Examples of the the word, examiner , in a Sentence Context

The word ( examiner ), is the 5908 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has housed the cultural department of the Bulgarian Embassy. Moore wrote in the, examiner ,'s report:" I myself consider that this is a work of genius; but, even if I am
  2. TheRealKinkster ". Friedman also announced (via Jim Bessman's column at, examiner , Com) the upcoming release of all Vandal Press titles as unabridged audio
  3. Wife? This type of question is not leading, as it does not suggest that the, examiner ,expects any particular answer. It is however objectionable because it assumes (
  4. VIII, set great store by him. He was made rector of the Roman College in 1592, examiner , of bishops in 1598,and cardinal in 1599. Immediately after his appointment as
  5. Loss, and Moore and Branch drowned. A later review of the case by a medical, examiner ,for the defense determined that the boys had been killed between 1:00 a. m. and
  6. Examiner after being permitted to do so by the judge, at the request of that, examiner ,and as a result of the witness being openly antagonistic and/or prejudiced
  7. The first Fullerton Professor of Physiology at the Royal Institution. He was, examiner ,in physiology in the University of London. On 9 December 1824,Roget presented
  8. On the relationship of the witness to the party conducting the examination. An, examiner ,may generally ask leading questions of a hostile witness or on
  9. Course. Pursuant to French law, no autopsy was performed because the medical, examiner ,claimed to have found no evidence of foul play. The absence of an official
  10. To the no-leading-questions rule # Where the witness is hostile to the, examiner , or reluctant or unwilling to testify, in which situation the witness is
  11. D. C., where his father, James G. Watterson (born 1932),worked as a patent, examiner ,while going to George Washington University Law School before becoming a patent
  12. Test while decreasing it on another, when both tests are provided by the same, examiner ,in the same setting. Cultural traditions valuing education Gilbert argues
  13. Systems, clinical laboratories, electronic health record systems, medical, examiner , record-keeping systems,911 call center computers, and veterinary medical
  14. And they diagnosed me Dementia Praetor and sent me here. ” The medical, examiner ,reported Jack Kerouac’s military adjustment was poor, quoting Kerouac:“ I just
  15. Politician (b. 1893) * September 11 – Charles Norris, Americal medical, examiner ,(b. 1867) * September 23 – De Wolf Hopper, actor & comedian (b. 1858) *
  16. To write down the idea and the first to test it in a telephone. The patent, examiner , Zens Fisk Wilbur, later stated in an affidavit that he was an alcoholic
  17. Ground. To gain such authorizations, the pilots will have to demonstrate to an, examiner ,that they can perform to those limits without endangering themselves, ground
  18. To drugs in The Corner. She portrayed the character Alex Woods, a medical, examiner ,in the forensics-related drama for 6 seasons as a series regular. She has made
  19. Robert Leslie Ellis, one of the examiner s, is said to have declared to another, examiner ,You and I are just about fit to mend his pens. While at Cambridge, Thomson was
  20. To make the witness appear confused, biased or deceitful. The cross, examiner ,will assume the witness has been told that and begin asking supporting
  21. Is genuine or forged '. It has also been argued that a forensic document, examiner ,with no official English or Irish connections would be in a better position to
  22. To him by the examiner to be of no interest, and,in exasperation, threw at the, examiner ,'s head the rag used to erase the blackboard. More plausible accounts state
  23. Assassinations if Ruby could have known about his cancer, Dallas County medical, examiner ,Dr. Earl Rose, who performed the autopsy on Ruby, replied," no ". Popular
  24. The direct examiner can be declared hostile by a judge, at the request of the, examiner , when the witness' testimony is openly antagonistic or clearly prejudiced to
  25. Fourier's analysis based partial differential equation for waves on a string. The, examiner , Prof. Giulio Pitta to, interviewed Fermi and concluded that his essay would
  26. By the opposing party is presumed hostile. A witness called by the direct, examiner ,can be declared hostile by a judge, at the request of the examiner , when the
  27. Cross-examination does permit leading questions. A witness called by the direct, examiner , on the other hand, may only be treated as hostile by that examiner after being
  28. Persons include co-discoverer Helmut Simon, and Konrad Spindler, the first, examiner ,of the mummy in Austria at a local morgue in 1991. To date, the deaths of seven
  29. Pilot certificate in April 1999,getting a" satisfactory" rating from the, examiner , Hanjour's bank records indicate that he travelled to Ontario, Canada in March
  30. Federal Office for Intellectual Property, the patent office, as an assistant, examiner , He evaluated patent applications for electromagnetic devices. In 1903
  31. That indicates progressive systolic heart failure. To trained fingertips,the, examiner ,notes a pattern of a strong pulse followed by a weak pulse over and over again.
  32. Testimony that several journalists characterized as evasive. He argued with, examiner ,David Bodies over the contextual meaning of words like" compete "," concerned
  33. By Santa quin police was closed on October 5,2010,after the medical, examiner ,ruled Coleman's death" accidental ", and no evidence of wrongdoing could be
  34. Which post he remained until his retirement in 1959. He served as an external, examiner ,for University College, Dublin,for many years. In 1954 Tolkien received an
  35. Part of the crime scene where the body was found. A ballistics expert medical, examiner ,said that the idea that police could have failed to recognize such marks at the
  36. African Studies. His major languages were Lamb and Cuba, but as no suitable, examiner ,was available, he eventually had to change his language to Zulu. Done took up
  37. State that Galois made too many logical leaps and baffled the incompetent, examiner , evoking the student's rage. The recent death of his father may have also
  38. Autopsies were inconclusive as to time of death, but the Arkansas medical, examiner ,determined that Byers died of blood loss, and Moore and Branch drowned. A later
  39. McGarrett's Five-O team was assisted by other officers as needed: medical, examiner ,Doc Bergman (played by Al Eben),forensic specialist Che Long (played by
  40. In Death, or Haunting the Free State (Dublin 2002). American document, examiner ,and expert James Horn challenged Giles' conclusion on the grounds that the "
  41. July 15? This form of question does not suggest to the witness the answer the, examiner ,hopes to elicit. Leading questions may often be answerable with a yes or no (
  42. Are inquisitorial in nature, at least the initial stages (e.g., a patent, examiner , a social security hearing officer, and so on. ) even though the law to be
  43. The direct examiner , on the other hand, may only be treated as hostile by that, examiner ,after being permitted to do so by the judge, at the request of that examiner
  44. Work, Polish pilot (b. 1895) *1935 – Charles Norris, American medical, examiner ,(b. 1867) *1939 – Konstantin Borodin, Russian painter (b. 1861) *1941 –
  45. And making the witness nervous, the other attorney may accuse the cross, examiner ,of badgering the witness. There is a fine line between badgering and getting
  46. Its intermediates he said" we cannot discuss them here (nous né poisons pas, examiner ,ICI). " This" attached" and non-transitional culture he chose to call the
  47. He failed. The legend holds that he thought the exercise proposed to him by the, examiner ,to be of no interest, and,in exasperation, threw at the examiner 's head the
  48. S church in Harts head in Yorkshire. The following year he was appointed an, examiner ,of Bible knowledge at a Wesleyan academy, Woodhouse Grove School. There, at age
  49. In the Harrow History Prize, had his work praised by the school's external, examiner , and earned scholarships to Wellington College and Eton College. And it was
  50. Is a question that suggests the answer or contains the information the, examiner ,is looking for. For example, this question is leading: * You were at Duffy's

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