Examples of the the word, lawful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lawful ), is the 7831 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Out pre-signed letters announcing the birth of" a Prince, conceived in most, lawful ,matrimony between my Lord the King's Majesty and us ". Edward was christened
  2. Negotiating with the Government of the receiving State; ascertaining by all, lawful ,means conditions and developments in the receiving State, and reporting thereon
  3. Formidable Tom Destroy, Jr. (James Stewart) to help him make Bottleneck a, lawful , respectable town. Destroy confounds the townsfolk by refusing to strap on a gun
  4. This kept potential opponents separate and safe from each other until the, lawful ,minus. Discipline could be extreme, even lethal. Remains of a Pompeian lupus
  5. And defeating of giants, monsters,and foreign tyrants, not only as, lawful , but as meritorious, even divine honor ..." Laurence Lambert has interpreted
  6. Practiced as a doctor throughout most of his literary career:" Medicine is my, lawful ,wife ", he once said," and literature is my mistress. " Chekhov renounced the
  7. Wife http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/vwvfg/__48.html) and withdrawal of a, lawful ,administration act (§ 49 Wife
  8. To Her Majesty, and taking the Oath of Canonical Obedience" in all things, lawful ,and honest" to the bishop. Usually they are instituted to the benefice by the
  9. The word" German ". Initially, East Germany maintained that it was the only, lawful ,government of Germany. However, from the 1960s onward, East Germany held itself
  10. Gibbon rendered 'falsehoods'—may be a" medicine ", which may be ", lawful ,and fitting" to use. *Jacob Burkhart (19th century cultural historian)
  11. House. " In 1987,Maguire described the" Continuity Executive" as the ", lawful ,Executive of the Irish Republican Army. " Claim to legitimacy Thus, similar to
  12. By the Court. Article 5 provides the right to liberty, subject only to, lawful ,arrest or detention under certain other circumstances, such as arrest on
  13. Until the end of her life, Catherine would refer to herself as Henry's only, lawful ,wedded wife and England's only rightful queen, and her servants continued to
  14. On the seacoast. Aegis thus and his father now took possession of their, lawful ,inheritance from which they had been expelled by Atreus. Aegis thus and Theses
  15. He fathered with his first and fourth wife were daughters, he would have no, lawful ,male heir to his throne. When Casimir, the last Past king of Poland, died in
  16. Of an anesthetic to bring about a patient's death, so long as the person is of, lawful ,age and sound mind, and was suffering from a fatal injury, an irrecoverable
  17. Article 39 that: No person shall be held criminally liable for an act which was, lawful ,at the time it was committed, or of which he has been acquitted, nor shall he
  18. With the words:" I would know by what power I am called hither, by what, lawful ,authority ...? " Over a period of a week, when Charles was asked to plead three
  19. School. In English law,s58 Children Act 2004,limits the availability of the, lawful ,correction defense to common assault under s39 Criminal Justice Act 1988.
  20. The period of residence required for eligibility cannot be more than ten years, lawful ,and habitual residence. It also requires to" facilitate" the acquisition of
  21. Following the full Moon which falls on, or after the equinox will give the, lawful ,Easter. " However, this does not reflect the actual ecclesiastical rules
  22. Were vested in the board, the general meeting could not interfere with their, lawful ,exercise. The articles were held to constitute a contract by which the members
  23. Al-Din said: 'it is halal ( lawful ) to drink, because all things are halal (, lawful ,) except that which God has made harm (un lawful ) '. CBC is an artificial
  24. Death penalty. ) The Roman Catechism states this teaching thus: Another kind of, lawful ,slaying belongs to the civil authorities, to whom is entrusted power of life
  25. To their masters. Nevertheless, there is evidence of informal if not entirely, lawful ,practices to the contrary. Some" unfree" gladiators bequeathed money and
  26. To their life. The first paragraph of the article contains an exception for the, lawful ,executions, while the second paragraph provides that death resulting from
  27. Had to deny the violent nature of these activities. They asserted that, lawful ,violence is in fact non-violence; according to them sacrificial killing is not
  28. The 37th Article of Religion in the Book of Common Prayer states that" it is, lawful ,for Christian men, at the commandment of the Magistrate, to wear weapons, and
  29. Side possessed the legitimacy whose factual existence guarantees the unbroken, lawful ,succession of the successors of Saint Peter. The uncertainty that in some cases
  30. By an exception where authorization is received from the person holding the, lawful ,right in Canada to transmit and authorize decoding of the signal. This means
  31. With regard to the caffeine in coffee, Imam Shiva Alvin said: 'it is halal (, lawful ,) to drink, because all things are halal ( lawful ) except that which God has
  32. For the defeat of Protestantism, her supporters also included many for whom her, lawful ,claim to the throne overrode religious considerations. Northumberland was
  33. Example, pointing out that Eugenics' chapter headings claim that fictions are, lawful ,and fitting for him to use. Socrates Scholastic us (born c. 380),in his
  34. To escape, the king dropping The Great Seal in the Thames along the way, as no, lawful ,Parliament could be summoned without it. However, he was captured on 11
  35. church's property, which he could have, and should have, done if he were her, lawful ,successor. Instead, in the following summer Howell began to file numerous
  36. His death; an assertion that, if validated by the court, would make her the, lawful ,heir. Filmography Television * First appeared in a commercial for Harris Bank.
  37. Argentina’s Foreign Minister warned that his country would take all possible, lawful ,steps to impede British oil exploration and production there. On 17 September
  38. Is" no compelling legal authority for the common view that circumcision is, lawful , " In 2005 a Muslim man had his son circumcised against the wishes of the child
  39. To declare Caesar to have been a tyrant, which allowed the Cesareans to have, lawful ,support. Opposition to Mark Antony and death Cicero and Antony then became the
  40. May file papers alleging contempt against a person who has willfully violated a, lawful ,court order. Criminal contempt of court The Crown Court is a court of record
  41. Article 15 of the convention during peacetime. The exemption for the case of, lawful ,executions is further restricted by Protocols 6 and 13 (see below),for those
  42. Process. A finding of contempt of court may result from a failure to obey a, lawful ,order of a court, showing disrespect for the judge, disruption of the
  43. Such as rebellion, census evasion to avoid paying taxes, and refusal to swear, lawful ,oaths. Offenders seen as obnoxious to the state (no xii) received the most
  44. Parties) can predict whether a proposed course of action is likely to be, lawful ,or un lawful . This ability to predict gives more freedom to come close to the
  45. States today, the Gentiles have the slips of paper while the Jews have the, lawful ,money. " In the 1940s the aviator Charles Lindbergh and many prominent
  46. The law was bad? If the subject could so judge his own superior then all, lawful ,superior authority could lawful ly be overthrown by the arbitrary judgement of
  47. Under s5 Criminal Damage Act 1971 it may be argued that the defendant has a, lawful ,excuse to damaging property during the defense and a defense under s3 Criminal
  48. Property damage caused by climate change has been used as part of a ", lawful ,excuse" defense in court. Both The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian described
  49. April 1660. On 8 May 1660,it declared that King Charles II had reigned as the, lawful ,monarch since the execution of Charles I in January 1649. Charles returned from
  50. Constitution of states, to defend and extend the boundaries of Christendom by, lawful ,means only, to protect and defend the innocent, the weak, the poor and

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