Examples of the the word, oblige , in a Sentence Context

The word ( oblige ), is the 5913 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And deductive logic. A belief in, say,dragons, however sincere, does not, oblige ,reality to contain any dragons. For anything that cannot be directly observed
  2. Standup comedy—or, indeed,in any aspect of the entertainment industry—should, oblige ,him to serve as a role model. In this position, he finds himself directly at
  3. Figures on village level. It has been reported that even politicians need to, oblige ,them. One becomes such a figure by holding a number of lavish feasts (each
  4. The second, he always will be. And, in the end, people got it. " Richardson did, oblige ,in reading the poem at Mantle's funeral, something he described as being
  5. President Roosevelt's Soviet policy of" giving" to Stalin assuming noblesse, oblige , with Roosevelt telling Mikołajczyk before the visit," Don't worry. Stalin
  6. Any parental figures in the immediate environment who are interested enough to, oblige , The pattern is shown to be similar to that in the non-alcoholic game "
  7. However, NATO sources claim that this was due to operating procedures, which, oblige , troops,in this case aircraft, to engage any and all targets, however unlikely
  8. The United Kingdom and Germany, basing the country on the concept of" noblesse, oblige ,". Samurai were not to be a political force under the new order. With the Meiji
  9. Sense in social policy, placing a high value on the principles of noblesse, oblige , communitarianism, and One Nation Conservatism—and were thus seen as moderate (
  10. The guerrillas as a" belligerent force ", arguing that this would then, oblige ,them to renounce kidnappings and terror acts, and respect the Geneva
  11. Opportunities for exploiting customers, which their duty to shareholders should, oblige ,them to take if they are companies, and their duty to members should oblige
  12. First enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige ,it to control itself. " Madison was the best-prepared delegate to come to the
  13. To her closest relative (Harmon),in an inverted marriage rite, which would, oblige ,Harmon to produce a son and heir for his dead father-in-law. Creon would be
  14. The suggestion of Wells's editor, William Ernest Henley, who wanted Wells to ", oblige ,your editor" by lengthening the text with, among other things, an illustration
  15. It true? "; asked rhetorically after a statement, as in" Right? "; noblesse, oblige ,:" nobility oblige s "; those granted a higher station in life have a duty to
  16. Intervention in the marketplace, and their policies were marked by noblesse, oblige , a paternalistic responsibility of the elites for the less well-off. From 1942
  17. In the Philippines, the Philippine National Police has rules in arresting that, oblige ,the officer to give the Miranda Warnings. The following Tagalog phrases are
  18. Communist boyfriend, Jan. Throughout the evening, Jan and Mary talk to Bigger, oblige ,him to take them to the diner where his friends are, invite him to sit at their
  19. Right to condemn certain opinions as heretical, it did not have the right to, oblige ,one to believe that these opinions were actually contained in Cornelius Jansen
  20. A conversation and request to go to Confession and which Father Tim would, oblige ,him right in the office. During his stay at Green Bay, Lombardi once emerged
  21. Should be involved throughout the decision-making process. Scope The Treaties, oblige ,the European Commission and Council to consult the Committee of the Regions
  22. To all. These bodies were legally established but had no authority to, oblige ,governments to adopt their recommendations. The most important deliberation
  23. Office holder. *2009 a petition failed to garner sufficient signatures to, oblige ,an election for recall of Eddie Price III, mayor of Mandeville, Louisiana.
  24. Events By place Roman Republic * The uprisings in Rome's Hispanic provinces, oblige ,the year's consuls to take office earlier than the traditional date of 15
  25. By unwritten constitutional emergency law; also in principle some treaty might, oblige ,the judge to impose the death penalty. However, in fact the Netherlands have
  26. At St George's Chapel. To conduct a civil marriage at Windsor Castle would, oblige ,the venue to obtain a license for civil marriages, which it did not have. A
  27. Act),that Shastri's cause of death be made public, the PMO refused to, oblige , citing that this could lead to harming of foreign relations, cause disruption
  28. Future Conditions of Poland's accession to the European Union (in May 2004), oblige , the country to eventually adopt the euro, though not at any specific date and
  29. Him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, noblesse, oblige , he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy
  30. Oblige them to take if they are companies, and their duty to members should, oblige ,them not to take if they are mutual. The mortgage and deposit markets are
  31. Him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, noblesse, oblige , he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy
  32. FBI Assistant Director Sullivan,'Hoover would actually been only too glad to, oblige ,'. Whether Nixon would actually have gone as far as to frame Hiss,"
  33. 41.2 the state is required to ensure that" economic necessity" does not, oblige ,a mother" to engage in labor to the neglect of her duties in the home ".
  34. Rhineland and Austria. Threatens war unless given Czechoslovakia. Appeasers, oblige , Hitler invades Poland. Curtain rises on the tragedy of the century—World War
  35. Lamented the passing of a pastoral world where the ethos of noblesse, oblige ,had promoted respect from the lower classes. They saw the Anglican Church and
  36. Queen translated Simone de Beauvoir's Tousles homes sent mortals. *Destiny, oblige , 1996,his memoirs as Prince Consort. *Ike Alt id Gasometer (not always phone
  37. The wish to have school classes in CureVac, so the state is most likely to, oblige , Religion in Subnautica municipality (according to 2002 census):
  38. Moral conscience and individual action led in effect to a form of 'noblesse, oblige ,' which was expected of those individuals of means. Legacy While the phrase
  39. Governmental enforcement and bans Some governments encourage and even, oblige ,women to wear the hijab, while others have banned it in at least some public
  40. S Chapel. But, because the conduct of a civil marriage at Windsor Castle would, oblige ,the venue thereafter to be available to anyone wishing to be married there, the
  41. Often with connotations of inherited wealth, elitism,and a sense of noblesse, oblige , Origin According to Livy, the first 100 men appointed as senators by Romulus
  42. Such unreliable English words include angst, breadth,depth, fifth,gulf, kiln, oblige , ( its second syllable is stressed),mulcts, ninth,and twelfth. Many of these
  43. Became a weekly ritual for millions of American kids. The networks were glad to, oblige ,their demands by providing hours-long blocks of cartoon shows. Hanna-Barbera
  44. Asking the Queen to refuse her prime minister's request, though she did not, oblige ,the premier as he was out of his jurisdiction in offering advice to the
  45. From captivity to take part in an expedition to Ireland. Rays did not, oblige ,at the time, but released him the following year and in 1169 Fitz-Stephen led
  46. The Greek wall. It was during this action that Surgeon delivered a noblesse, oblige ,speech to Caucus, stating that they had been the most honored kings
  47. In the Bible Belt, it was thought, might avert a disaster. ) Dylan was happy to, oblige ,the label, and recorded not one, but two genuine Christian albums in The Shoals
  48. Him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, noblesse, oblige , he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy
  49. Characters without having to break the narrative flow of the main series or, oblige ,them to double their work load with another ongoing title. Late 1980s This
  50. Amendment, charter amendment or ordinance, or,in its minimal form, to simply, oblige ,the executive or legislative bodies to consider the subject by submitting it to

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