Examples of the the word, credible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( credible ), is the 5917 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. One appearing on thousands of books, magazines,and Websites as a, credible ,eyewitness description—is in fact based on a science fiction film. ” Bradford
  2. Initiative with paramilitaries, citing concerns over the possible lack of a, credible ,and comprehensive peace strategy and its application, but it did approve 2
  3. These former members and has argued that their testimony is unreliable and less, credible ,than that of current members. Some TDI members have argued that
  4. Noted, though,that opposition parties and candidates have been able to mount, credible ,campaigns and proper polling procedures have been generally followed. Elections
  5. Superman film series, who was praised for making the disguise's effectiveness, credible ,to audiences, portrayed Clark Kent as massively clumsy, paranoid,and, of
  6. It was because of" poor communications ". Scale replied that the claim was not, credible ,and shouted that he thought it was a" stinking double cross ". He went on to
  7. In March 2000,Independent Counsel Robert Ray determined that there was no, credible ,evidence of any crime. Ray's report further stated," there was no substantial
  8. A servicemember's orientation without witnessing disallowed behaviors, though, credible , evidence of homosexual behavior could be used to initiate an investigation.
  9. 1988 was recognized by a resolution in Congress. The thesis is not considered, credible , Stanford University historian Jack N. Above stated that" The voluminous
  10. Report was submitted to the House providing what it termed" substantial and, credible ,information that President Clinton Committed Acts that May Constitute Grounds
  11. Then Source A may be a hypocrite, but this does not make the statement less, credible ,from a logical perspective. Indeed, Source A may be in a position to provide
  12. BY, which is not prohibited by the BWC. A nation or group that can pose a, credible ,threat of mass casualty has the ability to alter the terms on which other
  13. Exaggerated the odds, and suggests that" the most extreme imbalance which is, credible ,is fifteen thousand French troops against 8,100 English: a ratio of about
  14. A valid line of descent for various medieval rulers. One of the most, credible ,claims has been that of the khans of Bulgaria (see Nominal of the Bulgarian
  15. Of Britpop in the mid-90s – bands like Oasis, Blur and Pulp were popular and, credible ,at the time and the station's popularity rose with them. Documentaries like
  16. Agreed that" the Union must have the capacity for autonomous action, backed by, credible ,military forces, the means to decide to use them, and the readiness to do so
  17. That could be considered, many of them based on mere speculation, but the most, credible ,or factual reason is quite simple .... convenience .... Valderrama needed to
  18. Leaders use the bureaucracy to further their own self-interest. The lack of, credible ,governance was compounded by the fact that most colonies were economic
  19. As a" mad dash" around the Historian world within timeframes too rapid to be, credible , *Dale Ripple chronology — The Dark storm Conan Chronology (2003) was a
  20. Works chronologically, and are treated by many Western scholars as the main, credible ,source for information regarding the actual historical teachings of Gautama
  21. One of five of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, says that, credible ,evidence exists supporting allegations about the use of Diego Garcia as a
  22. Testimony presented by defense attributing the absence to censorship was not, credible , In its ruling, the court wrote that for any theory to qualify as scientific
  23. Few remaining masses (the story of his having composed two hundreds is hardly, credible ,) and church music in general are comparatively unimportant, except the great
  24. Or hearsay evidence. In combing the literature he could not find a single, credible ,eyewitness account. And, as he points out, the hallmark of ethnography is the
  25. Claiming it to be" seriously flawed and failing to meet basic standards of, credible ,scientific analysis ", accusing Lomborg of presenting data in a fraudulent way
  26. Of a battle first appeared in the French press as early as 7 August, although, credible , reports did not arrive until 26 August, and even these claimed that Nelson was
  27. And Antonelli were forced to sell their stakes in the franchise. For a time, no, credible , offers surfaced from Denver interests, and it looked like the franchise would
  28. Eventually these were gathered into the DEC PRISM project, which delivered a, credible ,32-bit design with some unique features allowing it to serve as the basis of a
  29. Extracted from existing music, either live or pre-recorded. In order to achieve, credible ,improvisation in particular style, machine improvisation uses machine learning
  30. Designed in 1955. The project was begun in 1955 to ensure that there was a, credible ,replacement for the V Bomber planes which would become obsolete by 1965. The
  31. Have been the same as Mycenaean Doris. The Dorian's of upland Doris A number of, credible ,etymologies by noted scholars have been proposed. Julius Poorly derives Dorian
  32. As the story of Icarus, and Jams hid in Persian myth, and later, somewhat more, credible ,claims of short-distance human flights appear, such as the flying automaton of
  33. During cross-examination if doubt is cast on the witness. In other times a, credible ,witness affirms the belief in their original statements or in some cases
  34. Believing that this preserved her youth. In Elizabeth Miller's opinion, no, credible , evidence of blood-drinking or other blood crimes in the Battery case has ever
  35. Force studies suggested that the existing B-52 fleet with ALCM would remain a, credible ,threat until 1985,as it was predicted that 75 % of the B-52 force would
  36. Some claim Shelton was actually a friend of Cervantes, although there is no, credible ,evidence to support this claim. Although Shelton's version is cherished by
  37. Payload, and that its takeoff performance allowed it to operate with a, credible ,bomb load from a much wider variety of airfields. The Air Force spread
  38. By the V bomber force. It soon became clear that if Britain wanted to have a, credible ,threat, a ballistic missile was essential. There was a political need for an
  39. Of governors. It is argued that an independent central bank can run a more, credible ,monetary policy, making market expectations more responsive to signals from the
  40. And that the majority of Brand's reasons for firing Knight were not, credible , However, Knight has said he didn't think he was set up. The following day
  41. And CNN reported by the end of that week that despite 1,300 responses, no, credible , evidence had been offered; as of 2006,the offer remains unclaimed. * April
  42. Of any crime. Ray's report further stated," there was no substantial and, credible ,evidence that any senior White House official was involved" in seeking the
  43. American citizens during periods of disturbance and in general giving, credible ,presence to U. S. consulates and residences in various Chinese cities. In the
  44. Leaders in June 1995 in an effort to help the opposition unite and to provide a, credible ,alternative to the present government in Khartoum. Eritrea resumed diplomatic
  45. Slowly faded away. Modern variants of the Batavian founding myth are made more, credible ,by pointing out that the Batavian were only part of the ancestry of the Dutch
  46. Browns owner Randy Lerner announced that he wished to bring in a" serious, credible ,leader" to steer the team in the right direction. After much public
  47. Sudan offered to hand Bin Latin over to the U. S. The Commission has found no, credible ,evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the
  48. Victim of a Soviet plot, but Camus biographer Olivier Todd did not consider it, credible , Camus was buried in the Lorain Cemetery, Lourmarin, Vaucluse, France. He
  49. As The Solo Manuscripts (1849) and Baroda (1862),are not considered, credible ,by contemporary scholars. Williams claimed to have collected ancient knowledge
  50. Nazi and weapons expert, admits that it would be" an effective deterrent ..., credible ,and convincing. " However, a recent study by an American think tank had

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