Examples of the the word, youngster , in a Sentence Context

The word ( youngster ), is the 7288 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Moved to the Bronx when he was about seven. Greenberg lacked coordination as a, youngster ,and flat feet prevented him from running fast. But he worked diligently to
  2. His family with their spoofing of the Warsaw newspapers and demonstrated the, youngster ,'s literary gift. In 1827 the family moved to lodgings just across the street
  3. A refreshing viewpoint on material that's not exactly new. For it's this, youngster ,'s frank enthusiasms and naive reactions that are made the solvent of all the
  4. The Capitol Hill shows. Her name has the same root of Juno (from ICU-, young, youngster , ) and in fact the ceremonial litter bearing the sacred goose of Juno Monet
  5. And friendly, while Morgan tries to help out the frightened, inexperienced, youngster , but Kent rebuffs his overtures. When Butch is ordered into solitary
  6. Square) and he is often referred to as" Leicester's favorite son ". As a, youngster , he famously worked on his family's stall in Leicester Market. Linker still
  7. And graduated in 1882 with a Bachelor of Science degree at the age of 17. As a, youngster ,Harding had become an accomplished cornet player and played in various bands.
  8. This, it was Keaton's father who began to use the nickname to refer to the, youngster , Keaton retold the anecdote over the years, including during a 1964 interview
  9. Difficult. He was sent to Georgia Military College in Milledgeville as a, youngster , In the 1905/1906 school year, fall semester (September–January),when he was
  10. Even after order had been restored in the theater, the clamorous cries of one, youngster ,drowned out the bass drum that ushered Marley onto the stage as he rose through
  11. Frozen Islands, mothers push their calves onto the beach, waiting to pull the, youngster ,back if needed. People who have interacted closely with killer whales offer
  12. Wizards, on the island of Role. Though he has grown to love the old man,the, youngster ,is drawn irresistibly to a life of doing, rather than being. At the school, Ged
  13. Level. Having left his family at the age of fourteen to join Cannes,the, youngster ,was invited by Cannes director Jean-Claude Linear, to leave the dormitory he
  14. Philosophes, so influential on Gibbon. Within weeks of his conversion,the, youngster ,was removed from Oxford and sent to live under the care and tutelage of Daniel
  15. To join him and McCoy. One was Florence Large, who had received training as a, youngster ,in singing, dancing,and violin, and who also won the talent portion, as McCoy
  16. Are conceived and born. It has a far richer scope and goal of helping the, youngster ,incorporate sex most meaningfully into his present and future life, to provide
  17. As the antithesis of Richmond. 'Mallet' Johnson had moved to Carlton, but, youngster , Charlie Ricketts dominated the season and won plaudits among the pressmen, who
  18. Johnson grew up in Lansing, Michigan,and came to love basketball as a, youngster , idolizing players such as Earl Monroe and Marques Haynes, and practicing" all
  19. Is sponsored by the City of Temple City. Its purpose is to encourage every, youngster ,in the community to belong to one of recognized youth organizations and to
  20. Mother but from his older sister Ludwig (in English," Louise" ). Though the, youngster ,'s skills soon surpassed his teacher's, Chopin later spoke highly of Byway.
  21. Lie was one of the finest ghost stories ever written. While he was still a, youngster , his mother, Sofie Dahl, would relate traditional Norwegian myths and legends
  22. Was dead at the time of Secret Wars II. Thanos' flashback showed Thanos as a, youngster , Beyond! And Annihilation The Be yonder apparently returned to the series named
  23. Of Tennis Professionals (ATP) tournament when, as an almost unknown, youngster , he won the 1998 Next Generation Adelaide International, defeating Andre Agassi
  24. Franco and brought in David de Gea from the youth ranks and signed promising, youngster ,Sergio Sent, from Real Valladolid. Atlético also purchased Real Betis
  25. For the first time,Satie's style emerging in the first compositions of the, youngster , One of Satie's own compositions of that period, the Vexations, was to remain
  26. Multiple purposes (for example, as a draft animal for pulling a plow as a, youngster , and at the end of its useful life as meat). In this case the animals were
  27. Of the coaches are Ossie's friends from his playing days. Playing career As a, youngster , Articles played football in the streets and was given the nickname Piton (
  28. School. He also has a short stint at Vanguard College Preparatory School. As a, youngster ,Ali never had any luck with the ladies and once started crying at the start of
  29. Russell Hayes (1871–1923) - businessman. Born in Cincinnati, he was still a, youngster ,during his father’s presidency. At six, he and his sister played host to other
  30. Build the Great Society. It is a Society where no child will go unfed, and no, youngster ,will go unschooled. " He later formally presented his specific goals for the
  31. Floorwalker in a department store, door-to-door brush salesman, and as a, youngster , an actor in several productions at the Cleveland Play House ". Ellison
  32. Married and settled in Fredericksburg, Virginia,the destination of many of the, youngster ,'s early voyages. For several years John sailed aboard a number of different
  33. Suburb of Painesville, though Ellison moved back to Cleveland in 1949. As a, youngster , he published a series of short stories appearing in the Cleveland News; he
  34. An ensemble that can thrill both the listener who remembers 1938 and the, youngster ,who has never before heard a big band like this ". In 1954,the band made its
  35. Reached the finals of the San Jose and Las Vegas tournaments, losing to British, youngster ,Andy Murray and American James Blake, respectively. But he lost to Tim Herman
  36. And singled out Rooney for special praise, advising the press not to blame the, youngster ,'s dismissal for England's exit. England manager summary Eriksson improved
  37. And those parental psyches that were easily parasitized by just any appealing, youngster ,must always have incurred a selective disadvantage" ( Day & Wilson,1996,p64
  38. On June 14, 1895. He moved with his parents to Brooklyn, New York as a, youngster ,and graduated from the City College of New York in 1915. He received his Ph.D.
  39. Also known as" Little Girl" and" Sis" ( Marian Jordan) - a precocious, youngster ,who usually tried to cadge loose change from Fibber. Ending half her sentences
  40. Bringing their open hand down upon the child's buttocks. Alternatively,the, youngster ,might be told to bend over, or lie face down across a bed. Spankings may be
  41. On a fifty-five acre estate in upstate New York on Canandaigua Lake. As a, youngster , Humphrey's gang of friends at the lake would put on theatricals. Humphrey was
  42. IV and heir to the Seleucid throne. Along with his sister Lao dice VI,the, youngster ,Alexander was" discovered" by Heracles, a former minister of Antioch us IV
  43. His Buddhist background. Biography Baguio was born in Cologne, Veneto. As a, youngster , he always had a keen interest in the sport of football and played for a local
  44. Of San Javier, Argentina,and moved to the capital of Santa Fe Province. As a, youngster , he showed interest in boxing. World Middleweight champion Niño Benvenuti had
  45. Formidable. In the 200 m freestyle he faced the world record holder, Australian, youngster , Ian Thorpe, favourite of the home crowd in Sydney. In the semi-finals, Van den
  46. Is seen in several scenes of action film Illegal Tender, where a Puerto Rican, youngster ,flies to the country from the United States several times. The Nature of the
  47. Midfielder Miracle Panic, Fernando Ago and defender Simon Kjær, as well as, youngster ,Fabio Boring, made the club costed more than 40 million if the loan deal were
  48. Reprised his West End performance as The Artful Dodger, the first British, youngster ,to appear on Broadway since Davy Jones, creating the Equity Exchange Program in
  49. Bringing their open hand down upon the child's buttocks. Alternatively,the, youngster ,might be told to bend over, or lie face down across a bed. Spankings may be
  50. Wilhelm Deffer (1741–1811),who were all unmarried. This trio educated the, youngster , The household, dominated by the uncle (whom Ernst nicknamed O We or" Oh

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