Examples of the the word, stevens , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stevens ), is the 6743 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Abu Marin (Malaysia),Sahara Ali (Pakistan),Satan Singh (India),Billy, stevens , ( USA),Vijay Sharma (UK) * Assistant Secretary: Robin Mathias (Sri Lanka
  2. C. Mags File: David Dixon Porter. JPG|Adm. David Dixon Porter File:, stevens , thadee. JPG|Rep. Thaddeus Stevens File: SMN Cameron-SecofWar. JPG|Sec. Of
  3. The X-Files, Sliders,Stargate SG-1, " Free willy 3 the rescue" as 1st mate, stevens , His most recent role has been Agent Curtis Manning on 24. His role began at the
  4. IN"> all"/> The growth rate of young sharks is probably around per year. Name ", stevens , et/JJ"> all"/> Human interactions The spear tooth shark is not known to pose a danger
  5. Name" pillars et/IN"> all"/> There is no evidence of segregation by sex. Name ", stevens , et/JJ"> all"/> Description The largest known male and female spear tooth sharks on
  6. Cm at birth. Name "/NP"> company"/> Females reproduce every year. Name ", stevens , and/JJ"> Lyle"/> Maturation occurs at around 110 cm. Name "/JJ"> IUCN"/> Human
  7. Western Australia may also be of this species. Name" dew ha"/> name ", stevens , et/IN"> all"/> In New Guinea, this species has been reported from near Port Reilly

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