Examples of the the word, denote , in a Sentence Context

The word ( denote ), is the 7820 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A power of 2. In practice the powers used are multiples of 10,so the prefixes, denote ,powers of The computer industry uses terms such as kilobyte, megabyte,and
  2. Acceptance of the 8-bit size. The term octet was defined to explicitly, denote ,a sequence of 8 bits because of the ambiguity associated with the term byte.
  3. Another, and with an alphabet proper, where independent letters are used to, denote ,both consonants and vowels. The term alphasyllabary was suggested for the India
  4. Work San UND Wait (" this entity which each of us is himself…we shall, denote ,by the term" casein. "" ), in which he argued that being or" casein" links
  5. It is an outer vocative case, used just as the adhesive and ablative cases to, denote ,both being on top of something and" being around the place" ( as opposed to
  6. Indices n_1 and n_2 and radii r'_1,r_1,and r'_2,r_2 respectively; let f, denote ,the total power, and DF, dn_1,DN_2 the changes of f, n_1,and n_2 with the
  7. Word tome (), which originally meant a slice or piece and from there began to, denote ," a roll of papyrus ". Tombs was used by the Latins with exactly the same
  8. Tank, Cruiser Tank, and Infantry Tank) have been used by various countries to, denote ,similar roles. A modern main battle tank incorporates advances in automotive
  9. The term" ethnic cleansing" was used as an alternative to" genocide" to, denote ,not just ethnically motivated murder but also displacement, though critics
  10. Such as angles. Furthermore, in mathematics, the letter alpha is used to, denote ,the area underneath a normal curve in statistics to denote significance level
  11. Law enforcement, and instances of corruption. The Botswana, a term also used to, denote ,all citizens of Botswana, refers to the country's major ethnic group (called
  12. Units, X tens, and so on up to millions. The beads in the shorter grooves, denote ,fives – five units, five tens etc., essentially in a bi-quinary coded decimal
  13. And state of mind (psychology). " Affection" is popularly used to, denote ,a feeling or type of love, amounting to more than goodwill or friendship.
  14. Goth fashion). Demography * The term" black" is often used in the West to, denote ,the ethnicity of people whose actual skin color ranges from light to darker
  15. Language standard for comments: the em-dash, as a double-dash (" --" ) to, denote ,comment text. Comments stop at end of line, so there is no danger of unclosed
  16. Such as debt or doubt. In Estonian, Icelandic,and in Chinese, ‹ b › does not, denote ,a voiced consonant; instead, it represents a voiceless that contrasts with
  17. To characterize a superior achromatic, and,subsequently, by many writers to, denote ,freedom from spherical aberration. Both the aberration of axis points, and the
  18. The graphical relationships like the arrows joining boxes and ellipses might, denote ,predicates. Different levels of abstraction might be denote d by a progression
  19. As 'the Lord' ). Languages which may not commonly use the term Allah to, denote ,God may still contain popular expressions which use the word. For example
  20. 1 quad. 90° π/2 rad 1/4 turn 100 grad. In German the symbol ∟ has been used to, denote ,a quadrant. *The angle of the equilateral triangle is 1/6 of a turn. It was the
  21. In English usage, the genitive" of Æsir faith" is often used on its own to, denote ,adherents (both singular and plural). Differences from Scandinavian and
  22. Anime characters may employ a variety of predetermined facial expressions to, denote ,moods and thoughts. These techniques are often different in form than their
  23. Currently uses a diacritic sign, called, to, denote , the glottal stop, written alone or with a carrier: ** with a carrier: (above
  24. Ambrosia) is semantically linked to the Sanskrit अमृत (Amrita) as both words, denote ,a drink or food that gods use to achieve immortality. The two words may be
  25. Life. (NWT) In philosophy and mysticism Plato used the word eon to, denote ,the eternal world of ideas, which he conceived was" behind" the perceived
  26. Table of antimatter was envisaged by Charles Janet in 1929. Notation One way to, denote ,an antiparticle is by adding a bar over the particle's symbol. For example
  27. He used the word" Semitism" interchangeably with the word" Pudendum" to, denote ,both" Jewry" ( the Jews as a collective) and" Jewishness" ( the quality of
  28. Depression, which he called" my black dog" ). * Black market is used to, denote ,the trade of illegal goods, or alternatively the illegal trade of otherwise
  29. As the series designation number would lead one to believe. The '28' is to, denote ,a retuned engine in the 2008 cars, compared to the 2006 model year '30 '
  30. Rather less relevant. The term may be also used loosely or metaphorically to, denote ,highly skilled people in any non-"art" activities, as well — law, medicine
  31. Is derived from the 5 Series. Unlike BMW cars, the SAV's main badge does not, denote ,engine size, the engine is instead indicated on side badges. The 'Z '
  32. To dominate only after 16th century. Usage of the Baltic and similar terms to, denote ,the region east from the sea started only in 19th century. Name in other
  33. For African-Americans and instead prefers the term" black" or" white" to, denote ,the African and European U. S. founding populations. Terms no longer in common
  34. Until they were reconciled by Mark II (799 - 819). The term is also used to, denote ,cleric magnates,i.e. clergy without title or benefice, picking up a living
  35. The word" android" has been used in literature and other media to, denote ,several kinds of artificially constructed beings: * an artificially
  36. Cristofano Colombo),was proposed by the revolutionary Francisco de Miranda to, denote ,the New World—especially Spain's and Portugal's American territories and
  37. Of the symbol are identical – not all languages use the letter" s" to, denote ,a plural. Syllabic abbreviation A syllabic abbreviation is an abbreviation
  38. Numbers therefore form a field, sometimes denote d by A (which may also, denote ,the Adele ring) or Q. Every root of
  39. Denotes" U. S. citizen" in Portugal. Usage of Americano to exclusively, denote ,people and things of the U. S. is discouraged by the Academia was Agencies de
  40. Functions on affine space, the regular functions on V form a ring, which we, denote ,by KV. This ring is called the coordinate ring of V. Since regular functions on
  41. A priestess. Gobi literally means" speaker for the gods ", and is used to, denote ,the priesthood or those who officiate over rituals in Ásatrú. Several groups
  42. Clearly derived either from a common root or from each other. The term came to, denote ,the season in 16th century England, a contraction of Middle English expressions
  43. Has evolved over time and, for various historical reasons, the word came to, denote ,people or things specifically from the United States of America. In modern
  44. Alpha is used to denote the area underneath a normal curve in statistics to, denote ,significance level when proving null and alternative hypotheses. In zoology, is
  45. The United States, but this usage is not accurate, because the term can also, denote ,things and persons from Canada, Mexico,Greenland, Bermuda and St Pierre and
  46. By writing: :\psi (x)=\sum_u_k (x)a_k ex, \,where we use the symbol k to, denote ,the quantum numbers p and σ of the previous section and the sign of the energy
  47. Though the Múra-Pirahã language of Brazil would require only 24 if it did not, denote ,tone, and Rotors would require only 30),and the glyphs of logo graphic
  48. To the shield under the left arm. Hence, by metonymy, it would be employed to, denote ,at times the shield which it supported, and at other times a Coors, or
  49. In German has a one-to-one equivalence to its meaning in modern English: it may, denote ,North America, South America, or both, and in some instances refers to the
  50. And even its norm \int | f (x)|^2 x) depend on the character used to, denote ,its argument. If the Greek letter is used, it is assumed to be a Fourier

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