Examples of the the word, provoke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( provoke ), is the 5918 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For another State or a political party (for example),whose mission is to, provoke ,troubles in order to justify repression.; appliqué: an inlaid or attached
  2. Operation” and" a neocon operation ”. They claimed that it was an attempt to, provoke ,a low level civil war. In 2010,Lee Barnes was removed as head of the party's
  3. To twenty-five years. Roman military discipline was ferocious; severe enough to, provoke ,mutiny, despite the consequences. A career as a volunteer gladiator may have
  4. To spread its flight over a whole host of kindred representations that, provoke ,more thought than admits of expression in a concept determined by words. They
  5. To result in a British victory. The German strategy was therefore to try to, provoke ,an engagement on their terms: either to induce a part of the Grand Fleet to
  6. Celery is among a small group of foods (headed by peanuts) that appear to, provoke ,the most severe allergic reactions; for people with celery allergy, exposure
  7. Food in the air, too minute to be perceived through smell, have been known to, provoke ,lethal reactions in extremely sensitive individuals. Common food allergens are
  8. That many members of the Whig party did not share Fox's views and wanted to, provoke ,them into condemning the French Revolution. Burke wrote that he wanted to
  9. Is shown in the following table. Flare Flares take place in active regions and, provoke ,a sudden increase of the radiative flux emitted from small regions of the
  10. Racist. The majority use this kind of imagery and attitude only as a way to, provoke , to mark their diversity from the rest of the crowds, and,for some, from the
  11. Religious topics, expressing the viewpoint that a good joke can do more to, provoke ,thought than hours of philosophical discussion. For a brief while, his father
  12. Means of creating meaning. By contrasting unrelated shots he tried to, provoke ,associations in the viewer, which were induced by shocks. Montage sequence A
  13. Offered the chance of an heir. However, the choice of a husband might also, provoke ,political instability or even insurrection. Lord Robert Dudley In the spring of
  14. That al-Qaeda was helping organize a campaign of terror in Kashmir in order to, provoke ,conflict between India and Pakistan. Their strategy was to force Pakistan to
  15. This, the strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights continue to, provoke ,considerable skepticism, debates about the content, nature and justifications
  16. Croats. Tensions between the three constitutional peoples remain high and often, provoke ,political disagreements. According to the 1991 census, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  17. Background, he and Secretary of State Cordell Hull acted with great care not to, provoke ,isolationist sentiment. Roosevelt's" bombshell" message to the world
  18. Shield themselves from God's fury (via inoculation),would only serve to ", provoke ,him more. " The Puritans found meaning in affliction, and they did not yet know
  19. Type of antigen. An immunogen is defined as a substance that is able to, provoke ,an adaptive immune response if injected on its own. Stated another way, an
  20. Transient mydriasis. In patients with narrow angles, pupillary dilation can, provoke ,an acute attack of angle-closure glaucoma. These agents should also be avoided
  21. They do not take into account that antipsychotics may sensitize the brain and, provoke ,psychosis if discontinued, which may then be wrongly interpreted as a relapse
  22. When spells are fairly frequent or the patient is confident that he or she can, provoke ,a spell. The principal drawback of this approach is the high rate of false
  23. Later made by several former subordinates, who claimed that Sharon tried to, provoke ,the Egyptians and sent out the scouts in bad faith, ensuring that a battle
  24. Was at Easter. The birth of an emperor at Easter time is a coincidence likely to, provoke ,comment, but there was no such comment documented in 747,leading some to
  25. Like that and describing a fair Indian society, Montaigne may have wished to, provoke ,a surprise in the reader of his Essays. Accounts Among modern humans it has
  26. Confided some of her troubles with Galois, and this might have prompted him to, provoke ,the duel himself on her behalf. This conjecture is also supported by other
  27. regardless, out of over 450,000 in Webster's Third in 1961,was enough to, provoke ,outrage among many with prescriptivism leanings, who branded the dictionary as
  28. Headed by Nero's freedman Polyclinic. Fearing Suetonius' actions would, provoke ,further rebellion, Nero replaced the governor with the more conciliatory
  29. Up marriages, disrupt meetings, ostracize persons from their professions, and, provoke , target groups into rivalries that might result in deaths. Intelligence agencies
  30. Of children have a food allergy. The amount of the food substance required to, provoke ,a reaction in a particularly susceptible individual can be quite small. In some
  31. The rhetoric of the Rights of Woman is at times heated and attempts to, provoke ,the reader. Many of the most emotional comments in the book are directed at
  32. The impoverished, alienated most of the population outside of London and helped, provoke ,the great northern rising of 1536–37,known as the Pilgrimage of Grace.
  33. On fire, robbing banks and using any heavy or pointed object as a means to, provoke ,damage to people and objects. As part of the continuing investigations, police
  34. Small groups – among which also include right wing fascist extremists – aim to, provoke ,trouble, cause public outrage and attract attention, regardless of the impact
  35. For Johnson, implying that Goldwater (who was not mentioned by name) would, provoke ,a nuclear war if elected. The advertisement, which featured only a few spoken
  36. I. Yet two of his own advisers, Henri Christophe and Alexandre Potion, helped, provoke , his assassination in 1806. The conspirators ambushed him north of
  37. Earlier liaisons discreetly, he flaunted Rosamond. He may have done so to, provoke ,Eleanor into seeking an annulment but, if so, the queen disappointed him.
  38. Non-internet related use of trolling for actions deliberately performed to, provoke ,a reaction can be found in the military; by 1972 the term trolling for Miss was
  39. Council and Al-Qaeda in Iraq were responsible, and that the motivation was to, provoke ,further violence by outraging the Shia population.
  40. Or announcement from a theatrical crane might actually have been intended to, provoke ,skepticism about the religious and heroic dimension of his plays. Similarly his
  41. Also been attempts to breed hypoallergenic cats, which would be less likely to, provoke ,an allergic reaction. As well as posing health risks, interactions with cats
  42. Commentators accused Sharon of purposely inflaming emotions with the event to, provoke ,a violent response and obstruct success of delicate ongoing peace talks. On the
  43. A moral code based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Political views Orwell liked to, provoke ,argument by challenging the status quo, but he was also a traditionalist with a
  44. Animal magnetism was a necessary and sufficient remedy. Mesmer aimed to aid or, provoke ,the efforts of Nature. To cure an insane person, for example, involved causing
  45. The questions of what defines film noir and what sort of category it is, provoke ,continuing debate. " We'd be oversimplifying things in calling film noir
  46. Set a limit for their rage by my silence, rather than any new things written to, provoke ,daily the insanity of the envious. " But the
  47. By reducing the work the heart is allowed to perform below the level that would, provoke ,an angina attack. They cannot be used in vasospastic angina and can precipitate
  48. Some Catholics, create new difficulties for union with non-Catholics and would, provoke ,interference by governments in Church affairs. The constitution thus set forth
  49. Stated that al-Qaeda was seeking to destabilize the region and planning to, provoke ,a nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Internet Timothy L. Thomas claims
  50. Primarily governed by stochastic (chance) events, the reactions these events, provoke ,on non-living materials and the responses by organisms to the conditions

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