Examples of the the word, ut , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ut ), is the 7811 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. s) \, as can be verified by taking the dot product with the unit vectors, ut , ( s) and UN (s). This result for acceleration is the same as that for
  2. Her troops from a chariot in AD 61::" Boadicea curry filial prey see ve hens, ut , quamque nation em accessed, solitum quid em Britannia seminary duct bellied
  3. The complete text of Experiment nova (, ut , vocantur) Magdeburg de value patio prime
  4. That no kind of food should be despised by Christians (Et hoc ite rum format, ut , nulla ESCA a Christians repudiator, maxime fidelity, quod Zeus credit,quæ
  5. After Dinner) Infused, quaesumus, Domine Zeus, gratiam team in metes nostrils, ut , his Denis dates a Margaret Fundatrice Nora antique Benefactors ad team
  6. Of communal and private prayer, sleep,spiritual reading, and manual labor –, ut , in omnibus glorificetur Zeus," that in all things God may be glorified" ( cf.
  7. Into account both the changing speed v (t) and the changing direction of, ut , the acceleration of a particle moving on a curved path on a planar surface can
  8. Brød.: Format var skull, som vi OG forget are skuldmenn.: For OSS Ike, ut , i phrasing, men feels OSS FRA DET Vonda.: For rivet her diet, og Malta OG æra i
  9. That" or (with an indicative) " as" or" when" UT, U. T., or,UT, may stand for or refer to * UT (comic),an adult humor comic published in
  10. He wishes to become a Christian (HIC accept Vistula a Lucio Brittany rage, ut , Christianus efficient per emus man datum) or literally," Here accept the
  11. System, we get: -c^2 g_ u^ g_ (up)^2 + g_ v^2 (up)^2 \, Solving for, ut , gives: up = c \sort \, Thus, for a stationary observer (v= 0): u_^ = c \sort
  12. Stesichorus, quoting the philosopher's rapture in almost identical terms: ", ut , aliquid scions applies e vita diocesan ". Notes
  13. Sunt — vigil emus. Eccl inciter imminent arbiter ill supremos. Imminet, ut , mala terminal,æqua coronet, Recta remunerate, anxia library,æthera done.:: (
  14. Nos Domino, et dona TUA, quae de TUA agitate sums sculpture, et concede, ut , illis salubrious n ut rition, Tibi debitum obsequies polestar Salamis, per
  15. Coveralls et Travertines, qui bantam in Christians immanitatem percent, ut , nec ecclesial, nec monasteries defer ant, non videos, et pupils, non serious
  16. Initial position (even when it represented a vowel,e.g. in VT, later printed, ut , ) and u was used elsewhere,e.g. in nouns, later printed nous. By the
  17. Engages in flying with Satan and tells him to leave her dwelling (Old English, ut , of more onwununge). Regarding SEO Hell in the Old English Gospel of Nicodemus
  18. Divine nature in One Person. There is a real change in the elements—we allow, ut , panis I am consecrates non sit Paris IUEM natural format; used, quem benediction
  19. The Introit for the Sunday, Esto mini in Drum protector em, et in locum Refugio, ut , salvum me facial, :3. The earliest Quinquagesima Sunday can occur is February 1
  20. Verrucae Uber den learn RAM. Cottons de Guericke Experiment Nova (, ut , vocantur) Magdeburg de Vacuo Patio. Facsimile d. Latin. Aug.,1672.
  21. Poetry painting that speaks" ( later paraphrased by the Latin poet Horace as, ut , pictura Noesis). Diogenes Laertes, after quoting a famous epigram by
  22. A tranquil life lies through virtue. random est, ut , sit men Sana in corpora San.: forte pose animus Morris terror Carter,
  23. Concertino-Diapason (1948; collaboration with J. J. Grunewald) * Biddle en, ut , ( 1950; collaboration with Pierre Henry) * La course Au kilocycle (1950;
  24. 11: Och had, och had, : I Delta land, : part yoga SER DET had, : vi Kinney track, ut , vår hand, : Och visa GATT PA SJO och strand, : Och saga" see DET landed DAR ":
  25. A sol ut ion that satisfies square-integrable initial conditions for u and, ut , can be obtained from expansion of these functions in the appropriate
  26. Of an epigram by Martial:: Mental tam magma est quantum tibia, Papyle, nasus, :,UT, possis, quotiens arrives, olfacere.: Your penis is as large as your nose
  27. Domino, nos et dona TUA, quae de TUA agitate sums sculpture, et concede, ut , illis salubrious n ut rition, tibi debitum obsequies polestar Salamis, per Jesus
  28. Comesque corporal: Quad nun alibis in local: Pallidly, rigida, nudula, : NEC, ut , soles,Davis locos ...::: P. Delius Hadrian us Imp.: Roving amiable little soul
  29. In law, the disorder must therefore amount to an absol ut e alienation of reason, ut , continua mantis alienation, omni intellect carat - such a disease as
  30. Of the Why Not? On an antique board which bears a Latin inscription ITA in vita, ut , in lush Alan pessimal Japura ARTE corrigenda est (translated in the book as
  31. Question (petition principal). *Chapter 16 deals with false cause (non-causam, ut , causam) *Chapter 17 deals with the fallacy of many questions (lures
  32. Sounded as softly as a recorder and can play a scale beginning on any note as, ut , : the point of these observations was that most other woodwind instruments of
  33. U+at \squad & \text \\ & s && = \tfrac12 (u+v’t \squad & \text \\ & s && =, ut , + \tfrac12 at^2 \squad & \text \\ & s && = VT - \tfrac12 at^2 \squad & \text \\
  34. Meaning, simply," eighth month. " * In Persian, the month is called (, ut , also August) * In Polish, the month is called, meaning " month of the sickle "
  35. Which, through your generosity, we are abo ut to receive): ET concede, ut , illis salubrious n ut rition (and grant that we, wholesomely nourished by them, ):
  36. In practice, the Romans themselves often used an alternate expression," fore, ut ," followed by a subjunctive clause. Supine The supine is the fourth principal
  37. Reprimanded by Pope Gregory I within a letter for" Due ENIM Barbarizing ones, ut , insensata Animalia giant, deum serum descant, ligna Artem et lap ides ado rent
  38. Your wife would still be a virgin. serum, ut , dissimules, ut mitts center, quanto: met iris ratio quo, ni tibia edits
  39. From the Soil:: (Latin Motto of North Dakota, Affective August 1,2011" Merit, ut , alteri Sancho profit" ( One sows for the benefit of another age. ): State
  40. Creativity Credibility Credo quit absurdum Credo quit absurdum est Credo, ut , intelligam Crescent the Cynic Cressida Has Cries and Whispers Crime
  41. S law in 1660,he first published it in anagram form, ceiiinosssttuv, for,UT, tensio, sic is (Latin: as the tension, so the force). In a related use, from
  42. Chapter 17 deals with the fallacy of many questions (lures interrogations, ut , unam facere)> *Occam ends (chapter 18) by showing how all these fallacies
  43. The Electron Book, by Frank Salaries, ProMusic Press, ISBN 978-1931140140,UT, is Latin for (with a subjunctive) " that" or (with an indicative) " as "
  44. Bargains between deity and worshiper. The Roman principle was expressed as do, ut , des:" I give, so that you may give. " Cato the Elder's treatise on
  45. In" The Waste Land ", T. S. Eliot quoted the line" Quango film UTI Sheldon, ut , tacere design? " (" When will I be like the swallow, so that I can stop being
  46. Primo & per se in correction em & bonus as quit punter, sed in bonus publicum, ut , alij terreantur, & a males committed Accenture. Translation from the Latin:
  47. Writes ad annul obsessions Masonic months ... Iquique quadragesimus quarts, ut , novi orbiter Angus sense I am UNO Emerson quiet mean nativities estwhich has
  48. Would still be a virgin. serum, ut dissembles, ut , mittas center, quanto: met iris ratio quo, ni tibia edits Essex: deuotusque
  49. In his Kingdom" ( Pro. 50,passions Christi per potential participator, ut , et Reno as paramour else consorts; note: Latin passions and potential
  50. Glosses alcohol mini as quango Omanis superfluity mini a vino separator, ita, ut , accensum ardent done totem consumer, nihilque focus AUT phlegmatic in funds

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