Examples of the the word, veterinary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( veterinary ), is the 5906 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Furosemide ATC vet The Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System for, veterinary ,medicinal products (ATC vet) is used to classify veterinary drugs. ATC vet
  2. Use Aspirin is sometimes used for pain relief or as an anti-coagulant in, veterinary ,medicine, primarily in dogs and sometimes horses, although newer medications
  3. Owner includes the stud fee, and the cost of proper nutrition, management and, veterinary ,care of the mare throughout gestation, parturition,and care of both mare and
  4. At Birmingham, University of Alabama and University of South Alabama),two, veterinary ,colleges (Auburn University and Tuskegee University),a dental school (
  5. Harts posed the following question to a panel of 96 experts, half of which were, veterinary ,surgeons and the other half dog obedience trial judges: d. The specific
  6. And Skåne, as well as in areas of the Netherlands bordering Germany, prompting, veterinary , authorities in Germany to intensify controls. Norway saw its first finding in
  7. Space requirements, enclosure design, nutrition,reproduction, enrichment and, veterinary ,care are set to ensure the well-being of elephants in captivity. Circuses
  8. To St. Matthew's University, which includes a medical school and a school of, veterinary ,medicine. The Cayman Islands Law School, a branch of the University of
  9. Resistant bacteria is a result of antibiotic use both within human medicine and, veterinary ,medicine. The greater the duration of exposure the greater the risk of the
  10. Medical examiner record-keeping systems,911 call center computers, and, veterinary , medical record systems could be of help; researchers are also considering the
  11. A medical administrative authority, with powers over epidemiology and, veterinary ,medicine. He worked to set up a coherent medical training program, oriented
  12. Graduates of the 6-year medical schools, the 5-year law schools and the 5 year, veterinary ,medical schools receive the doctor title at the end of their studies.
  13. Of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons. Animals may be treated only by qualified, veterinary ,surgeons in the UK and some other countries. Internationally, the body that
  14. Veterinary bills to keep the pregnant mare healthy while in foal * Possible, veterinary ,bills during pregnancy or foaling should something go wrong * Veterinary bills
  15. For veterinary use has the code QC03CA01. Some codes are used exclusively for, veterinary ,drugs, like QI Immunological,QJ51 Antibacterials for inframammary use or
  16. Meet. This allows a very rough estimate of a horse's age, although diet and, veterinary ,care can also affect the rate of tooth wear. Digestion Horses are herbivores
  17. Community, Davis has been known for its contributions to agriculture along with, veterinary ,care and animal husbandry. Following the passage of the University Farm Bill in
  18. To many other benzodiazepines. Veterinary use Benzodiazepines are used in, veterinary ,practice in the treatment of various disorders and conditions. As in humans
  19. Learning and e-learning. A number of career specific courses such as, veterinary ,assisting, medical billing and coding, real estate license, bookkeeping and
  20. Are not routinely measured by medical laboratories in the U. S. However, U. S., veterinary ,medical diagnostic testing laboratories will measure blood bromide levels on
  21. And the commissioners responsible for agriculture, fisheries,food safety, veterinary ,questions and public health matters. * Justice and Home Affairs Council (JMA)
  22. International Association for Veterinary Homeopathy. The use of homeopathy in, veterinary ,medicine is controversial, as there has been little scientific investigation
  23. Replaced by praziquantel. Antimony and its compounds are used in several, veterinary ,preparations like anthiomaline or lithium antimony thiomalate, which is used as
  24. And an intravenous steroid such as hydrocortisone. In other animals Cats In, veterinary ,medicine, hyperthyroidism is one of the most common endocrine conditions
  25. In front of the ATC code of most human medications. For example, furosemide for, veterinary ,use has the code QC03CA01. Some codes are used exclusively for veterinary drugs
  26. Medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (RED), veterinary , products,and cosmetics. The FDA also enforces other laws, notably Section 361
  27. From animals that have been examined and accepted for human consumption by, veterinary ,authorities. Hygienic regulations with respect to fresh raw materials are
  28. Medicine, nursing,optometry, podiatry,pharmacy, physical therapy, and, veterinary , medicine use the title doctor professionally. In the United States, those
  29. And Streptococcus Diogenes now exhibit resistance worldwide. Widespread, veterinary ,usage of the fluoroquinolones, particularly in Europe, has been implicated.
  30. In animals other than humans. The FDA has not approved homeopathic products as, veterinary ,medicine in the U. S. In the UK, veterinary surgeons who use homeopathy belong
  31. Use The idea of using homeopathy as a treatment for other animals, termed, veterinary , homeopathy,dates back to the inception of homeopathy; Hangman himself wrote
  32. Man Museum is a rarity in Germany, another one is only in Berlin. The Museum of, veterinary ,medicine is unique in Germany. The Museum for Energy History describes the 150
  33. Keaton, American actor (b. 1895) *1968 – Jacob van der Holden, Dutch-Israeli, veterinary , scientist (b. 1891) *1970 – Alfred Deny, Hungarian mathematician (b. 1921)
  34. By the tenting method. Ethylene bromide was similarly used. Medical and, veterinary ,Use. Bromide compounds, especially potassium bromide, were frequently used as
  35. OSU's graduate school programs placed in the top 5,including: No. 5 for best, veterinary ,program and No. 5 for best pharmacy program. The specialty graduate programs of
  36. Bromides in the form of simple salts are still used as anticonvulsant in both, veterinary ,and human medicine, although the latter use varies from country to country. For
  37. All major arts, humanities,science, engineering,law, medicine,business, and, veterinary , science are offered, with first degrees and postgraduate awards available.
  38. Medication as an advantage for chiropractic treatment. A related field, veterinary ,chiropractic, applies manual therapies to animals and is recognized in a few U.
  39. Just Odin's battlefield companions, but also" Odin's helpers in his, veterinary ,function. " Mendel era helmet plates (from the 6th or 7th century) found in
  40. System for veterinary medicinal products (ATC vet) is used to classify, veterinary ,drugs. ATC vet codes can be created by placing the letter Q in front of the ATC
  41. Approved homeopathic products as veterinary medicine in the U. S. In the UK, veterinary ,surgeons who use homeopathy belong to the Faculty of Homeopathy and/or to the
  42. The College of the Pacific (now the University of the Pacific) studying, veterinary ,science, but transferred on the urging of the head of zoology, Dr Arnold, who
  43. FDA) in 1987. Ciprofloxacin has 12 FDA-approved human uses and other, veterinary ,uses, but it is often used for unapproved uses (off-label). Ciprofloxacin
  44. Disease or CIA detention flights—the former led to the creation of the European, veterinary ,agency. The Parliament can call other institutions to answer questions and if
  45. To be a specialized professional undergraduate program. Practitioners in, veterinary ,medicine, optometry and dentistry have doctorate degrees and are very commonly
  46. Academic and Principal of the University of Pretoria (1958 –) Medical and, veterinary ,*Abraham Maine Edelstein, UK Chief Medical Statistician (1916–1992)
  47. Prohibited by animal welfare laws, and it is ethically controversial within the, veterinary ,community. While both the Humane Society of the United States and the American
  48. Are Dr. med. (medicine),Dr. med. Dent. (dentistry),Dr. med. Vet. (, veterinary ,medicine),Dr. RER. Nat. (natural sciences),Dr. Phil. (philosophy and many
  49. A variety of different brand names and is also available for limited use in, veterinary ,medicine. Ciprofloxacin was first patented in 1983 by Bayer A. G. and
  50. 13 %),and cervical cancer (12 %). In other animals Chemotherapy is used in, veterinary ,medicine similar to in human medicine. Chinese historiography refers to the

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