Examples of the the word, batch , in a Sentence Context

The word ( batch ), is the 5911 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cities, depriving the guerrillas of their rural support base. The first, batch ,of herbicides was unloaded at Tan Son Shut Air base in South Vietnam, on
  2. Derive their name from the second half of a two-part process: first, the glass, batch ,is poured into round bead molds, then they are faceted with a grinding wheel.
  3. Out with no replacement. The potency of this brew varies radically from one, batch ,to the next, both in potency and psychoactive effect, based mainly on the skill
  4. A and B (with A having the higher volatility, or lower boiling point) in a, batch ,distillation setup (such as in an apparatus depicted in the opening figure)
  5. Batch-wise, whereas industrial distillation often occurs continuously. In, batch ,distillation, the composition of the source material, the vapors of the
  6. Work, with matrix arithmetic support from its initial implementation as a, batch ,language and full string functionality being added by 1965. BASIC was first
  7. Environments gather system software (such as compilers and system's, batch ,processing scripting languages) and application software (such as IDEs) for
  8. Fighters. The PAF get the first three F-16 Block 52+ on 3 July 2010 and first, batch ,of AMRAAM on 26 July 2010. In 2007,the United States government agreed to
  9. Number of stages, thus requiring a taller column. General improvements Both, batch ,and continuous distillations can be improved by making use of a fractionating
  10. Fume. The premixed paste is then blended with aggregates and any remaining, batch ,water and final mixing is completed in conventional concrete mixing equipment.
  11. Is available on iTunes and eMusic. Castle said that this song was chosen from a, batch ,of songs that the band was working on, and that also this is the closest the
  12. Scale distillation Laboratory scale distillations are almost exclusively run as, batch ,distillations. The device used in distillation, sometimes referred to as a
  13. Production of flower water or essential oils. Early forms of distillation were, batch ,processes using one vaporization and one condensation. Purity was improved by
  14. Of pure olive oil used by the Jewish High Priest, the Cohen Adolf. This is small, batch ,of olive oil was only supposed to last one day, and instead it lasted eight.
  15. Process is milling. This is when the grains that are going to be used in a, batch ,of beer are cracked. Milling the grains makes it easier for them to absorb the
  16. Tower contains of concrete, all of which was mixed on-site in order to ensure, batch ,consistency. Through the pour, the vertical accuracy of the tower was
  17. Synthesis of heavier transgenic elements and transactinides. A 22 milligram, batch ,of berkelium-249 was prepared during a 250-day irradiation period and then
  18. Has ordered a total of 99 Ariane 5 launchers from Atrium. The first, batch ,ordered in 1995 consisted of 14 launchers, while the second—P2— batch ordered in
  19. The distilling compounds and the distillate change during the distillation. In, batch ,distillation, a still is charged (supplied) with a batch of feed mixture
  20. Distillation Large scale industrial distillation applications include both, batch ,and continuous fractional, vacuum,allotropic, extractive,and steam
  21. From the reaction mixture. This technique is an example of a continuous vs. a, batch ,process; advantages include less downtime to charge the reaction vessel with
  22. Most glass beads are pressed glass, mass-produced by preparing a molten, batch ,of glass of the desired color and pouring it into molds to form the desired
  23. Were extremely expensive and used only for special-purpose tasks. A simple, batch ,processing arrangement ran only a single" job" at a time, one after another.
  24. Systems of the past, allowing shared interactive use rather than daily, batch ,processing. In the earliest database systems, efficiency was perhaps the
  25. For best results, the actual manufacturer and material components of each, batch ,of discs should be verified. Disc, the recording layer is made of an alloy of
  26. Succeed by varying the composition of the mixture. In batch distillation,the, batch ,evaporates, which changes its composition; in fractionation, liquid higher in
  27. Evaporate also, albeit being less concentrated in the vapor. Indeed, batch ,distillation and fractionation succeed by varying the composition of the
  28. Format used to store the executable code. Interpreted computer programs -in a, batch ,or interactive session-are either decoded and then immediately executed or are
  29. However, the sum of the incremental phases takes longer to complete than one, batch ,garbage collection pass, so these garbage collectors may yield lower total
  30. Couvertures contain only about 35 % cocoa. Producers of high quality, small, batch , chocolate argue that mass production produces bad quality chocolate. Currently
  31. Orthogonal criteria: digital vs analog, sequential vs parallel vs concurrent, batch ,vs interactive. In practice, digital computation is often used to simulate
  32. Attempted to separate Dodo myth from reality. With the discovery of the first, batch ,of dodo bones in the Mauritian swamp, the Mare aux Songs, and the reports
  33. Placed in a 58-hour period using two concrete pumps and two dedicated concrete, batch ,plants. Upon curing, this placement will allow the cofferdam to be dewatered
  34. By the concrete slump test, a simplistic measure of the plasticity of a fresh, batch ,of concrete following the ASTM C 143 or EN 12350-2 test standards. Slump is
  35. An interpreter. Either compiled or interpreted programs might be executed in a, batch ,process without human interaction, but interpreted programs allow a user to
  36. Soon to be shed. Paul states," Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new, batch ,without yeast—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been
  37. And fractionation succeed by varying the composition of the mixture. In, batch ,distillation, the batch evaporates, which changes its composition; in
  38. If the condom passes, it is rolled and packaged. In addition, a portion of each, batch ,of condoms is subject to water leak and air burst testing. While the advantages
  39. Is normally measured by filling an" Abrams cone" with a sample from a fresh, batch ,of concrete. The cone is placed with the wide end down onto a level
  40. Cooperative multitasking/time-sharing When computer usage evolved from, batch ,mode to interactive mode, multiprogramming was no longer a suitable approach.
  41. Would sometimes sit idle, without jobs to run. Programming languages in the, batch ,programming era tended to be designed, like the machines on which they ran, for
  42. Beads, which are then primarily referred to by the glass type. If the glass, batch ,is used to create a large massive block instead of pre-shaping it as it cools
  43. Any isotope of berkelium outside of basic scientific research. A 22 milligram, batch ,of berkelium-249 was prepared in a 250-day irradiation and then purified for 90
  44. Testing shells, which remained in use up to 1944,meant that, statistically,a, batch ,of shells of which 70 % were faulty stood an even chance of being accepted.
  45. The distillation. In batch distillation, a still is charged (supplied) with a, batch ,of feed mixture, which is then separated into its component fractions which are
  46. Away from computers, and could only use computers through intermediaries (see, batch ,processing),and when software tended to be written for vertical applications
  47. Consisting of 25 ECA and 5 ES launchers was ordered in 2004. The latest, batch ,ordered in mid 2007 consist of another 35 ECA launchers. Through these orders
  48. Separately captured as a condensed vapor. Continuous distillation differs from, batch ,distillation in the respect that concentrations should not change over time.
  49. By controlling the reductive atmosphere and cooling conditions of the glass, batch ,rather than by fusing separate components together. Dichroic glass beads
  50. The British Leo III owned by J. Lyons and Co. Several programs in, batch ,were loaded in the computer memory, and the first one began to run. When the

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