador, Scheyfve, reported that" he
  35. With an NSAID, paracetamol,antihistamine, expectorant,or atropine. The, cough ,preparation Codifier DH is the purest US hydrocodone item, containing
  36. Stores (without a prescription),in the form of allergy medication and some, cough ,medicines. They are sometimes used in combination with other substances such as
  37. Door. His screen name is" Kraft Singles ". Michael is addicted to Robitussin, cough ,syrup, which contains the dissociative drug dextromethorphan.; Karla: A coder
  38. Presidents, suffering from chronic headaches, abdominal pains, and a hacking, cough , caused by a musket ball in his lung that was never removed, that often brought
  39. Over the counter medication group that can be stimulating in large doses is, cough ,and cold medications that contain agents meant to stimulate blood vessels which
  40. Failure. Adverse effects Common adverse drug reactions include: hypotension, cough , hyperkalemia, headache,dizziness, fatigue,nausea, and renal impairment. Some
  41. Was until recently the active antimissile in more than 200 formulations of, cough ,syrups and tablets sold in the United States. In late 2006,the FDA began
  42. Medicine, or " Triple Cs" which is derived from the Coinciding brand name of, cough ,& cold medicine (since the pills were printed with CCC on them). An online
  43. Guaifenesin, an expectorant commonly accompanying dextromethorphan in, cough ,preparations, can cause unpleasant symptoms including vomiting, nausea,and
  44. More gradual and longer lasting effects reminiscent of time release pills. As a, cough ,suppressant, the polities version lasts up to 12 hours. This duration also
  45. Different ways, six of which are illustrated in the construct, Though the tough, cough ,and hic cough plow him through, which is quoted by Robert A. Heinlein in The
  46. Diarrheal diseases, tuberculosis,most respiratory infections, whooping, cough , many intestinal parasites and cholera were all strongly conditioned by
  47. Possible effects under basic research include anticancer, brain stimulator, cough ,prevent or and antidiarrhoeal activities. An aphrodisiac effect is yet unproven.
  48. Bronchitis and other respiratory irritation responses. The usual symptoms are, cough ,and sputum production, and secondary infections can occur. If there are
  49. Also, many medications may cause minor but bothersome symptoms such as, cough ,or upset stomach. In all of these cases, patients may be seeking out
  50. personnel manager and friend, Brown had been sick and suffering with a noisy, cough ,since he returned from a November trip to Europe. However, Brown remained

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