Examples of the the word, disciplinary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( disciplinary ), is the 5912 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Include the corporate security policy, password policy, hiring policies, and, disciplinary , policies. Administrative controls form the basis for the selection and
  2. Permit video evidence during matches, although it is permitted for subsequent, disciplinary ,sanctions. The 1970 meeting of the International Football Association Board "
  3. And collect their published material for possible later use in church, disciplinary ,proceedings. The existence of this committee was first publicized by an
  4. For the Advancement of Science have advocated for inter disciplinary rather than, disciplinary ,approaches to problem-solving in the 21st Century. This has been echoed by
  5. Have some coherence, but which cannot be adequately understood from a single, disciplinary ,perspective (for example,women's studies or medieval studies). More rarely
  6. Things, in his Stomata. He wrote that the punishments of God are" saving and, disciplinary , leading to conversion. " Other works Besides the great trilogy, the only
  7. The Bible. Consequently, Kant received a stern education strict, punitive,and, disciplinary ,that preferred Latin and religious instruction over mathematics and science.
  8. The common room for social intercourse, the chapter-house for religious and, disciplinary ,conference. These essential elements of monastic life are ranged about a
  9. Bribes and 15 brought before the criminal courts. In 2005 alone the judicial, disciplinary ,council reviewed cases against 99 judges, about 40 % of the judiciary, and 12
  10. Lacked sufficient adult supervision. As a result, the older children acting as, disciplinary ,monitors tended to become brutal task masters. Also, the schools did not teach
  11. Renamed to avoid talking about guilt and instead to focus on repentance. In the, disciplinary ,council, the stake presidency and Stake High Council preside. Up to six of the
  12. Law, establishing control mechanisms for overseeing the bureaucracy and, disciplinary ,committees for the Communist Party of China. However, many have argued that the
  13. May not succeed if its members remain stuck in their disciplines (and in, disciplinary ,attitudes). On the other hand, and from the disciplinary perspective, much
  14. Exhibited renewed vigor and indeed this occasionally served to introduce, disciplinary ,problems. " The promise of a cure for tuberculosis in the Sea View Hospital
  15. Is felt to have been neglected or even misrepresented in the traditional, disciplinary ,structure of research institutions, for example,women's studies or ethnic
  16. At Chalcedony that the emperor, through the Imperial delegates, enforced harsh, disciplinary ,measures against Pope Discords in response to his boldness. The Council of
  17. Disciplines (and in disciplinary attitudes). On the other hand, and from the, disciplinary ,perspective, much inter disciplinary work may be seen as" soft," lacking in
  18. Cyril as well. Canons The work of the council was completed by a series of 27, disciplinary , canons: # States that all canons of previous councils shall remain in force;
  19. Also increases motivation, directs individual study, and reduces boredom and, disciplinary ,problems. To support inexpensive continuing adult education a community needs a
  20. Of priority between them. Canons consist of doctrinal statements and, disciplinary ,measures — most Church councils and local synods dealt with immediate
  21. Of several local wards. Excommunications occur only after a formal" church, disciplinary ,council. " Formerly called a" church court," the councils were renamed to
  22. Appearance in the 1921 World Series also led to a problem and triggered another, disciplinary ,action. After the series, Ruth played in a barnstorming tour. A rule then in
  23. Of responsibility. If caretakers are properly encouraging and consistently, disciplinary , children are more likely to develop positive self-esteem while becoming more
  24. Governing their behavior, and they suffer strict internal consequences (, disciplinary ,action) if they flout local laws. In many nations a professional diplomat's
  25. Measures — most Church councils and local synods dealt with immediate, disciplinary ,concerns as well as major difficulties of doctrine. Eastern Orthodoxy typically
  26. 4th century. The first, an orthodox plenary synod, was held in 314,and its 25, disciplinary , canons constitute one of the most important documents in the early history of
  27. Reformed theologian argues that excommunication is not the final step in the, disciplinary ,process. Jay E. Adams argues that in excommunication, the offender is still
  28. Conduct or failure to practice medicine in an acceptable manner, and thus from, disciplinary ,action, when they prescribe alternative medicine in a complementary manner, if
  29. They were officially recognized by the king only in their doctrinal parts. The, disciplinary ,sections received official recognition at provincial synods and were enforced
  30. Of what the Buddha is believed to have taught, and also over some, disciplinary ,rules for monks. According to tradition, the Buddha emphasized ethics and
  31. Team may easily fall into this category. Through the punishment system of, disciplinary ,coercion, each individual member is typically forced into altruistic behavior
  32. Is far more powerful than his Lords counterpart, the Lord Speaker, who has no, disciplinary ,powers. Customarily, the Speaker and the deputies are non-partisan; they do not
  33. On the refutations. Most councils dealt not only with doctrinal but also with, disciplinary ,matters, which were decided in canons (" laws" ). In some cases other
  34. Johnson and" the Loyal Five" clubs. Finally, Ruth was considered a serious, disciplinary ,problem, a reputation he amply confirmed while playing for the Yankees. Free
  35. The astronomizes of other cultures. As such, it can be seen as connecting other, disciplinary ,approaches for investigating ancient astronomy: astro-archaeology (an obsolete
  36. Proceedings, or via fine, censure,suspension, or other punishments from the, disciplinary ,boards. To be disbarred is considered a great embarrassment and shame, even if
  37. Concept of the Trinity. Seven canons, four of these doctrinal canons and three, disciplinary ,canons, are attributed to the Council and accepted by both the Eastern Orthodox
  38. Of Jesus, the second person of the Holy Trinity. The council also issued 27, disciplinary , canons governing church administration and authority. In the famous 28th canon
  39. The teacher is the center of the classroom, so they should be rigid and, disciplinary , Establishing order in the classroom is crucial for student learning; effective
  40. Alike, is the lack of synthesis—that is, students are provided with multiple, disciplinary ,perspectives, but are not given effective guidance in resolving the conflicts
  41. How everyday activities might provide the basis for resistance to contemporary, disciplinary ,practices. Critical psychology today There are a few international journals
  42. Canons as dogmatic and applicable to the entire church at all times, while the, disciplinary ,canons apply to a particular time and place and may or may not be applicable in
  43. Of positive goals. More generally, unspecific coercion may be the form taken by, disciplinary ,coercion, and this appears to be in fact the case within the most effective
  44. Of decisions of so-called semi-public bodies, such as non-profit corporations, disciplinary ,boards, and other decision-making bodies that affect the legal rights of
  45. Vitalism and the Birth of organic Chemistry. Wöhler's Urea Synthesis and the, disciplinary ,Identity of organic Chemistry. In: Ambit 47 (1967) 170-215. * Johannes Ray:
  46. Was established in 1974. Biogeography and ecology share many of their, disciplinary ,roots. For example, the theory of island biogeography, published by the
  47. The Cold War gave rise to a number of intellectually competitive approaches to, disciplinary ,knowledge, such as BSCS biology PSSC physics, led by university professors such
  48. Fully to inter disciplinary work. Other barriers include the generally, disciplinary ,orientation of most scholarly journals, leading to the perception, if not the
  49. And Australia are responsible for protecting the public, standards of practice, disciplinary ,issues, quality assurance and maintenance of competency. There are an estimated
  50. Officers lacked. She is reputed to have commented after he was threatened with, disciplinary ,action following the straining of his ship's engines," What? Court-martial my

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