Examples of the the word, evidently , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Or not true. Psychologists argue that judgments are true because they become ", evidently ," true to us. This evidence, a psychological process that" guarantees" truth
  2. And in all the early German translations before Martin Luther's, and was thus, evidently ,considered scriptural by much of the western church for quite some time. The
  3. Were carried out by means of counting rods, and " the written character is, evidently ,a rude presentation of these ". After introduced the rod numerals, he said "
  4. State that Ægir is also known as Ymir, who is Gerðr's father, but this is, evidently ,an erroneous interpretation of Jennings in which different giant-names are used
  5. You see? You see? It is Blade Runner town. " And it was. It so, evidently ,was. Cyberpunk has influenced many anime and manga including the
  6. Between the Burgundians and the Catholic Western Roman Empire. Divisions were, evidently ,healed or healing circa AD 500,however, as Gunboat, one of the last
  7. Only by the Chancellor, Thomas Wriothesley, whom the Earldom of Southampton had, evidently ,failed to buy off, and by his own brother. Wriothesley, a religious
  8. BC). At the same time, the subjugated" allied" tribes of Media and Thrace, evidently ,repudiated their treaties with Rome, as they had to be re-conquered by Augustus
  9. Accompanied by a change of spelling (x to j). The word Chicano in the US was, evidently ,not affected by this change. The Chicano poet and writer Tin Villanueva traces
  10. As king of all of Edward's lands in 925. Æthelstan By 926 Nitric had, evidently ,acknowledged Æthelstan as over-king, adopting Christianity and marrying a
  11. Must be enormous in order to keep down the numbers of each species, since, evidently , they do not increase regularly from year to year, as otherwise the world would
  12. That will fatally over-heat if they stop. Technology invented by Mr. NG and, evidently , made exclusively for the defense of the franchise Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong
  13. Important, either since it was a vernacular poem endorsed by a scholar who, evidently ,frowned upon secular entertainment or because it is a direct quotation of
  14. The year 800 there. Angilbert's non-sacramental relationship with Bertha was, evidently ,recognized by the court – if she had not been the daughter of the King
  15. In the Iron Age period. Evidence for Roman settlement is sparse, although, evidently , the islands were visited by Roman officials and traders. The traditional Latin
  16. That the first three syllables make Abraham. The proper form of the name is, evidently ,Abraham, as with the Greek writers, Hippolytus,Epiphanies, Didymus (De Train.
  17. For each a\ING, there exists an element x\ING such that a\PERP=e. These, evidently ,weaker axiom pairs are trivial consequences of A3 and A4. We will now show that
  18. Jerome wrote in the 4th century," it is rejected by everyone. " However, it, evidently , gained a certain degree of respect. It appeared in over 100 surviving early
  19. Wolfgang Petersen's 1981 film Was Boot includes an Enigma machine which is, evidently ,a four-rotor Kriegsmarine variant. It appears in many scenes, which probably
  20. It was difficult for Carlos Valderrama to convince because, although he, evidently ,was a player with a natural feel for the ball, he was never a fast player and
  21. By Luca Bacilli or Diamante) the principles of linear perspective, and, evidently , became familiar with the 'costruzione legitimate' in a written description of
  22. Apartments built for each of them on the rue Vain). She worshiped him, but, evidently , they no longer had a sexual relationship. Gide's legal wife, Madeleine,died
  23. Of rhythm. It was then co-opted as a name specifically for the στ ligature, evidently ,because of the acrophobia value of its initial st- as well as the analogy with
  24. And established a royal school led by the Northumbrian scholar Alcuin. Reinhard, evidently ,was a talented builder and construction manager, because Charlemagne put him in
  25. Tendency to the doctrine of justification by faith, which appears still more, evidently ,in his Dialogues published the same year. He was suspected and denounced, but
  26. In to UHF. The island plays home to a small array of radio equipment that, evidently , spans a good chunk of the usable spectrum. A variety of government owned and
  27. In the principle of subsidiarity. Distribution reflects this doctrine most, evidently ,by promoting the family, rather than the individual, as the basic type of owner
  28. S connections were with Max Schemer and the Munich circle; Husserl himself, evidently ,did not consider him as a phenomenologist. His philosophy, however,is said to
  29. Rates of population growth among the religious communities. Although there were, evidently ,no large scale massacres or expulsions of shimmy populations before the 20th
  30. And AD135,with the difference that from 70-130 the bishops of Jerusalem have, evidently ,Jewish names, whereas after 135 the bishops of Amelia Capitoline appear to be
  31. Are frequent targets (the antagonist of Dragon Tears, for instance, evidently ,owes not only his superhuman abilities but also his pathological personality to
  32. Ancestors and cousins of the Marinate – do possess a keeled sternum. So, evidently ,the presence of this structure does not necessarily imply its use in flight.
  33. Meekly ", the only city to have preserved its name from the pre-atomic era:, evidently ,Miami, Florida,from its abbreviated form (as on road signs) " MIAMI FLA ". *
  34. The Circus includes a droopy hoisting crane and a droopy steam calliope. Gases, evidently ,enjoyed drawing architecturally elaborate objects. His endlessly varied (but
  35. And September positions, being 40 ". Aberration vs notation This motion was, evidently ,not due to parallax, for the reasons given in the discussion of Figure 2,and
  36. His hearers by teaching" wisdom" in the allegorical style of Phil. He was, evidently ,a man of unusual magnetic force. This suggestion has been recently repeated by
  37. Æthelberht complimenting Augustine's knowledge of the Bible, so Augustine was, evidently ,well-educated. Other qualifications included administrative ability, for
  38. In his chronology; though he did not complete his work before 1195,it is, evidently ,founded upon notes which he had taken in the course of his pilgrimage. He shows
  39. Life of Eleanor's court at Poitier's between 1170 and 1174,though it was, evidently ,written at least ten years later and, apparently,at Troyes. It deals with
  40. The ruling caste or race is fairer than the rest and has, therefore, evidently , immigrated,for example, the Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South
  41. Is that of a town of isolated houses with streets running between them. It is, evidently ,planned in compliance with the Benedictine rule, which enjoined that, if
  42. And powerful in his diction. Lucretius speaks of him with enthusiasm, and, evidently , viewed him as his model. The two poems together comprised 5000 lines. About 550
  43. Of one being crestfallen, depressed,despondent, downcast,gloomy, sullen and, evidently ,frowning, scowling. A Byzantine nobleman, he had risen to the court position of
  44. Or evil. ” (Eccl 12:13-14). Influences on other ancient writings Ecclesiastes, evidently ,influenced the deuterocanonical works, Wisdom of Solomon and Wisdom of Mirach
  45. Like Dawkins in England who still think the gene is the target of selection are, evidently ,wrong. In the 30s and 40s,it was widely accepted that genes were the target of
  46. Points to James the brother of Jesus Christ, to whom the resurrected Christ, evidently ,had made a special appearance, and who was prominent among the disciples. (Mt
  47. And painted altarpieces and both designed and cut woodblocks for woodcut, evidently ,gave him great understanding of what the technique could be made to produce
  48. That it adequately prevents symptoms or diseases, thus the risk-benefit is not, evidently ,favorable. A 2008 summary found that the best evidence suggests that
  49. Of the population. The switch from a non-dominated to an inferior position, evidently ,proved too difficult for many Christians, and they converted to Islam in large
  50. Delay between the Athenian arrival at Marathon, and the battle; Herodotus, who, evidently , believed that Miltiades was eager to attack, may have made a mistake whilst

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