Examples of the the word, landmark , in a Sentence Context

The word ( landmark ), is the 5899 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. South, while the Hungarians mangrove forests form a remarkable geographical, landmark ,at the Ganges delta. At least nine districts in West Bengal and 42 districts in
  2. The body under consideration is at t1 found in the vicinity of one group of ", landmark ," bodies and at some t2 is found in the vicinity of some other" landmark "
  3. Flu Came (The Great Mosque) Flu Came is the largest mosque in Bursa and a, landmark ,of early Ottoman architecture, which carried many elements from the Seljuk
  4. In 1976, he appeared in his first mainstream film role, in Martin Scorsese's, landmark ,Taxi Driver; Scorsese allowed Brooks to improvise much of his dialogue. The
  5. By act of Congress. *1880 – Construction of Cologne Cathedral, the most famous, landmark ,in Cologne, Germany,is completed. *1885 – Japan's first patent is issued to
  6. Males then use visual cues to find a common mating ground, for example,a, landmark ,such as a pine tree to which other males in the area converge. Males secrete a
  7. Safe harbor. ” Title IV - Telecommunications Title IV of the ADA amended the, landmark ,Communications Act of 1934 primarily by adding section. This section requires
  8. With steel arches, landscaped gardens, fountains,futuristic glass, and a, landmark ,new blue glass roof which was added to the main stadium. A second Olympic
  9. The baroque dance company" RIS et Dancers ". Her work in choreographing the, landmark ,1986 production of Lully's 1676 tragedie-lyrique ATS was part of the national
  10. En Spells, compiled by Die Taalkommissie. The Afrikaans Bible A major, landmark ,in the development of Afrikaans was the full translation of the Bible into the
  11. Public land and at its highest point it reaches 162 meters with the distinctive, landmark ,at the summit. The 44-metre tall monument to Sir Walter Raleigh Gilbert was
  12. During the 1930s was one of Britain's the most famous Anglican priests due to his, landmark ,sermon broadcasts for BBC radio, founded the Peace Pledge Union a secular
  13. Affairs Litigation On March 27, 1997,the Sapporo District Court decided a, landmark ,case that, for the first time in Japanese history, recognized the right of the
  14. On its list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. It is also considered a, landmark ,in hip hop recordings due to its large array of samples and intricate use of
  15. The large sign, formerly reading" University of Autonomy ", was a familiar, landmark ,for motorists in the region for many years and was visible from I-94 about 13
  16. On the island, including the restoration of the historic Art Deco city, landmark ,Alameda Theatre. The theater restoration project included a multiplex to make
  17. Which has also gathered funding from the EU to help enhance the project. The, landmark ,Dionysian Aeropagitou street has been pedestrianized, forming a scenic route.
  18. Took place in mid-1996 and provided room for future growth. In a five year, landmark ,agreement with the most popular operating system, AOL was bundled with Windows
  19. In-home animal care services, Hyde Park Pet Sitting. A major entrepreneurial, landmark , The Armadillo World Headquarters, presented national musical rock and country
  20. Song Contest 2011,Baku will host the Eurovision Song Contest 2012. 2005 was a, landmark ,in the development of jazz in the city. It's been home to legendary jazz
  21. Known as Memorial Hall),which is a residence, and War Memorial Gymnasium are, landmark ,buildings on the campus of Acadia University. The Memorial Hall and Gymnasium
  22. Architecture. The Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burke Marx designed, landmark ,modernist gardens for some principal buildings. Both low-cost and luxury
  23. S graphics, developed a consistent corporate identity, built the modernist, landmark ,AEG Turbine Factory, and made full use of newly developed materials such as
  24. It has recently undergone a restoration. The Brandenburg Gate is an iconic, landmark ,of Berlin and Germany. It also appears on German euro coins (10 cent,20 cent
  25. For their work. Sampling lawsuit In 2003,Beastie Boys were involved in the, landmark ,sampling decision, Newton v. Diamond. In that case, a federal judge ruled that
  26. Driven telescope. It involves the use of maps (or memory) to locate known, landmark ,stars, and " hopping" between them, often with the aid of a finder scope.
  27. Of other religions from observing their own holy days. There were four, landmark ,Sunday-law cases altogether in 1961. The other three were Gallagher v. Crown
  28. It is a widely used symbol in Bangladesh, appearing on currency notes and a, landmark ,in the city of Dhaka is named as the Doyle Chat war (meaning: Doyle Square).
  29. The Rajasthan Land Reforms and Resumption of Pairs Act,1952 was the, landmark ,in the legal history of land reforms in Rajasthan which was followed by
  30. Bible and Ahlquist's Phylogeny and Classification of Birds (1990) is a, landmark ,work on the classification of birds, although it is frequently debated and
  31. Have a religious purpose. The Supreme Court of the United States held in its, landmark ,case, McGowan v. Maryland (1961),that Maryland's blue laws violated neither
  32. Famously criticized by fellow Oxonian J. L. Austin in Sense and Sensibility,a, landmark ,1950s work of common language philosophy. Layer responded to this in the essay "
  33. Revival architecture between 1881 and 1883,which has remained the parish’s, landmark ,until present. Fachsenfeld got its own church as well, Sacred Heart of 1895.
  34. Cathedral and the Taken Castle with its large greenhouses. Another famous, landmark ,is the Royal Palace. The Atomism is a symbolic tall structure that was built
  35. Significance in thwarting the German invasion, as well as its significance as a, landmark ,of military barbarism and human suffering in which the loss of life was
  36. Drawing duties with Romina for the next year-and-a-half and would draw several, landmark ,issues. One such story took place in the controversial issues #96-98 (May–July
  37. Futuristic design has made it into popular culture. It is the only Hong Kong, landmark ,included in the city-building/simulation computer games SimCity 3000 and
  38. Continuation eastwards of Union Street, is the new Town House, a very prominent, landmark ,in Aberdeen, built between 1868 and 1873 to a design by Eddie and Skinnier.
  39. Time. " During the late 1970s and early 1980s the site hosted Creative Time's, landmark ,Art on the Beach sculpture exhibitions. On September 23, 1979,the landfill was
  40. Launched. The campaign seeks to gain World Heritage Status for the iconic Angus, landmark ,that was the birthplace of one of Scotland's the most significant documents, the
  41. At least to some extent) improvised by whoever was reciting them. In his, landmark ,work, The Singer of Tales, Albert Lord refers to the work of Francis P. Wagon
  42. German figure, surrounded by mermaids, dolphins and seashells. " One national, landmark ,in the Bronx is the Hall of Fame for Great Americans, overlooking the Harlem
  43. Style with four minarets. Its size and prominent location have made it a, landmark ,for the city. Historic buildings * Canada OSU, the residence of the
  44. Shaw and the Atlanta Symphony's Robert Span. The Fox Theatre is an historic, landmark ,and one of the highest grossing venues in the world. The city also has a large
  45. Nether ton and equipment maker Anderson Strathclyde. Demolition of the site's, landmark ,blue gasometer in 1996,and the subsequent cleanup operation, has created the
  46. Embrace God. Pascal's Lenses is widely considered to be a masterpiece, and a, landmark ,in French prose. When commenting on one particular section (Thought #72)
  47. Of" landmark " bodies and at some t2 is found in the vicinity of some other ", landmark ," body or bodies. Descartes recognized that there would be a real difference
  48. Carnegie, through Keystone, supplied the steel for and owned shares in the, landmark ,EADS Bridge project across the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri (
  49. Seat sell-out concert was The Shins. The members of the band see this as a, landmark ,event, with Stevie Jackson saying," This is the biggest thrill of my entire
  50. Orthodox saint and wonder-worker Other * San Adrian (tunnel) and hermitage,a, landmark ,in the Way of St. James * Adrian helmet, a combat helmet issued to the French

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