Examples of the the word, causal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( causal ), is the 7832 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Problems, collisions between bubbles became exceedingly rare. In anyone, causal ,patch it is likely that only one bubble will nucleate. Slow-roll inflation The
  2. Schwarzschild surface as an event horizon," a perfect unidirectional membrane:, causal ,influences can cross it in only one direction ". This did not strictly
  3. Could wander around and interact with its environment. This would allow a ", causal ,connection" between the symbols and things they represent. Hans Morale
  4. Can be integrated without consciousness. Nor is it explained what specific, causal ,role conscious integration plays, nor why the same functionality cannot be
  5. Aluminium accumulation may be a consequence of the disease rather than a, causal ,agent. In any event, if there is any toxicity of aluminum, it must be via a
  6. Object — the object enables and, in a sense, determines the sign. A physically, causal ,sense of this stands out when a sign consists in an indicative reaction. The
  7. Peripherally involved, and knew it had to draw a line somewhere, a limit on the, causal ,connection between the negligent conduct and the injury. The court looked to
  8. To make a machine conscious: All he proposed was that what was needed was ", causal ,powers" of the sort that the brain has and that computers lack. But other
  9. Powers" produce minds, it follows that programs do not have" equivalent, causal ,powers. ": (C4) The way that human brains actually produce mental phenomena
  10. Coming about can be attributed to four different types of simultaneously active, causal ,factors: *Material cause describes the material out of which something is
  11. A simulation will not have reproduced the important features of the brain — its, causal ,and intentional states. Earle is adamant that" human mental phenomena are
  12. Exactly what it is, but it must exist, because minds exist. Earle calls it ", causal ,powers ". " Causal powers" is whatever the brain uses to create a mind. If
  13. Change. A more speculative and polemical inference sometimes drawn is that the, causal ,relationship between temperature rises and global concentrations is only
  14. That:: (C2) Any other system capable of causing minds would have to have, causal ,powers (at least) equivalent to those of brains.: :Brains must have something
  15. Be able to tell there wasn't a Chinese speaker in the room by detecting their, causal ,properties. Since they can't detect causal properties, they can't detect the
  16. Be stated as follows: # Every finite and contingent being has a cause. # A, causal ,loop cannot exist. # A causal chain cannot be of infinite length. # Therefore
  17. Existing evidence that abortion does not cause breast cancer. The concept of a, causal ,link between induced abortion and breast cancer is currently promoted primarily
  18. Such as divination or synchronicity. Others have proposed conventional, causal ,agents such as electromagnetism within an intricate web of planetary fields
  19. Isotropy of the CMB then follows from the fact that this larger region was in, causal ,contact before the beginning of inflation. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
  20. Experiments with lenses, mirrors,refraction, and reflection. He proposed a, causal ,model for the refraction of light that could have been extended to yield a
  21. And scientific opinion is that studies have not convincingly demonstrated a, causal ,relationship between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease. Nevertheless, some
  22. Transfer function fall in the left half of the complex s-plane. A discrete-time, causal ,filter is stable if the poles of its transfer function fall inside the unit
  23. For cosmology in the global point of view, the observable universe is one, causal ,patch of a much larger unobservable universe; there are parts of the universe
  24. Since programs do not have" equivalent causal powers "," equivalent, causal ,powers" produce minds, and brains produce minds, it follows that brains do not
  25. Finite and contingent being has a cause. # A causal loop cannot exist. # A, causal ,chain cannot be of infinite length. # Therefore, a First Cause (or something
  26. Cause a mind to exist, it must have" equivalent causal powers ". " Equivalent, causal ,powers" is whatever else that could be used to make a mind. And from this he
  27. The body surface and to proceed to the interior. This is sometimes used to draw, causal ,relationships (i.e., prior exposure to wind/cold/etc. is identified as the
  28. Virtue of running a computer program.: :Since programs do not have" equivalent, causal ,powers "," equivalent causal powers" produce minds, and brains produce minds
  29. Creative plans of action to achieve their goals, and thus would seem to have a, causal ,insight which transcends mere custom. André de Longjumeau (also known as
  30. Charles Stross's books Singularity Sky and Iron Sunrise make use of ", causal ,channels" which use entangled particles for instantaneous two-way
  31. Widespread at the same time as capitalism, leading many theorists to posit a, causal ,relationship between them, or that each affects the other. However, in the 20th
  32. Using or selling antibacterials, and to the time required for research to test, causal ,links between antibacterial use and resistance. Two federal bills (S.742
  33. On experience. David Hume highlighted this problem of induction and argued that, causal ,relations were not true a priori (deductively). However, as to whether
  34. In the room by detecting their causal properties. Since they can't detect, causal ,properties, they can't detect the existence of the mental. Therefore, Russell
  35. Particle horizon—on the separation of any two regions of space that are in, causal ,contact. The observed isotropy of the CMB is problematic in this regard: if the
  36. Insist they are conscious. This suggests it's unlikely that Searle's ", causal ,properties" would have ever evolved in the first place. Nature has no
  37. Follows from C1 and C2: Since no program can produce a mind, and " equivalent, causal ,powers" produce minds, it follows that programs do not have" equivalent
  38. Abstract objects are relevant to mathematical reasoning in a way that is non, causal , and not analogous to perception. This argument is developed by Jerrold Katz in
  39. Any artificial brain, would have to be able to duplicate the specific, causal ,powers of brains, and it could not do that just by running a formal program.:
  40. For any functional advantage in evolutionary processes. No one has given a, causal ,explanation, they argue, of why it would not be possible for a functionally
  41. A mind. If anything else can cause a mind to exist, it must have" equivalent, causal ,powers ". " Equivalent causal powers" is whatever else that could be used to
  42. Towards life and mind. #The self-explaining universe #: A closed explanatory or, causal ,loop:" perhaps only universes with a capacity for consciousness can exist. "
  43. Right). \ Stability and minimum-phase property preserved A continuous-time, causal ,filter is stable if the poles of its transfer function fall in the left half of
  44. That, by some mutation, a human being is born that does not have Searle's ", causal ,properties" but nevertheless acts exactly like a human being. (This sort of
  45. One that emphasizes, in the words of one such scholar," chronological, causal , linear and historical thinking. " But it has also been claimed that, from his
  46. The U. S. National Academy of Science report, declared that there was a ", causal ,relationship" between Agent Orange and 11 diseases, including cancers of the
  47. Suggested an association between abortion and breast cancer. Proponents of a, causal ,link between the two suggest that the interruption of normal breast development
  48. Private events such as thinking, perceptions,and unobservable emotions in a, causal ,account of an organism's behavior: The position can be stated as follows: what
  49. As an argument from universal causation, an argument from first cause,the, causal ,argument or the argument from existence. Whichever term is employed, there are
  50. Apart from each other faster than the speed of light—thus have never come in to, causal ,contact: in the history of the universe, back to the earliest times, it has not

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