Examples of the the word, elective , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elective ), is the 7829 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Second only to King or Emperor. Overview The Holy Roman Empire was in theory an, elective ,monarchy, but from the 15th century onwards the electors often merely
  2. Court of the United States delivers its decision in Roe v. Wade, legalizing, elective , abortion in all fifty states. * 1973 – A chartered Boeing 707 explodes in
  3. Affinity is a somewhat modified variation of its eighteenth-century precursor ", elective ,affinity" or elective attractions, a coinage of the Swedish chemist Norbert
  4. Modified variation of its eighteenth-century precursor" elective affinity" or, elective ,attractions, a coinage of the Swedish chemist Norbert Olaf Bergman from his
  5. In each case, there was a dying plaintiff petitioning a court for the right to, elective ,cryopreservation. Cryonics was also featured on Miami Vice (1987),Request
  6. Prolonged bleeding after operations for up to 10 days. In one study,30 of 6499, elective , surgical patients required reoperations to control bleeding. Twenty had diffuse
  7. Five terms of physics, two terms of chemistry, one term of biology, a freshman, elective ," menu" course, two terms of introductory lab courses,2 terms of science
  8. In antiquity, the strict hereditary succession could be tempered by systems of, elective ,monarchy, where an assembly elects a new monarch out of a pool of eligible
  9. Of the term of office under various (nearly always republican and/or, elective ,) constitutions. Abdication or resignation is legally a voluntary act, although
  10. Tenure, but eventually these lost power (as in Britain) or else became, elective ,and remained powerful (as in the United States). Development of democracy
  11. The Mod bury Hospital and the Noarlunga Hospital would become specialist, elective ,surgery centers. The Repatriation General Hospital would also expand its range
  12. Original meaning. Abortion, by itself, came to mean" induced abortion" or ", elective ,abortion" exclusively. Hence, the parallel term spontaneous abortion, an " act
  13. The Athenian Empire, the Roman Empire and the British Empire developed under, elective ,auspices. The Empire of Brazil declared itself an empire after breaking from
  14. g. The Yoruba city-state of Azure in south-western Nigeria is something of an, elective ,monarchy, with its reigning Obey having to be chosen by an electoral college of
  15. Congress, there was a 64-year run of a Kennedy family member holding an, elective ,office in Washington. This spans more than a quarter of the nation's existence
  16. Of an abbess correspond generally with those of an abbot. The office is, elective , the choice being by the secret votes of the nuns belonging to the community.
  17. A now widely used name for this behavior, in an academic paper called ", elective ,dictatorship ". Parliament controls the executive by passing or rejecting its
  18. Powerful person in North Korea. There is debate whether Samoa is/was an, elective ,monarchy or an aristocratic republic, given the comparative ambiguity of the
  19. Is now contributing troops in the UN mission in Haiti. Ecuador has also been an, elective ,member of the UN Security Council. In Antarctica, Ecuador has maintained a
  20. In 1865,after much agitation and tension, the colonial office replaced the, elective ,assembly with one composed of one-half elected members and one-half appointed.
  21. Elements of Chemistry),refers to Bergmann’s work and discusses the concept of, elective ,affinities or attractions. Goethe used the concept in his novel Elective
  22. Except for Catholics),and a translation of a Polish tract advocating an, elective ,monarchy. Both these works were referred to in the Exclusion debate – the
  23. Consort, the wife of a reigning king. Some monarchies are non-hereditary. In an, elective ,monarchy, the monarch is elected but otherwise serves as any other monarch.
  24. Rob, Dawn and May's storyline where May stated to Dawn she could give her an, elective ,cesarean (Dawn being handcuffed to the bed) prompted 200 complaints. The
  25. Their scholarships. But Unitas maintained his scholarship by taking on a new, elective ,: square dancing. During his square dancing classes, he frequently danced with
  26. John Mayor, Johann Glacier, Isaac Newton, and Georg Stahl put forward ideas on, elective ,affinity in attempts to explain how heat is evolved during combustion reactions
  27. Every 4 years for 16 years; the two parties would have parity in all other, elective ,offices. The National Front ended" La Violence ", and National Front
  28. In essence, and even the office of German Holy Roman Emperor remained typically, elective ,rather than hereditary - up to its abolition in the Napoleonic Wars,2314 years
  29. Forty percent of the world's women are able to access therapeutic and, elective ,abortions within gestational limits. Secondary infertility caused by an unsafe
  30. Again settle within a single dynasty. For some two centuries, the monarchy was, elective ,both in theory and in practice; the arrangement, however,did not last, since
  31. Forty percent of the world's women are able to access therapeutic and, elective ,abortions within gestational limits. Induced abortion has a long history and
  32. Antibiotics (such as doxycycline or metronidazole) are typically given before, elective ,abortion, as they are believed to substantially reduce the risk of
  33. Every 4 years for 16 years; the two parties would have parity in all other, elective ,offices. The National Front ended" La Violence ", and National Front
  34. With a very low false positive rate. Abortion rates A 2002 literature review of, elective ,abortion rates found that 91–93 % of pregnancies in the United Kingdom and
  35. When she has to be cut again. The term FGM is not applied to medical or, elective ,procedures such as labiaplasty and angioplasty, or those used in sex
  36. Word monarchy generally refers to a traditional system of hereditary rule, as, elective , monarchies are rare in the modern period. Characteristics Most states have at
  37. French monarchy eventually became hereditary, but the German monarchy remained, elective , While all free men originally exercised the right to vote in such elections
  38. For this purpose he removed what little power was wielded by the zest,an, elective ,local administration resembling the county and parish councils in England, and
  39. In the latter part of the 19th century; though he lost his only two bids for, elective ,office, he served in three Cabinet positions and was twice a dark horse
  40. Of military leader, high priest, lawmaker and judge. Germanic monarchy was, elective ,; the king was elected by the free men from among eligible candidates of a
  41. Enforcement. Education and training Environmental law courses are offered as, elective ,courses in the second and third years of JD study at many American law schools.
  42. Word monarchy generally refers to a traditional system of hereditary rule, as, elective , monarchies are rare in the modern period. History Tribal kingship is often
  43. Induced abortions are typically characterized as either therapeutic or, elective , An abortion is medically referred to as a therapeutic abortion when it is
  44. Already fallen considerably under Blair (median wait time is about 6 weeks for, elective ,non-urgent surgery) are also in focus. The NHS will from December 2008,ensure
  45. Is elected but otherwise serves as any other monarch. Historical examples of, elective ,monarchy include the Holy Roman Emperors (chosen by prince-electors but often
  46. United States, although once offered nearly universally, Latin is limited to, elective ,status in a steadily declining number of grade schools, both public and private
  47. For centuries; but as the kingship was not strictly inherited (Hungary was an, elective ,monarchy until 1687) and was sometimes used as a training ground for young
  48. Surgical technique. Plastic surgery organizations have generally discouraged, elective ,cosmetic breast augmentation surgery for teenage girls as the volume of their
  49. Zest) for the rural districts (1864) and the large towns (1870),with, elective ,assemblies possessing a restricted right of taxation, and a new rural and
  50. And intelligence enough to govern properly. He called the developmental process, elective ,breeding, but it is sometimes referred to as Shavian eugenics, largely because

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