Examples of the the word, valuation , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Contains" B "; and so forth. If GO* is truth-like there is a" GO*-Canonical ", valuation ,of the language: one that makes every sentence in GO* true and everything
  2. Still do not accept, was the call from a few government delegates for a common, valuation ,based on the highest number for willingness to pay. Michael Grubs, a lead
  3. Getting back" the ring from the field is sometimes possible; see discrete, valuation ,ring. Another method to obtain a field from a commutative ring R is taking the
  4. Income stream selected and the associated cost of capital model determine the, valuation ,result obtained with each method. This is one reason these valuation methods
  5. A complex subject: more detail is beyond the scope of this article. For these, valuation ,purposes, a number of different DCF methods are distinguished today, some of
  6. Other uses of census The word census, besides the conventional meaning of ", valuation ," of a person's estate, has other meaning in Rome; it could refer to: *the
  7. Career through the 2010 World Cup. However, Milan failed to match Galaxy's, valuation ,of Beckham, in the US$10–15 million range. Still, negotiations continued during
  8. And liquidations. Managers employing such a strategy capitalize on, valuation ,inconsistencies in the market before or after such events, and take a position
  9. Methods are used to incorporate credit risk in the probability model of CDS, valuation , Opera (2011) reviews the selection of a discount rate suitable for the
  10. Hike, trading on the Icelandic króna finally resumed on the open market, with, valuation , at around 250 ISK per Euro, less than one-third the value of the 1:70 exchange
  11. Include # a project plan that identifies work to be accomplished, # a, valuation ,of planned work, called Planned Value (PV) or Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
  12. In 1525,and in his will it was assessed at 505 lire, an exceptionally high, valuation ,for a small panel portrait. In 1506,Leonardo took on another pupil, Count
  13. Capital asset pricing model, Fed model Theory of Equity Valuation, Market-based, valuation , and Behavioral finance. Fundamental analysis includes: #Economic analysis
  14. And statistical methodology to understand behavioral biases in conjunction with, valuation , Some of this endeavor has been led by Kunduz Vaginal (Professor of
  15. Some modern writers whether the censors possessed the power of setting a higher, valuation ,on the property than the citizens themselves gave, but when we recollect the
  16. Since money was first lent at interest in ancient times. As a method of asset, valuation ,it has often been opposed to accounting book value, which is based on the
  17. By G. So any semantic valuation making all of G true makes A true. But any, valuation ,making A true makes" A or B" true, by the defined semantics for" or ". So
  18. On the definition Many authors use other terms such as" degree function ",", valuation ,function "," gauge function" or" norm function ", in place of" Euclidean
  19. Of trade (or balance of payments) are often associated with an inappropriate, valuation ,of its currency – that is, its country's foreign exchange rate. If a country
  20. Cash) and risk levels (to determine the discount rate) are used in various, valuation ,models. The foremost is the discounted cash flow model, which calculates the
  21. That is clearly undervalued or overvalued, when it is seen that the wrong, valuation ,is about to be corrected by events. The standard example is the stock of a
  22. F (x) = \sum_in v_i (x),where \script style v_I is the discrete, valuation ,corresponding to the ideal Pi. (Samuel 1971) Properties Let R be a domain and
  23. Market crash of 1929,discounted cash flow analysis gained popularity as a, valuation ,method for stocks. Irving Fisher in his 1930 book" The Theory of Interest "
  24. Act on January 30, 1934. The value reported here is based on a statutory, valuation ,of $42 2/9 per fine troy ounce. As of March 2009,the market value of that gold
  25. Of the Board of Assessors serve three-year terms and annually make a fair cash, valuation ,of all property within the town. The three elected members of the Board of
  26. A is provable from G, we assume. So it is also implied by G. So any semantic, valuation ,making all of G true makes A true. But any valuation making A true makes" A or
  27. Portfolio theory (the CAP),and to the Black Sc holes theory for option, valuation ,; it further studies phenomena and models where these assumptions do not hold
  28. The valuation result obtained with each method. This is one reason these, valuation ,methods are formally referred to as the Discounted Future Economic Income
  29. For algebraic geometry based on contemporary commutative algebra, including, valuation , theory and the theory of ideals. In the 1950s and 1960s Jean-Pierre Serve and
  30. Delegates and IPCC experts. Governments were unhappy with the cost-benefit, valuation ,of human life, and this was implied in the SPM. David Pearce, the IPCC
  31. Not publicly traded, no market price is available to validate the theoretical, valuation , And most of the model's results are input-dependant (meaning the final price
  32. Capital budgeting is devoted to this question, and may employ standard business, valuation ,techniques or even extend to real options valuation ; see Financial modeling.
  33. Two nonzero power series P and Q, f (P)of (Q) IFF P divides Q. *Any discrete, valuation ,ring. Define f (x) to be the highest power of the maximal ideal M containing
  34. Its FY 2007 residential property tax rate,$7.48 per $1000 of assessed, valuation , is one of the lowest in Massachusetts. Cambridge enjoys the highest possible
  35. By Joan Jet and the Black hearts * Commodity fetishism, a Marxist concept of, valuation ,in capitalist markets * Growth Fetish, the pursuit of economic growth in
  36. Forecasts. There are several possible objectives: * to conduct a company stock, valuation ,and predict its probable price evolution, * to evaluate its management and make
  37. A true makes" A or B" true, by the defined semantics for" or ". So any, valuation ,which makes all of G true makes" A or B" true. So" A or B" is implied. )
  38. In the objective cost tradition of Alfred Marshall from those in the subjective, valuation ,tradition of the Austrian School. The school originated in Vienna, in the
  39. On a field F is called an absolute value (also a modulus, magnitude,value, or, valuation , ) if it satisfies the following four axioms:: Where 0 denotes the additive
  40. Buying and selling strategy using only the stock. A simplified version of this, valuation ,technique is the binomial options model. OTC represents the biggest challenge
  41. Future surpluses of a life insurance company * Enterprise value, a term used in, valuation ,of companies and investments * Equivalent variation, or extortionate variation
  42. Tools AG, one of the most extreme symptoms of the bubble in Europe: market, valuation ,of CHF 2.5 billion in March 2000,no prospects of having a substantial product
  43. Papacy; and the third shows him in sharp contest. However, Wycliffe reached no, valuation ,of the papacy before the outbreak of the schism different from his later
  44. Of the underlying asset is often crucial. A key equation for the theoretical, valuation ,of options is the Black–Sc holes formula, which is based on the assumption that
  45. Employ standard business valuation techniques or even extend to real options, valuation ,; see Financial modeling. The second," the financing decision" relates to how
  46. Census equestrian, the estate of an ques). *the tax which depended upon the, valuation ,in the census. The Lexicons will supply examples of these meanings. Regimen
  47. 2013 average annual payments have been estimated at £533MM. The next triennial, valuation ,is scheduled for December 2011. BT has made it clear that it has an ambitious
  48. Models are powerful, but they do have shortcomings. DCF is merely a mechanical, valuation ,tool, which makes it subject to the principle" garbage in, garbage out ".
  49. Trustees valued the scheme at £36.7 billion at the end of 2010; An actuarial, valuation ,valued the deficit of the scheme at £9.043 billion as of 31 December 2008.
  50. Accounts and the economic prospects of a firm * Fundamental analysis – a stock, valuation ,method that uses financial analysis * Technical analysis – the study of price

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