Examples of the the word, chapel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chapel ), is the 5901 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Until 1716. Wasseralfingen at first was a chapel -of-ease of Ho fen, but had a, chapel , St. Stephen, which was built presumably in 1353 and extended in 1832. In 1834
  2. Grey friars),the latter of which surviving in modified form as the, chapel ,of Marshal College as late as the early twentieth Century. St Machar's
  3. The decision to bury him beneath the Arc de Triomphe. The coffin was put in the, chapel ,on the first floor of the Arc on 10 November 1920,and put in its final resting
  4. Of the early pharaohs, whose cemetery, for which it forms a great funerary, chapel , lies behind it. The long list of the pharaohs of the principal
  5. The entrance was by a strong gateway to the north. Close to the entrance was a, chapel , where is now the church of St Olaf, in which the newcomers paid their
  6. Of the Corner family inhabit in opera boxes along the two side walls of the, chapel , The setting places the viewer as a spectator in front of the statue with the
  7. Over time, the expression" a cappella" ( Italian for" in the manner of the, chapel ,") came to mean exclusively vocal music in contradistinction to the spreading
  8. Was born after their move to Harts head. In 1815,Patrick was made curate of a, chapel ,in the little village of Thornton, near Bradford; a second daughter, Elizabeth
  9. Day... Sermon ended, as the minister was giving us the holy sacrament,the, chapel ,was surrounded with soldiers, and all the communicants and assembly surprised
  10. However, has a better view from the front. They attach their name to the, chapel , but St. Theresa is the focus. It is a private chapel in the sense that no one
  11. As Kappellmeister he conducted the music and musical school connected with the, chapel ,until shortly before his death, being official retired from the post in 1824.
  12. Gothic style. It is divided in three parts: the observatory and library,the, chapel ,and the living part. Nowadays, the castle still belongs to the Academy of
  13. Italian for" in the manner of the church" or" in the manner of the, chapel ,") music is specifically solo or group singing without instrumental sound, or
  14. Village located in the district of Abersychan. It contains a post office,a, chapel , several houses and a small play park. The village has a cricket team (Entry
  15. Destroyed during the English Reformation, but the bones were reburied in the, chapel , In 1831 the bones were dug up and then reburied in a new tomb, which is still
  16. Of bust portraits in high demand among the powerful. Bernini's Corner, chapel ,: the complete work of art A good example of Bernini's Baroque work is his St.
  17. By the usual buildings,i.e. refectory, dormitory,etc., and a church or, chapel ,on one side, placed back to back. A detached building belonging to each
  18. The rooms containing the Queen's Gallery are on the site of the former, chapel , which was damaged by one of the seven bombs to fall on the palace during World
  19. East of the village closed some years ago. A mile from Collector there was a, chapel ,of St Luke (from the 13th to the early 16th century): the font is now at the
  20. Dead pharaoh in the underworld. PPI I (sixth dynasty) constructed a funerary, chapel ,which evolved over the years into the Great Temple of Osiris, the ruins of
  21. Kapellmeister from 1788 to 1824,he was responsible for music at the court, chapel ,and attached school. Even as his works dropped from performance, and he wrote
  22. Displayed behind glass under a side altar in the Church of Saint Ignatius,the, chapel ,of the Roman College, next to the body of his student, St. Elysium Gonzalo, as
  23. Was looted in 1541,but the contents were probably re-interred in the Galilee, chapel ,at the cathedral. The section in question is the only one in that work that is
  24. Remnants of one of the tetra pylon are preserved in the 19th century Franciscan, chapel ,at the junction of the Via Dolorosa and Sub Khan Eliza. As was standard for
  25. Attach their name to the chapel , but St. Theresa is the focus. It is a private, chapel ,in the sense that no one could say mass on the altar beneath the statue (in
  26. And synagogues have repeatedly been defaced with anti-Semitic graffiti, and a, chapel ,at another Jewish burial site in Malmö was firebombed in 2009. In 2009 the
  27. To Punt, an elegant mortuary temple, a colossal pair of obelisks and a, chapel ,at Barney. Despite her achievements,Hatshepsut's nephew-stepson Tutsis III
  28. Most serious and publicized of which resulted in the destruction of the palace, chapel ,in 1940. Coverage of this event was played in cinemas all over the UK to show
  29. And Queen Elizabeth were in residence, and many windows were blown in and the, chapel ,destroyed. Wartime coverage of such incidents was severely restricted, however
  30. These structures. The building during the eighteenth dynasty began with a large, chapel ,of Those I. Then Thutmose III built a far larger temple, about 130 × 200 ft (
  31. Serbian botanist (d. 1888) *1816 – Thomas Hazlehurst, English Methodist, chapel ,builder (d. 1876) *1820 – Alexander Joy Cartwright, Inventor of the Modern
  32. S depiction is earnest. The Corner family promotes itself discreetly in this, chapel ,; they are represented visually, but are placed on the sides of the chapel
  33. That includes a depiction of Columbus. The painting was commissioned for a, chapel ,in Seville's Casa de Contratación (House of Trade) and remains there to this
  34. Swimming pool, a music room, two dining rooms and various meeting rooms. A, chapel ,and heliport are in adjacent buildings. Palacios do Plan alto The Palacios do
  35. Prohibitionist Sam Small. Students and faculty recite it four days a week at, chapel ,services. I believe in the inspiration of the Bible (both the Old and the New
  36. This chapel ; they are represented visually, but are placed on the sides of the, chapel , witnessing the event from balconies. As in an opera house, the Corner have a
  37. The rebuilt section of the Pentagon includes a small indoor memorial and, chapel ,at the point of impact. An outdoor memorial, designed by Julie Beckman and
  38. Of the church, for the Corner family. Saint Theresa, the focal point of the, chapel , is a soft white marble statue surrounded by a poly chromatic marble
  39. In 1909,descendants of Columbus undertook to dismantle the Columbus family, chapel ,in Spain and move it to Hapsburg near State College, Pennsylvania,where it
  40. Transferred the relics of Saint Uvula from Morsel to the Saint Gaugericus, chapel , Charles would construct the first permanent fortification in the city, doing
  41. Family traditionally congregate to greet crowds outside. However, the palace, chapel ,was destroyed by a German bomb in World War II; the Queen's Gallery was built
  42. Of the court such as the Lord Chamberlain. Since the bombing of the palace, chapel ,in World War II, royal christenings have sometimes taken place in the Music
  43. Reasoned and masterful simplicity. " As his teaching and work with the imperial, chapel ,continued, his duties required the composition of many sacred
  44. 2,2000,George W. Bush, as candidate for President, spoke during school's, chapel ,hour. Bush gave a standard stump speech making no specific reference to the
  45. Of the church of Santa Maria Della Victoria, Rome. Bernini designed the entire, chapel , a subsidiary space along the side of the church, for the Corner family. Saint
  46. That was to become Brussels lies in Saint Gaugericus' construction of a, chapel ,on an island in the river Sense around 580. Saint Vindicates, the bishop of
  47. In the 12th century. Monuments and ruins Rough tor was the site of a medieval, chapel ,of St Michael and is now designated as a memorial to the 43rd Wessex Division
  48. Where it may now be visited by the public. At the museum associated with the, chapel , there are a number of Columbus relics worthy of note, including the armchair
  49. To be shelled to set it on fire, resulting in the destruction of all but the, chapel , Du Plat's brigade of the King's German Legion was brought forward to defend
  50. Work of Baroque art is Bernini's Saint Theresa in Ecstasy for the Corner, chapel ,in Saint Maria Della Victoria, which brings together architecture, sculpture

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