Examples of the the word, telephony , in a Sentence Context

The word ( telephony ), is the 7813 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rabbit provides Adobe Flash/Flex APIs, allowing web developers to incorporate, telephony ,features into their Software as a Service (SaaS) applications. On 1 April
  2. For a monthly or annual fee with a service provider that hosts the call center, telephony ,equipment in their own data center. Such a vendor may host many call centers on
  3. 6-bit bytes commercially obsolete. In the early 1960s,AT&T introduced digital, telephony ,first on long-distance trunk lines. These used the 8-bit law encoding. This
  4. Government customers worldwide. Its BT Retail division is a leading supplier of, telephony , broadband and subscription television services in the UK, with over 18 million
  5. Series of doubtful international financial dealings that had little to do with, telephony , Financially weakened, Ericsson was now being seen as a take-over target by ITT
  6. Standards are listed under audio codecs. Voice compression is used in Internet, telephony ,for example, while audio compression is used for CD ripping and is decoded by
  7. Clocks has declined significantly. Auditory clocks For convenience, distance, telephony , or blindness, auditory clocks present the time as sounds. The sound is either
  8. Originally envisaged three major areas of application: * Domestic cordless, telephony , using a single base station to connect one or more handsets to the public
  9. Architecture consisting of core protocols, cable replacement protocols, telephony ,control protocols, and adopted protocols. " Mandatory protocols for all
  10. Inversely with the number of users. In a burst traffic environment like mobile, telephony , the advantage afforded by asynchronous CDMA is that the performance (bit
  11. Language ". Erlang was designed with the aim of improving the development of, telephony ,applications. The initial version of Erlang was implemented in PROLOG. Shortly
  12. Wireless devices and WAP is an open standard to provide mobile users access to, telephony ,and information services. To avoid interfering with other protocols that use
  13. Into the center are linked through a set of new technologies called computer, telephony ,integration (CTI). Most major businesses use call centers to interact with
  14. Parisian) Former major monopolies in Armenia include: # Wireless (mobile), telephony , held by Arrested until 2004 # Internet access, held by Arrested until
  15. Three licensed mobile operators encouraged one of the highest rates of mobile, telephony ,penetration. CATV licenses were granted at a local level, and while it was a
  16. Of space available for other digital services such as cable internet, cable, telephony , and wireless services, using both unlicensed and licensed spectrum. Broadband
  17. Free Lossless Audio Codec, a lossless compression codec. * GSM – designed for, telephony ,use in Europe, gsm is a very practical format for telephone quality voice. It
  18. Goodput or channel capacity. Overview Bandwidth is a key concept in many, telephony ,applications. In radio communications, for example, bandwidth is the frequency
  19. Expansion, consolidation and cooperation As the Internet and wireless, telephony ,began to merge during the turn of the century, Motorola (US),Ericsson, and
  20. They may be capable of relaying VoIP traffic, negating the need for separate, telephony ,services. Finally, the Internet Radio Linking Project provides potential for
  21. Through the Burundi peace process. Communications in Burundi refers to the, telephony , internet, postal,radio, and television systems of Burundi. Telephony As of
  22. Groups of Bluetooth TCS devices. " TCS-BIN is only used by the cordless, telephony ,profile, which failed to attract implementers. As such it is only of historical
  23. 2004 # Internet access, held by Arrested until September 2006 # Fixed-line, telephony , held by Arrested until August 2007 GDP The Gross Domestic Product of Armenia
  24. Synchronous communication service, is real-time streaming media, for example IP, telephony , IP-TV and video conferencing. Asynchronous communication in an electronically
  25. Radio frequency (RF): see Electromagnetic radiation and health * Mobile, telephony ,: see Mobile phone radiation and health The Empire State Building is a 102-story
  26. A PBX can be said to be DPNSS compatible. The remaining levels are allocated to, telephony ,features, supplementary services or to administrative features. Note that
  27. Communications and networking systems, and creating next-generation internet, telephony ,solutions. *Research Casting International - Canadian company specializing in
  28. Television in a triple play formula. All other companies offer also fixed, telephony ,in a duo play formula. Cable Internet Providers Belgium has three major
  29. A television antenna is required. FM radio programming, high-speed Internet, telephony , and similar non-television services may also be provided. The major difference
  30. Still ongoing, but at a slow pace. Private sector companies operate in mobile, telephony , and Internet access. There were 10 million fixed phone lines,31 million
  31. Data center, rather than at the call center operator's premise. The vendor's, telephony ,equipment then connects the calls to the call center operator's agents.
  32. Equipment In a curious oversight, Ericsson ignored the growth of automatic, telephony ,in the US. Instead, it concentrated on squeezing the most sales out of manual
  33. Telephony Integration (CTI) APIs provide developers with access to basic, telephony ,controls and sophisticated call handling on the call center platform from a
  34. Service for emergency calls. One of the standards available for digital cable, telephony , Pocketable, seems to be the most promising and able to work with the Quality
  35. Estonian independence granted a Monopoly on international and local fixed line, telephony ,to Estonian Telecom (EISTI Telecom). In the process of privatization, a
  36. After Basset. The Erlang (symbol E) is a dimensionless unit that is used in, telephony ,as a statistical measure of offered load or carried load on service-providing
  37. TDA, and FMA systems, which remain underutilized due to the burst nature of, telephony ,and packetized data transmissions. There is no strict limit to the number of
  38. Packet communications, perhaps against the constraint of limited international, telephony ,competition (with the global exceptions of callback, transit and re-file
  39. Numerous copper cable internet providers: Only Belgaum currently offers fixed, telephony ,and digital television in a triple play formula. All other companies offer also
  40. Reliable data stream to the user, similar to TCP. It is used directly by many, telephony ,related profiles as a carrier for AT commands, as well as being a transport
  41. UPC also offers local digital television, cable Internet access and digital, telephony , Competitive ISP service (mainly over ADSL) is offered by Bart/IAE. Transport
  42. To reduce transmission costs for 8-bit data. The use of 8-bit codes for digital, telephony ,also caused 8-bit data" octets" to be adopted as the basic data unit of the
  43. The Q.931 standard is an international standard utilized by many countries, telephony ,service providers. The CCITT specify the standards for the Layer 1,2 and layer
  44. For the Walloon and Brussels regions (TESTED) These companies all offer fixed, telephony ,and digital television in a triple play formula. These companies all offer
  45. Mathematics introduced by Anger ARUP Erlang have broad applicability beyond, telephony , They apply wherever users arrive more or less at random to receive exclusive
  46. Was in conflict with the star topology cable plans designed into buildings for, telephony , Modifying Ethernet to conform to twisted pair telephone wiring already
  47. National Telecommunications Office (DONATED),with additional focus on a rural, telephony ,promotion project. Internet use is also low in the country, with only 40 users
  48. From the transportation bureau to the armed forces; * Communications – the, telephony ,used to be a state monopoly, and Brasília held the HQ of Telegram, the central
  49. Customers over a variety of media, including but not necessarily limited to, telephony , e-mail and internet chat. *Inbound call center - Exclusively or predominantly
  50. The Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television),and, telephony , There is increasing interest in how computers and the Internet can improve

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