Examples of the the word, instrumental , in a Sentence Context

The word ( instrumental ), is the 5916 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He was nominated to represent India to the League of Nations in 1932. He was, instrumental ,in the creation of Pakistan. Early life He was born in Karachi (then under
  2. A particular subject. Ship combines poetry, storytelling,dance and vocal and, instrumental ,music into a traditional performance art that stands as a symbol of Azerbaijani
  3. And on disenchanted Free Soil, Liberty,and Democratic Party members, he was, instrumental ,in forging the shape of the new Republican Party. At the Republican convention
  4. And 1st October 2011. Music * The New York punk band The Ram ones wrote the, instrumental ,song" Durango 95' " which was based on the car that they had stolen in the
  5. Examples are the elliptic curves, which have a rich theory. They were, instrumental ,in the proof of Fermat's last theorem and are also used in elliptic curve
  6. http://www.classical.net/music/composer/works/vivaldi/index.html Catalog of, instrumental ,works * http://alambix.uquebec.ca/musique//catal/vivaldi/viva.html Complete
  7. Show" Your Days Are Numbered ". Slaves also contributed lyrics to Abbas 1976, instrumental , track Arrival for Sarah Brightman's cover version recorded for her 2008
  8. Influence on the sound of the British music scene in the 1960s,Corner was, instrumental ,in bringing together various English blues musicians. Early career Alexis
  9. First person outside the family of Muhammad to openly become a Muslim. He was, instrumental ,in the conversion of many people to the Islamic faith and early in 623,Abu
  10. A duet with French singer Daniel Balancing. The song was a cover of ABBA's, instrumental ,1976 track" Arrival ". As the single" Belle" sold well in France, Cameron
  11. Ruling class and elite of the Eastern Empire. Theodosius' wife St Flotilla was, instrumental ,in his campaign to end Arianism. Valets died in the Battle of Adrianople in 378
  12. The Granville Street Baptist Church (now First Baptist Church Halifax) was an, instrumental ,and determining factor in the founding of the University. It has played a
  13. And publishing the Qur'an. Shi'as reject the idea that Abu Bakr or Umar were, instrumental ,in the collection or preservation of the Qur'an. Military expansion Once the
  14. Each using the" National Song" sung by ABBA, which used the melody and, instrumental ,arrangement of" Fernando ", adapted with new lyrics promoting National, and
  15. producer's co-operatives" and the Working Men's College. His work was, instrumental ,in the establishment of the Christian socialist movement, although he himself
  16. See Jidda Wars). The Shi'a strongly refute the idea that Abu Bakr or Umar were, instrumental ,in the collection or preservation of the Qur'an, claiming that they should have
  17. To pursue an honorable peace with Sparta, and it is not clear that they were, instrumental ,in the trial and execution of Socrates, whose death probably resulted from
  18. After his appointment as Hofkapellmeister in 1788. Instrumental works His small, instrumental ,output includes two piano concerti, a concerto for organ written in 1773,a
  19. And rose as high as number 11 in the U. S. As of 2002,it was the best-selling, instrumental ,record in British history, and a controversial one, as it combined pipes with a
  20. Techniques help identify stellar objects by their unique motions. It is, instrumental ,for keeping time, in that UTC is basically the atomic time synchronized to
  21. S modest number of instrumental works also date from this time. Salieri's, instrumental ,works have been judged by various critics and scholars to lack the inspiration
  22. Album includes at least one instrumental somewhere in the running order). The, instrumental ,on that album," Sirius ", eventually became the best-known (or at least most
  23. With many other delightful melodies scattered throughout the opera in vocal and, instrumental ,parts that are well-suited to the Alford. Brahms wrote to Clara Schumann that
  24. Many with original poetry by the composer. He also composed one large scale, instrumental ,work in 1815 intended as a study in late classical orchestration: Twenty-Six
  25. The cult of Duns tan, He also introduced new practices into the liturgy, and was, instrumental ,in the Witenagemot's recognition of Sulfide of Seaborne as a saint in about
  26. Into account all electromagnetic wavelengths, including those unobserved due to, instrumental ,pass-band, the Earth's atmospheric absorption, or extinction by interstellar
  27. For the sake of which a thing exists or is done, including both purposeful and, instrumental ,actions and activities. The final cause or tells is the purpose or end that
  28. With an instrumental introduction which faded into the first song, often had an, instrumental ,piece in the middle of the second LP side, and concluded with a quiet
  29. His lifetime was widespread over Europe. Vivaldi is known mainly for composing, instrumental ,concertos, especially for the violin, as well as sacred choral works and over
  30. In the development of Neoplatonism. Porphyry seems to suggest that Ammonium was, instrumental ,in helping Platinum think about philosophy in new ways: But he Platinum did not
  31. Except Eye in the Sky featured one (although every album includes at least one, instrumental ,somewhere in the running order). The instrumental on that album," Sirius "
  32. Eventually became the best-known (or at least most frequently heard) Parsons, instrumental , It was used as entrance music by various American sports teams, most notably
  33. Take seven cases, nominative,accusative, locative, genitive,dative, ablative, instrumental , Verb Verbs in Armenian have an expansive system of conjugation with two main
  34. LP side, and concluded with a quiet, melancholic,or powerful song. The opening, instrumental ,was largely done away with by 1980; no later Project album except Eye in the
  35. Scots Dragoon Guards, senior Scottish regiment of the British Army, recorded an, instrumental ,version featuring a bagpipe soloist accompanied by a pipe and drum band. The
  36. Lutheran faith and Protestantism as the official state religion. Albert proved, instrumental ,in the political spread of Protestantism in its early stage. Because Albert was
  37. Audio engineer in 1973). They were concept albums, and typically began with an, instrumental ,introduction which faded into the first song, often had an instrumental piece
  38. For the scientist. Eventually they built the first perfusion pump, an invention, instrumental ,to the development of organ transplantation and open-heart surgery. Lindbergh
  39. For a funeral" according to a Star Trek scholar. Since 1954 when an organ, instrumental ,of" New Britain" became a bestseller," Amazing Grace" has been associated
  40. Chute, Arturo Toscanini, Arnold Scheming, and Louis Kaufman. These figures were, instrumental ,in the Vivaldi revival of the 20th century. In 1926,in a monastery in Piedmont
  41. Many lovers, both gods like Ares, and men like Archives. Aphrodite also became, instrumental ,in the Eros and Psyche legend, and later was both Adonis' lover and his
  42. Including, in some cases, information conveyed by those same apparitions), instrumental , trans-communication (recording of paranormal voices on tape),and mediumship.
  43. Of colonialism. In this regard, figures such as Desmond Tutu and Ted Scott were, instrumental ,in mobilizing Anglicans worldwide against the apartheid policies of South
  44. Was prepared by Domenico Peggy. The majority of Salieri's modest number of, instrumental ,works also date from this time. Salieri's instrumental works have been judged
  45. And expanded in the early 12th century under Anselm of Canterbury, who was, instrumental ,in retaining Ælfheah's name in the church calendar. After the 1174 fire in
  46. Community. The Qur'an — preservation According to Sunni Islam, Abu Bakr was, instrumental ,in preserving the Qur'an in written form. It is said that after the hard-won
  47. Musical traditions of Azerbaijan. Maugham is usually a suite with poetry and, instrumental ,interludes. When performing Maugham, the singers have to transform their
  48. Information about the research project on the Saxon court's, instrumental ,music collection in the Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Starts- UND
  49. Which would eventually become arguably the most powerful German state and, instrumental ,in uniting the whole of Germany. Albert is therefore often seen as the father
  50. Claims that his father, Samuel Roland Prison, a friend of Coleridge, was also ", instrumental ,in introducing the asphalt pavement (in 1836) ". Indeed, mastic pavements

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