Examples of the the word, vegetarian , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vegetarian ), is the 7289 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Servants and elected councillors, in all city funded schools, and promotion of, vegetarian ,eating options in town (through the distribution of" veggie street maps" ).
  2. Henry Local and Frank Harlan James, on 6 December 2006 in New York City. A, vegetarian ,since the early 1980s,Costello says he was moved to reject meat after seeing
  3. An enzyme complex normally produced from the stomachs of newborn calves (in, vegetarian ,or kosher cheeses, bacterial-, yeast- or mould-derived chosen is used).
  4. Tasting foods. The food that a strict Buddhist takes, even if he/she is not a, vegetarian , is also specific. For many Chinese Buddhists, beef and the consumption of
  5. Active on the issue of refugees' mandatory detention in Australia. Began is a, vegetarian , Began does not attend science fiction conventions, does not sign books, and
  6. To a 2007 report, amaranth compares well in nutrient content with gluten-free, vegetarian ,options such as buckwheat, corn,millet, wild rice, oats and quinoa. Several
  7. Parts of Ancient India were also Buddhist, and many Indians remain, vegetarian , Vegetarian cuisine is known as Haiti (" (Buddhist) vegetarian food" ) in
  8. Irreversible blindness. Despite the cat's meat-oriented physiology, several, vegetarian , or vegan cat foods have been marketed that are supplemented with chemically
  9. Coast's The Great Dalmatia and the drinking game President * The Gilberto,a, vegetarian ,burrito with 100 % Daily Value of 23 vitamins and minerals * There was a line
  10. The curries of Maharashtra vary from mildly spicy to very spicy and include, vegetarian , mutton, chicken and fish. Coastal Maharashtra - Contain - curries use
  11. Dishes are heavily spiced. Kerala is known for its traditional Sad ya,a, vegetarian ,meal served with boiled rice and a host of side-dishes, such as Paris (Green
  12. Star anise, and salt. Karnataka's cuisine The curries of Karnataka are typically, vegetarian ,and with meat and fish around mostly coastal areas. They use a wide variety of
  13. Other food considerations East Asian" Buddhist" cuisine differ from Western, vegetarian ,cuisine in one aspect, that is avoidance of killing plant life. Buddhist Vijaya
  14. He said" I was a cannibal for twenty-five years. For the rest I have been a, vegetarian , " As a staunch vegetarian , he was a firm anti-vivisectionist and antagonistic
  15. Of Black Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Chuck is a, vegetarian , TV appearances * Narrated and appeared on-camera for the 2005 PBS documentary
  16. For anywhere up to weeks or months). Many Buddhist restaurants also serve, vegetarian , vegan, non-alcoholic,and/or WU Hun dishes. Some Buddhists eat vegetarian only
  17. Bar dot Foundation for the Welfare and Protection of Animals. She became a, vegetarian ,and raised three million francs to fund the foundation by auctioning off
  18. Are essential accompaniments and are often served with rice. Traditionally, vegetarian ,foods dominate the menu with a range of non- vegetarian dishes including
  19. They can mimic various kinds of meat quite closely. Some of these Buddhist, vegetarian ,chefs are in the many monasteries which serve WU Hun and mock-meat (also known
  20. Stopping drinking in 1975. As stated to TMZ in October 2010,Hopkins is a, vegetarian , In 2008,he embarked on a weight loss program, and by 2010,he had lost 80
  21. Is located in a Brown-owned house on Brown Street. All three houses also run a, vegetarian ,food co-op for residents and non-residents. Secret societies
  22. Filed against the chain for mislabeling French fries and hash browns as, vegetarian , because their French fries and hash browns were found to contain beef extract
  23. Sincere monarch. It is said to be fierce as a tiger, but gentle and strictly, vegetarian , and described in some books as a white tiger with black spots. Puzzled about
  24. Areas also feature Chinese bakeries, boba milk tea shops, roasted meat, vegetarian ,cuisine, and specialized dessert shops. Chop sea is not widely available in
  25. Calling themselves a" consolidate family ", they agreed to follow a strict, vegetarian ,diet and to till the land without the use of animal labor. They also banned
  26. Asian cuisine which is followed by some believers of Buddhism. It is primarily, vegetarian , in order to keep with the general Buddhist precept of AHIMA (non-violence).
  27. Remain vegetarian . Vegetarian cuisine is known as Haiti (" (Buddhist), vegetarian , food ") in China, Hong Kong, Malaysia,Singapore and Taiwan; to Clay in
  28. It difficult to present a full list of representative dishes. For example,the, vegetarian ,dish" Charioting Bourbaki" ( oven baked slices of potatoes with zucchini
  29. Using beef extract and a chicken variety using chicken extract, although the, vegetarian ,formula is still sold in some countries, such as Australia and Hong Kong. In
  30. Gen 9:2 If the passage in Isaiah is interpreted literally, a return to the, vegetarian ,diet of Eden seems to be a natural conclusion. Cf Gen 1:29-30 Micah expresses
  31. Background Teacher cuisine is particularly well known for its seafood and, vegetarian ,dishes and is commonly regarded as being healthy. Its use of flavoring is much
  32. Contraband drugs to be addictive. Common sources for Buddhist foods Buddhist, vegetarian ,chefs have become extremely creative in imitating meat using prepared wheat
  33. Stars. Chicago features a wide selection of vegetarian cuisine, with 22 fully, vegetarian ,restaurants and many vegetarian -friendly establishments within the city.
  34. Are deficient in the essential amino acid lysine. That is why a multitude of, vegetarian ,cultures, in order to get a balanced diet, combine their diet of grains with
  35. For their Anita and were otherwise well cared for. Their high-energy, vegetarian ,diet combined barley, boiled beans, oatmeal,ash (believed to help fortify the
  36. Schweitzer Sartre was the mother of Jean-Paul Sartre. Schweitzer was a, vegetarian , The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship was founded in 1940 by Dr. Schweitzer to
  37. With Aline and L2O receiving three stars. Chicago features a wide selection of, vegetarian ,cuisine, with 22 fully vegetarian restaurants and many vegetarian -friendly
  38. A lifelong devotee, being associated with it until his death. Harrison was a, vegetarian ,from 1968 until his death. While during his lifetime, Harrison bequeathed to
  39. Bamboo diet. Panda researcher Russell Cochin observed that:“ much like the, vegetarian ,gorilla, the low body surface area to body volume of the giant panda is
  40. From Delirium mansion. Agar (agar-agar) can be used as a laxative,a, vegetarian ,gelatin substitute, a thickener for soups, in jellies, ice cream and other
  41. Revueltas are popular filled with beans, cheese and pork. There are also, vegetarian ,options. Some adventurous restaurants even offer popular stuffed with shrimp or
  42. Uganda ', is derived from the Celtic word 'Uganda' which means confluence. With, vegetarian ,food being promoted in public canteens for civil servants and elected
  43. Vegetarian, vegan,non-alcoholic, and/or WU Hun dishes. Some Buddhists eat, vegetarian ,only once per week or month, or on special occasions such as annual visits to
  44. This type of customer, as well as full-time vegetarian s, the menu of a Buddhist, vegetarian ,restaurant usually shows no difference from a typical Chinese or far-Eastern
  45. Animals are links in a chain where humans are a link too. Empedocles urged a, vegetarian ,lifestyle, since the bodies of animals are the dwelling places of punished
  46. Holy scriptures # Kiran - Singing of Salads (hymns). # Hangar - A communal, vegetarian ,meal also call free kitchen is an important feature of the Sikh way of life
  47. Sanitation, good personal hygiene and diets devoid of meat. Shaw became a, vegetarian ,while he was twenty-five, after hearing a lecture by H. F. Lester. In 1901
  48. Expected to follow this vow until it is humanly impossible to continue one's, vegetarian ,diet. Acceptance of authenticity of the Pale Surreys differ within Mahayana
  49. Of others (mostly Jews),the remaining village, Amirim, became the first, vegetarian ,village in Israel, and remains such today. Being strict vegetarian s, they
  50. To nirvana or enlightenment. However, if one undertakes a vow to be a Buddhist, vegetarian , one is expected to follow this vow until it is humanly impossible to continue

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