Examples of the the word, seeker , in a Sentence Context

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  1. In many cases, however,the cache description and hint are never read by the, seeker ,before hunting the cache. This means they are unaware of potential restrictions
  2. Maverick J model is a Navy AGM-65F missile upgraded with the new CCD, seeker , However, this conversion is not confirmed. *Maverick K model is an AGM-65G
  3. The assassination of United States President Garfield by a disappointed office, seeker ,in 1881 proved its dangers. Two years later in 1883,the system of appointments
  4. According to Lovecraft's stories, has a catalog entry telling the, seeker ,to" inquire at desk ". While the stories surrounding the Necronomicon claim
  5. To knowledge and pure intention in serving God, and to prescribe to the, seeker ,a course of treatment appropriate to his or her maladies. The consensus among
  6. The seeker realizes that it is the consciousness within the body which is, seeker ,/ follower and Word is true Guru. Human body is just a means to achieve the
  7. An object of knowledge, as in Western medicine, the patient becomes a seer,a, seeker ,of wisdom, that illness becomes the teacher and the patient the student. After
  8. Is not confirmed. *Maverick K model is an AGM-65G upgraded with the CCD, seeker , at least 1200,but possibly up to 2500,AGM-65G rounds are planned for
  9. To his or her maladies. The consensus among Sufi scholars is that the, seeker ,cannot self-diagnose, and that it can be extremely harmful to undertake any of
  10. To information seeker through reinforcement, and then from information, seeker ,to opinion leader through indoctrination. A number of techniques based in
  11. Experiences can itself cause great harm, ruining the soul and the mind of the, seeker , Such a seeking after 'spiritual' experiences can lead to spiritual delusion (
  12. Radar to continuously illuminate a single target for the missile's" passive ", seeker ,to track, or guidance would be lost. This method meant the aircraft no longer
  13. Disease also lies within human ego (mind and body). With Guru's grace the, seeker ,meditates honestly on" Word" which leads to the end of ego. Guru is
  14. Of as faculties that are to be purified sequentially in order to bring the, seeker ,'s wayfaring to completion. A concise and useful summary of this system from a
  15. Airborne laser systems. IR countermeasure systems use lasers to confuse the, seeker ,heads on heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles. High power boost-phase intercept
  16. However, particularly through the 10s and 20s,he was known as a pleasure, seeker ,and merrymaker in his Bohemian circle. He enjoyed cigarettes, good wine, and
  17. Have a correct creed (Adidas),and to embrace with certainty its tenets. The, seeker ,must also, of necessity, turn away from sins, love of this world, the love of
  18. Set out to find it; these heroes are seeker s. Victims may appear in tales with, seeker ,heroes, but the tale does not follow them both. The larger-than-life hero is a
  19. With Guru only with accumulation of selfless search of truth. Ultimately the, seeker ,realizes that it is the consciousness within the body which is seeker /
  20. Of penetrating up to 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in) of reinforced concrete. The weapon's, seeker ,can lock onto a target at ranges of up to 15 to 17 km (9.4 to 10.6 miles)
  21. Weight of 500 kg (1,102 lb),as a warhead, adding a low-light television, seeker ,and guidance fins to turn it into a guided, unpowered glide bomb. The bomb is
  22. Guidance system that homes in on enemy radar emissions has a fixed antenna and, seeker ,head in the missile's nose. A smokeless, solid-propellant,dual-thrust rocket
  23. The emphasis on practices may obscure a far more important fact: The, seeker ,is, in a sense, to become a broken person, stripped of all habits through the
  24. Low thermal conductivity. Compressed argon is allowed to expand, to cool the, seeker ,heads of the AIM-9 Sidewinder missile, and other missiles that use cooled
  25. The prescription of a Sufi master because they are deemed to be good for every, seeker ,under every circumstance. Some Sufi orders engage in ritualized dhikr
  26. Of the Sufi path is in effect a physician of the heart, able to diagnose the, seeker ,'s impediments to knowledge and pure intention in serving God, and to prescribe
  27. Has a nominal weight of 500 kg (1,102 lb),fitted with a semi-active laser, seeker ,and guidance fins, turning it into a guided, unpowered glide bomb. The KAB-500L
  28. Intends to initiate the individual from information recipient to information, seeker ,through reinforcement, and then from information seeker to opinion leader
  29. Is fired at short range (typically visual range),it can use its active, seeker ,just after launch, making the missile truly" fire and forget ". The NATO
  30. Research Prize laureate, was cited as 'bold explorer and eclectic, seeker ,of knowledge, for his pioneering work in the field of psychoceramics, the study
  31. Tranquility. 'Wise is the one who does not seek ', he says; and continues: 'the, seeker ,will find in all things the abyss, and doubt in himself. ' In this sense Was
  32. Signs to the Signifier (or from the arts to the Artisan). In this branch,the, seeker ,begins by purifying the lower self of every corrupting influence that stands in
  33. Once the missile closes to self-homing distance, it turns on its active radar, seeker ,and searches for the target aircraft. If the target is in or near the expected
  34. Single motivation of love of God. A secondary consequence of this is that the, seeker ,may be led to abandon all notions of dualism or multiplicity, including a
  35. From the AIM-120. This weapon will be equipped with a Ramjet engine and an IR, seeker ,derived from the Sidewinder missile. In place of a proximity-fused warhead, the
  36. Most of his works this knowledge proves Promethean in nature either filling the, seeker ,with regret from what they have learned, destroying them psychically, or
  37. Of the AIM-9 Sidewinder missile, and other missiles that use cooled thermal, seeker ,heads. The gas is stored at high pressure. Argon-39,with a half-life of 269
  38. F. School,1995). After all, the esoteric tradition may be recovered if the, seeker ,undergoes initiation.:“ Initiation is essentially the transmission of a
  39. Model is an AGM-65B/D missile upgraded with a new charge-coupled device (CCD), seeker , better suited for desert environment. *Maverick J model is a Navy AGM-65F
  40. Hazmat Inapt Khan has criticized the idea as unhelpful to the spiritual, seeker , Judaism Reincarnation is not an essential tenet of traditional Judaism. It is
  41. In which the human self melts away. Teaching To enter the way of Sufism,the, seeker ,begins by finding a teacher, as the connection to the teacher is considered
  42. The Signifier to His signs, from the Artisan to His works. In this branch the, seeker ,experiences divine attraction (Jada),and is able to enter the order with a
  43. Weapon Systems Officer (WHO). In an A-10,for example, the video fed from the, seeker ,head is relayed to a screen in the cockpit, where the pilot can check the
  44. Physical printout of the cache description. Traditionally, this means that the, seeker ,has an electronic means of viewing the cache information in the field, such as
  45. Eventually ASRAAM was developed solely by the UK with another source for its, seeker , After protracted development, deployment of AMRAAM (AIM-120A) began in
  46. The next generation short range missile (ASRAAM). When the German ASRAAM, seeker ,development ran into problems, the MOA was abrogated and this breakdown led to
  47. In certain books, but must be prescribed in detail by a Sufi master. ) The, seeker ,must also be trained to prevent the corruption of those good deeds which have
  48. He grasps, and his foot through which he walks. It is also necessary for the, seeker ,to have a correct creed (Adidas),and to embrace with certainty its tenets.
  49. Times each day, the fast of Ramadan, and so forth). Additionally,the, seeker ,ought to be firmly grounded in supererogatory practices known from the life of
  50. A mystical component exists within the framework of pantheism, allowing the, seeker ,to experience a relationship to Deity through meditation, prayer or some other

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