Examples of the the word, positively , in a Sentence Context

The word ( positively ), is the 5900 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Some of them are: Atom An atom is the basic unit of chemistry. It consists of a, positively ,charged core (the atomic nucleus) which contains protons and neutrons, and
  2. Such as base on balls, hit by pitch, sacrifice or catcher's interference which, positively ,affect the offensive team. Other uses In common terminology, the term" at bat
  3. Research verifying that expressions of affection, although commonly evaluated, positively , can be considered negative if they pose implied threats to one's well-being.
  4. Cross the plasma membrane or transduce to effect a response. These signals may, positively ,(i.e., trigger ) or negatively (i.e., repress,inhibit, or dampen) affect
  5. Particle with the opposite electrical charge. Thus, the positron is a, positively ,charged antielectron and the antiproton is a negatively charged equivalent of a
  6. Accordingly, in it nothing can be assumed as existing except what is either, positively ,given empirically, or demonstrated through indubitable conclusions. Also note:
  7. Church are not in conflict. The Catechism of the Catholic Church comments, positively ,on the theory of evolution, which is neither precluded nor required by the
  8. Unconnected with the doctrine of Basil ides While it would be rash to assert, positively ,that no existing gems were the work of Gnostic's, there is no valid reason for
  9. The Bohr model, introduced by Niels Bohr in 1913,depicts the atom as a small, positively ,charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around
  10. Electrons flow out towards the external part of the circuit. Internally the, positively ,charged cations are flowing away from the anode (even though it is negative
  11. Data collector (SDC) or" Black Box" was not recovered, and the cause was not, positively ,determined. The aircraft had recently returned from Ellsworth AFB from a
  12. Or negative charge if there are more electrons (electron excess). A, positively ,or negatively charged atom is known as an ion. An atom is classified according
  13. Of a diffuse cloud of negatively charged electrons surrounding a small, dense, positively , charged nucleus. Given this experimental data, Rutherford naturally considered
  14. Opposite electric charge. For example, the antiparticle of the electron is the, positively ,charged antielectron, or positron, which is produced naturally in certain types
  15. Series, reacts with the negatively charged sulfate (SO42-). The, positively ,charged hydrogen ions (protons) capture electrons from the copper, forming
  16. Legislative changes tend to be large, jarring and disruptive (sometimes, positively , sometimes negatively, and sometimes with unintended consequences). One
  17. Anode In electronic vacuum devices such as a cathode ray tube, the anode is the, positively ,charged electron collector. In a tube, the anode is a charged positive plate
  18. Force, the negatively charged electrons orbiting the nucleus and the, positively ,charged protons in the nucleus attract each other. Also, an electron positioned
  19. Of the fall of Assyria. " And this is not just a warning or speaking, positively ,of the destruction of Nineveh, it is also a positive encouragement and "
  20. Serotonin, and histamine. Pronated amino groups (-NH3+) are the most common, positively ,charged moieties in proteins, specifically in the amino acid s, which
  21. Pair resides. Electrons in an s orbital benefit from closer proximity to the, positively ,charged atom nucleus, and are therefore lower in energy. Treatment of terminal
  22. S wildly fluctuating weight from scene to scene. Some critics talked more, positively ,of the film, with Variety calling it" an elegant looking, period romantic
  23. And terrorists. Conversely, throughout the developing world, the AK-47 can be, positively ,attributed with revolutionaries or" freedom fighters" against foreign
  24. Close to the bright primary star. The resulting margin of error is too large to, positively ,establish (or exclude) a physical relationship between the two stars. So far
  25. Static cling' to more rapidly dissipate. Toxicity Being relatively heavy and, positively ,charged, alpha particles tend to have a very short mean free path, and quickly
  26. 21 years. The government newspaper New Light of Myanmar reported the release, positively , saying she had been granted a pardon after serving her sentence" in good
  27. The phytoplankton reacts negatively, while the thermophilic zooplankton reacts, positively ,to the increase in temperature. The two may be living in the same environment
  28. Radical idea which Augustine introduced is the idea of teachers responding, positively ,to the questions they may receive from their students, no matter if the student
  29. Came in later years to regard himself as having wavered earlier as to just how, positively ,real the modalities are. In his 1897" The Logic of Relatives" he wrote:
  30. Nuclei, instead of just their own. This overcomes the repulsion between the two, positively ,charged nuclei of the two atoms, and so this overwhelming attraction holds the
  31. Bombarded by radiation from outer space. This radiation primarily consists of, positively ,charged ions from protons to iron and larger nuclei derived sources outside our
  32. And the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a, positively ,outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is
  33. Numerous opportunities to arrest bin Laden. Those opportunities were met, positively ,by Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, but spurned when Susan Rice and
  34. Beats into bhangra, because it enabled" Asian youth to affirm their identities, positively ," within the broader environment of alternative rock as an alternative way of
  35. A cloud of negatively charged electrons. The atomic nucleus contains a mix of, positively ,charged protons and electrically neutral neutrons (except in the case of
  36. From the observation that scores on all forms of cognitive tests correlate, positively ,with one another. Jensen claimed, on the basis of his research, that general
  37. Fact, before Goldman, heterosexual anarchist Robert Rather (1849–1898) spoke, positively ,of homosexuality from the beginning of the 1890s in his Detroit-based German
  38. All were rejected by the syndicates. United Feature Syndicate finally responded, positively ,to one strip, which featured a side character (the main character's little
  39. Is obtained by roasting limestone in a lime kiln. A carbonate salt forms when a, positively ,charged ion’M+, attaches to the negatively charged oxygen atoms of the ion
  40. Negatively charged anions move towards the anode (hence their name) and/or, positively ,charged cations move away from it. In fact anode polarity depends on the device
  41. H2CO3 +2 H2O HCO3− + H3O+ + H2O CO32− +2 H3O+ A bicarbonate salt forms when a, positively ,charged ion attaches to the negatively charged oxygen atoms of the ion, forming
  42. Black holes to make a bridge between two patches. If one end of a wormhole was, positively ,charged, the other end would be negatively charged. These properties led
  43. Thinner tortillas made for use with mu SHU. Mu SHU purists do not always react, positively ,to this trend. In addition, many restaurants serving more native-style Chinese
  44. Implied threats to one's well-being. Furthermore, affectionate behavior in, positively ,valence relationships may be associated with numerous health benefits. Other
  45. Old Assyrian Period Of the early history of the kingdom of Assyria, little is, positively ,known. The Assyrian King List mentions rulers going back to the 23rd and 22nd
  46. Haunting waltz-time, far more accessible than is sometimes the case. The score, positively ,throbs with love, regret and desire. " But of the specific production, the
  47. Of their support for the Liberals in the House of Representatives – an attitude, positively ,fostered, not unsurprisingly, by Democrat politicians and campaigners. Cheryl
  48. University, England. Cataloged as Cambridge Manuscript 286,it has been, positively ,dated to sixth century Italy and this bound book, the St Augustine Gospels, is
  49. In summary, covalent bonding involves sharing of electrons in which the, positively ,charged nuclei of two or more atoms simultaneously attract the negatively
  50. Vegetation. In terrestrial biomes, species diversity tends to correlate, positively ,with net primary productivity, moisture availability, and temperature.

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