Examples of the the word, intact , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intact ), is the 5904 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The 2008 UEFA Champions League Final. His goal scoring record, however,is still, intact ,by a comfortable margin. His last game was against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge
  2. A number of towns and cities such as Arapaho, Guzana and Harlan remained, intact , and Assure and Area were not completely destroyed, as is attested by their
  3. Would mean that these promises were not kept. The same would be true if an, intact ,apostolic succession should completely abandon the teachings of the apostles
  4. And" Way Down Mexico Way ". Early episodes with the controversial content, intact ,are rare, and are traded on homemade video recordings made from the original
  5. Law forbidding the drinking of blood or eating meat with the blood still, intact ,instead of being poured off. Mythic references to blood can sometimes be
  6. Over the island, but local control over religion and culture generally remained, intact , Dutch rule over Bali came later and was never as well established as in other
  7. A large-scale brain network involved in social and emotional processing, with, intact , connectivity of the task-positive network, used in sustained attention and
  8. Dismantled for parts in Roswell, New Mexico, and their nose sections removed, intact ,for collector or film use. Of these four aircraft, the cockpit of N301AA,the
  9. During the reign of Henry VIII, the church was demolished, leaving the graves, intact , The royal graves and many others were probably rediscovered by chance in 1788
  10. Remnants, leaving what was left of the German army and their dependents, intact ,on the other side of the Rhine. The Gauls were ambivalent in their policies
  11. Side can be determined. At the end of the hand each player returns his hand, intact , to the correct slot in the bridge board in which it is transported to other
  12. Six runs that inning. Young, on the other hand, managed to keep his shutout, intact ,before finally giving up a pair of runs in the bottom of the eighth. He went
  13. If the adhesive is tougher than the adherent. In this case the adhesive remains, intact ,and is still bonded to one substrate and remnants of the other. For example
  14. Edited for television is usually released on DVD" uncut ", with all scenes, intact , The Internet has played a significant role in the exposure of anime beyond
  15. Developed as true extensions of ASCII, leaving the original character-mapping, intact , but adding additional character definitions after the first 128 (i.e.,7-bit
  16. Writings, only his commentary on Aristotle's De Interpretation survives, intact , A commentary on Porphyry's Synagogue may also be his, but it is somewhat
  17. And lack of electronic homing aids at the recovery bases. Only one landed, intact ,; it came down in the Soviet Union, where its five-man crew was interned and the
  18. Died of their injuries, and destroyed the nave, leaving only the altar cross, intact , The remaining walls had to be knocked down due to the great damage.
  19. The Parts and Heptastadium quarters, however,remained populous and were left, intact , In 619,Alexandria fell to the Sassanian Persians. Although the Byzantine
  20. BC),it is one of the oldest arch bridges still in existence and use. Several, intact ,arched stone bridges from the Hellenistic era can be found in the Peloponnese
  21. On a trajectory past the moon and into heliocentric orbit, making it the sole, intact ,lunar module ascent stage remaining out of the 10 true LMs sent into space.
  22. But appears to make sense to them. Speech is fluent and effortless with, intact ,syntax and grammar, but the patient has problems with the selection of nouns.
  23. Proteins that can perform such a function. Interestingly, viruses can remain, intact ,from apoptosis particularly in the latter stages of infection. They can be
  24. Structures during the 1960s,1970s and 1980s,most of the center remained, intact ,long enough to become recognized as architecturally unique, and from the 1990s
  25. Colts joined the AFC. The two AFL divisions (East and West) were more or less, intact , while the NFL's Century Division became the AFC Central. Since the merger
  26. Are then cut to accommodate the stocks. In the case of bags made from largely, intact ,animal skins the stocks are typically tied into the points where limbs and the
  27. And streets cape of the Old West Side neighborhood have been preserved virtually, intact ,; in 1972,the district was listed on the National Register of Historic Places
  28. Defender of sagacity and virtue so that her masculine warrior status was still, intact , (She may be found on some family crests of nobility. ) During the Renaissance
  29. But is generally confident that the work has come down to us relatively, intact , As the influence of the Falstaff grew in the West, in part due to Gerard of
  30. Would require a low pass filter with cutoff frequency of at least W to stay, intact , and the physical pass band channel would require a pass band filter of at least
  31. To the town and plundered its churches and homes leaving Abergavenny Castle, intact , Market Street has been referred to as Traitors' Lane thereafter. In 1404
  32. For both the England team and Manchester United, with both records remaining, intact ,some 35 years after the end of his playing career. He was knighted in 1994. Sir
  33. Because, in addition to its non-procreative nature, it leaves the hymen, intact , Among sexually active heterosexuals, the concept of" technical virginity "
  34. Taiwan, Australia,Brazil, and the Czech Republic with all the show's music, intact ,since 2005. In the UK, Ireland and Spain all seasons are available in a
  35. D. C., and " preserve the Union ", which,in his view, still existed, intact ,despite the actions of the seceding states. This call forced the states to
  36. Such as fencing) with a coating of zinc metal. As long as the zinc remains, intact , the iron is protected from the effects of corrosion. Inevitably, the zinc
  37. That exist along the eastern Pacific Rim allow the moisture to remain, intact , In the case of the Hamza, the porous and permeable sedimentary rocks behave as
  38. As an induced abortion. The Stomacher Institute estimated there were 2,200, intact , dilation and extraction procedures in the U. S. during 2000; this accounts for
  39. Early 2010 no plans had been announced as to its future use. The bridge remains, intact , but unused and without any means of access. Air Bordeaux is served by an
  40. Typically have a 40 % germination rate, while dried seeds and/or seeds with an, intact ,primary have yet lower germination rates. In addition, the seed germination
  41. Of a foreign cartoon that managed to keep the spirit of the original series, intact , * Asterix & Obelix: On Her Majesty's Service,2012,live-action, based upon
  42. Pending proper reassembly of its parts, all of which survive practically, intact , A total of 2,675 tons of architectural members were restored, with 686 stones
  43. And then withdrew to Dunkirk with great professionalism, returning to Britain, intact ,with minimal casualties. During Operation Dynamo — the evacuation of 330,000
  44. Use in the United States. * 1843 – Tripoli Gardens, one of the oldest still, intact ,amusement parks in the world, opens in Copenhagen, Denmark. *1863 – The
  45. Physical pass band channel would require a pass band filter of at least B to stay, intact , In signal processing and control theory the bandwidth is the frequency at
  46. Are situated, where a number of tombs have been found, many of which are, intact , Two small sanctuaries, with terracotta votive offerings of Graeco-Phoenician
  47. Enacted July 6,1798,and providing no sunset provision, the act remains, intact ,today as. At the time, war was considered likely between the U. S. and France.
  48. And Rescue Team members Carlton Jackhammer and Brian Morality came across an ", intact ,seat from the plane's cockpit ", while paramedics and firefighters located the
  49. Buffalo, most of which are still standing. They include: The country's largest, intact ,parks system designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Aux, including
  50. Philosophy. Antoninus made few initial changes when he became emperor, leaving, intact , as far as possible the arrangements instituted by Hadrian. There are no records

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