Examples of the the word, bent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bent ), is the 5902 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wing nuts" being an expensive item. Early crochet hooks ranged from primitive, bent ,needles in a cork handle, used by poor Irish lace workers, to expensively
  2. Elder son's body home ... from the hellish surface of Earth's sister. Van is, bent ,on proving his father view of him wrong, while rescuing his beloved brother's
  3. Of automation or projectiles. The simplest acceleration system is a straight or, bent ,prod, and it is probably the earliest version of a crossbow. A recurve crossbow
  4. Nanoribbon File: Carbon_nanoohm_zigzag_poverty. PNG|The chiral vector is, bent , while the translation vector stays straight File:
  5. Belly-landed six times and sported over 400 patched holes. The airframe was so, bent , straight-and-level flight required 8° of left aileron trim and 6° of right
  6. The rear hand drops below the level of the opponent's chest and the knees are, bent ,slightly. From this position, the rear hand is thrust upwards in a rising arc
  7. Based on his new theory of general relativity, light from another star would be, bent ,by the Sun's gravity. That prediction was claimed confirmed by observations
  8. Husband has become a monk. Some great master paints the sad drama. Notice the, bent ,head of the princess and the tense female attendants. BUDDHA WITH A BEGGING
  9. And numerous individual churches with a charismatic or Pentecostal-type, bent ,have been influenced by or were offshoots from Seventh-day Adventists – see
  10. To earth by the Scrip, an extremely advanced race of Tiberium-based aliens, bent ,on mining the planet after the Tiberius deposits have reached maturity. In the
  11. Is generally thought to mean 'resting place '. In some dialects, balla means ", bent ,elbow" which is translated to mean reclining or resting and art meaning "
  12. May refer to: Mechanism * Crank (mechanism),in mechanical engineering,a, bent ,portion of an axle, or shaft, or an arm keyed at right angles to the end of a
  13. Bodies of the dead who perished in the Asteroid Wars; but Martin Humphries is, bent ,on destroying both of them. Key Yuan is the captain of the spacecraft" Viking
  14. Rituals, and fighting off bandits. The theory also has a strong orientalist, bent ,which regards all Asian states as generally the same. Convergence Theory
  15. The shooting arm. The shooting arm, fully extended with the wrist fully, bent ,is held stationary for a moment following the release of the ball, known as a
  16. Is a bow that has tips curving away from the archer. The recurve bow's, bent ,limbs have a longer draw length than an equivalent straight-time bow, giving
  17. If the index finger of the right hand is pointed forward, the middle finger, bent ,inward at a right angle to it, and the thumb placed at a right angle to both
  18. Hold action where the non-planted leg is extended fully, and the planted leg is, bent ,underneath the dancer for support (hop onto left, leaving out the step; hop
  19. Bowland had done an excellent job marketing to those with a highly technical, bent , By the mid-1990s,however, companies were beginning to ask what the return was
  20. A deflection that does not disappear, and the column remains in this slightly, bent ,form when the lateral force is removed. The load at which neutral equilibrium
  21. Spruce but sometimes pine. In former times the Alford maker would find a tree, bent ,at the base in the shape of an Alford, but modern makers piece the wood
  22. Designed to destroy the Anubis, a galaxy-spanning malevolent life form, bent ,on destruction of the human race. An early treatment was the short story
  23. Draw The Line? "" ), with an anti-war, anti-violence (" Ram bozo The Clown" ), bent , moving away from the violent imagery of their early records, while remaining
  24. Were put over the humps of the animal, and they were also inflexible and, bent , dividing the weight sufficiently over the animal. In the seventh century BC
  25. The word literally refers to a stance where a person stands with their elbows, bent ,and their hands on their hips (arms akimbo)- not a posture well suited to
  26. Group was a critical aid in staying sober. Following the Group's evangelical, bent , Teacher sought out former drinking buddy Bill Wilson to tell him he was sober
  27. Notes that, for expressive purposes are sung or played flattened or gradually, bent ,(minor 3rd to major 3rd) in relation to the pitch of the major scale, are
  28. N, n ) File: Carbon_nanoohm_armchair_poverty. PNG|The translation vector is, bent , while the chiral vector stays straight File: Carbon_nanoribbon_poverty.
  29. Patiens (c. 1250) by Giant Piano, although Cimabue's Christ is more, bent ,and the clothes have the golden striations introduced by Compo di Corcovado.
  30. A glass U tube containing a liquid manometer (pressure gauge),with one end, bent ,in a horizontal direction to face the wind and the other vertical end remains
  31. Second method used iron rebar set vertically in the concrete footing and then, bent ,inward and welded in place to create the dome's wire form structure and
  32. A phosphor targets. In all modern CRT monitors and televisions, the beams are, bent ,by magnetic deflection, a varying magnetic field generated by coils and driven
  33. Of his soldiers ... by means of a slanted letter X with the top of its head, bent ,round, he marked Christ on their shields. " Eugenics describes another version
  34. Straight and carried under the body while the rear legs are muscular and well, bent ,at the stifles. Coloring Beagles appear in a range of colors. Although the
  35. S orphanage. A sadistic and cruel agent of the supercomputer FATE, Lynx is, bent ,on finding Serge, with and succeeds in taking his body. He travels with Hale
  36. Cause knock-outs and is often kept slightly off center. Wrists are slightly, bent ,to avoid damage when punching and the elbows are kept tucked in to protect the
  37. Effect. Additionally, light passing through a crystal is often refracted or, bent ,in different directions, producing an array of colors; crystal optics is the
  38. Wrote other tragedies for a time, but he was not long in discovering that his, bent ,was for comedy. He had come to realize that the Italian stage needed reforming;
  39. Neck, which caused minimal blood loss and instant death. The victim's head was, bent ,forward and the executioner fired slightly downward at point-blank range. This
  40. Is used to play notes. The fingers are normally held curved with each knuckle, bent , with the fingertips in contact with the string. If a finger is required on two
  41. Attack the French troops before Palette and by 19:30,the French position was, bent ,into a rough horseshoe shape. The ends of the line were now based on Hougoumont
  42. And more cushioned saddle is preferable. For racing bikes where the rider is, bent ,over, weight is more evenly distributed between the handlebars and saddle, the
  43. Of the associated major scale. These specialized notes are called the blue or, bent ,notes. These scale tones may replace the natural scale tones, or they may be
  44. State, the free will of man towards the true good is not only wounded, infirm, bent , and weakened; but it is also imprisoned, destroyed,and lost. And its powers
  45. S large evangelical population, the state has a strong social conservative, bent , Under the Arkansas Constitution Arkansas is a right to work state, its voters
  46. California's area. In his autobiography, Chuck Muck, Jones credits his artistic, bent ,to circumstances of his father, who was an unsuccessful businessman in
  47. Drawn back with a horizontal fist (knuckles pointing forward) and the elbow, bent , The rear hand is tucked firmly against the jaw to protect the chin. The torso
  48. it's value is about 1.5 in. Torus In theory, a nanotorus is a carbon nanotube, bent ,into a torus (doughnut shape). Nanotori are predicted to have many unique
  49. Attempt to extend slavery and asked if the country was made up of" a people, bent ,on conquest, on getting the golden treasures of Mexico into our hands, and of
  50. Circles are clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere (where trajectories are, bent ,to the right) and anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. If the rotating

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