Examples of the the word, scatter , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Particles which scatter off electrons, from dark matter particles which, scatter ,off nuclei. Other experiments include SIMPLE and PICASSO. The DATA/Nazi
  2. Root up Israel out of this good land, which he gave to their fathers, and shall, scatter ,them beyond the river" ) might have been composed retroactively, after the
  3. Began to combine to form atoms, a process known as recombination. Since photons, scatter ,infrequently from neutral atoms, radiation decoupled from matter when nearly
  4. Open wire, and submarine cable *international: 100 % digital; tropospheric, scatter ,; 8 submarine cables; satellite earth stations - 2 Intelsat (1 Atlantic Ocean
  5. Detector techniques are capable of distinguishing background particles which, scatter ,off electrons, from dark matter particles which scatter off nuclei. Other
  6. Associated with grain boundaries in poly crystals and hence does not, scatter ,light in the same manner as a poly crystalline material. The surface of a glass
  7. Of the objects' distances with their redshifts. Though there was considerable, scatter ,(now known to be due to peculiar velocities),Hubble was able to plot a trend
  8. Strongly off heavy atoms, while neutrons are sensitive to nucleus positions and, scatter ,strongly off many light isotopes, including hydrogen and deuterium. Electron
  9. When the Compton Effect established that light carries momentum and can, scatter ,off particles, and when Louis de Broglie asserted that matter can be seen as
  10. Book V. Afterwards, Hera sent a gadfly to bite the cattle, irritate them and, scatter ,them. Hera then sent a flood which raised the water level of a river so much
  11. An airplane with flat panels, called facets, which were arranged to, scatter ,over 99 % of a radar's signal energy" painting" the aircraft. The first
  12. Caches of food. These two kinds of behavior are called larder hoarding and, scatter ,hoarding. Larder hoarders usually live in their nests until spring. Cheek
  13. For this crime and to solidify his position as emperor, Alexios had to, scatter ,money so lavishly as to empty his treasury, and to allow such license to the
  14. Cheaper. *Staining – uses heavy metals such as lead, uranium or tungsten to, scatter ,imaging electrons and thus give contrast between different structures, since
  15. Emulsions tend to have a cloudy appearance because the many phase interfaces, scatter ,light as it passes through the emulsion. Emulsions appear white when all light
  16. Of 25 per 100 persons domestic: cable, microwave radio relay, and tropospheric, scatter ,international: country code - 237; landing point for the SAT-3/WAS fiber-optic
  17. Data sources are the worldwide network of monotones, the powerful incoherent, scatter ,radars (Jamaica, Arecibo,Millstone Hill, Malvern, St. Satin),the ISIS
  18. Scattering amplitude is still constant. The particles created by the field phi, scatter ,in all directions with equal amplitude. The nonrelativistic potential which
  19. The need to operate the beam in the vacuum and the tendency of the electrons to, scatter ,in solids. The last problem limits the resolution to about 10 nm. For this
  20. Last element to be produced before collapse of a supernova leads to events that, scatter ,the precursor radionuclides of iron into space. Like other Group 8 elements
  21. He explains that humanity is now free from the domination of oracles, free to, scatter ,throughout the universe, never again to face complete domination. After
  22. Rough surfaces) have their color determined by which wavelengths of light they, scatter ,more and which they scatter less (with the light that is not scatter ed being
  23. By Rayleigh scatter ing of the sunlight from the atmosphere, which tends to, scatter ,blue light more than red light. Daylight has a spectrum similar to that of a
  24. Sondra Stamford, Millstone Hill, Arecibo,and Jamaica radars, coherent, scatter , radars such as the Super Dual Aurora Radar Network (Superman) radars, and
  25. Scattering" The term derives from the verb διασπείρω (diapered)," I, scatter ,"," I spread about" It subsequently came to be used to refer to the
  26. Ionosphere, bouncing radio waves of different frequencies from it, incoherent, scatter , radars such as the EIS CAT, Sondre Stamford, Millstone Hill, Arecibo,and
  27. Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean),1 Arab sat, and 1 Invariant; tropospheric, scatter ,to Sudan; microwave radio relay to Israel; a participant in Medarabtel; Radio
  28. Of the material of the universe was broken into hydrogen ions. The CMB photons, scatter ,off free charges such as electrons that are not bound in atoms. In an ionized
  29. Color determined by which wavelengths of light they scatter more and which they, scatter ,less (with the light that is not scatter ed being absorbed). If objects
  30. Has been observed. Wimps passing through the Sun or Earth are likely to, scatter ,off atoms and lose energy. This way a large population of Wimps may accumulate
  31. Reflectivity is important clues for the meteorologist as well. The three body, scatter ,spike is an example. This is the result of energy from the radar hitting hail
  32. Less (with the light that is not scatter ed being absorbed). If objects, scatter ,all wavelengths, they appear white. If they absorb all wavelengths, they appear
  33. Microscopic physical structures, which act like prisms to reflect and, scatter ,light to produce a color that is different from the skin, such as the
  34. Sunyaev-Zel'dovish effect: The hot electrons in the intracluster medium, scatter ,radiation from the cosmic microwave background through inverse Compton
  35. Must be homogeneous in the interaction volume # The absorbing medium must not, scatter ,the radiation - no turbidity; # The incident radiation must consist of parallel
  36. Can happen in several ways. When a group of incoming particles are to, scatter ,off each other, the process can be thought of as one where the particles travel
  37. Well as to ignite the percussion cap. Shot shell reloading is sometimes done for, scatter ,shot loads, consisting of multiple wads separating groups of shot, which are
  38. Faint illumination. Much as in a sunset, the atmosphere tends to more strongly, scatter ,light with shorter wavelengths, so the illumination of the Moon by refracted
  39. Largely have to be viewed in vacuum, as the molecules that make up air would, scatter ,the electrons. One exception is the environmental scanning electron microscope
  40. Would be vulnerable and likely to be quickly knocked out. The capability to, scatter ,Harrier squadrons to dozens of small" alert pads" on the front lines was
  41. Through fog, details of the object appear fuzzy. ) # The physics of how photons, scatter ,off from free electrons (Thomson scatter ing) induces polarization
  42. Viewed as complementary, as x-rays are sensitive to electron positions and, scatter ,most strongly off heavy atoms, while neutrons are sensitive to nucleus
  43. May be transparent, but their facets (grain boundaries) reflect or, scatter ,light resulting in diffuse reflection. Glass does not contain the internal
  44. Distribution of incoming radiation. Exceptions are Lambertson surfaces, which, scatter , radiation in all directions according to a cosine function, so their albedo
  45. Effectively making it a university town. Over a hundred university buildings, scatter ,around town, most of them in an area covering more than 1 km², stretching
  46. To be slightly offensive. Notably, the question arose over the phrase ", scatter ,her enemies. " Some thought it placed better emphasis on the respective power
  47. To France and Italy; microwave radio relay to Tunisia and Egypt; tropospheric, scatter ,to Greece; participant in Medarabtel (1999) Radio broadcast stations: AM 16
  48. Done or read In any place for me when I am dead, But burn my body into ash, and, scatter , The ash in secret into running water, Or on the windy down, and let none see;
  49. In 1996 domestic: microwave radio relay, coaxial cable, cellular,tropospheric, scatter , and a domestic satellite system with 14 earth stations international:
  50. White regions are visible due to their high density of free electrons which, scatter ,the light from the photosphere towards the observer. Protons and other ionized

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