Examples of the the word, boomer , in a Sentence Context
The word ( boomer ), is the 7816 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- On history and culture An indication of the importance put on the impact of the, boomer ,was the selection by Time magazine of the Baby Boom Generation as its 1966 "
- As the terminus for the Northern Pacific. He was a contemporary of Tacoma, boomer ,Leonard Hogarth and became wealthy in his activities with the same companies as
- Like Jack Kerouac, and Allen Ginsberg who were considerably older than the, boomer ,generation. Those born in the 1960s might well feel disconnected from the
- Police force split off the regular police, tasked with responding to rogue, boomer ,incidents with heavy weaponry and powered exoskeletons. They are seen as
- Artistic backgrounds and styling that distinguished his 1940s work. The baby, boomer ,generation came to know and love Last as the creator of the Woody Woodpecker
- And taking place in roughly chronological order. The stories are about the baby, boomer ,generation, specifically King's view that this generation (to which he
- Took office at the end of the Cold War, and was the first president of the baby, boomer ,generation. Clinton has been described as a New Democrat. Many of his policies
- The redhead tomboy from the Burger King Kids Club Groups of people * Baby, boomer , someone who was born during the period of increased birth rates when economic
- Trade union movements in an effort to build the CPU SA among the young“ baby, boomer ,” generation of activists. After the Sino-Soviet split, Maoism likewise was
- Day as the lead character. By the late 1960s,the sexual revolution of the baby, boomer ,generation had refocused public attitudes about sex. Times changed, but Day's
- And scholars may have widely varying opinions on what constitutes a baby, boomer , both technically and culturally. Ascribing universal attributes to a broad
- Reintegrated since Genome plans were complete, eventually causing almost every, boomer ,in Tokyo to be under her control, warping all buildings in Tokyo which had
- Shift in the 21st Century, published in 1997 and 2000. He defines a Canadian, boomer ,as someone born from 1947 to 1966,the years that more than 400,000 babies were
- Central city cores practical for the first time. In addition, parents of baby, boomer ,children desired to raise these children in a suburban or rural atmosphere as
- Of the Mad Hatter in Walt Disney's film, Alice in Wonderland, but many baby, boomer ,children remember him most fondly for his brief appearances as The Toy maker
- As it is your future here at stake, and so far our generation the baby, boomer ,and current political government have not been watching out for the future of
- Birth boom between 1946 and 1964. Landon Jones, who coined the term" baby, boomer ," in his book Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Generation, defined
- Buck Stopped" Harry S. Truman was President of the United States, and the baby, boomer ,generation was evolving. Along with the baby boomer s came the nuclear age (the
- Chose" none ", and 5 % were not sure. Public image As the first baby, boomer ,president, Clinton was the first president in a half-century not to have been
- Cove came sixth in an online poll to find the UK's top beach for the baby, boomer ,generation (2006). Beaches which won 2006 Blue Flag Beach Awards are:
- Pronounced 'virus ', with an 'i' as in 'leave'—which means, virus ). A baby, boomer ,is a person who was born during the demographic Post-World War II baby boom and
- Knoxville, Tennessee," the son of a railroad cabinetmaker and nephew of four, boomer ,trainmen. His drifting began when he ran away from home as a boy to join a
- Employees, including high level executive Brian Mason, while unable to cause a, boomer ,to go rogue are able to replace the core of a normal boomer with that of a
- Has found its way into popular culture through well known phrases like" baby, boomer ," and" Generation X ". The United Kingdom has a series of four national birth
- He hired out to the Penny in the Pittsburgh area, and from there he took the, boomer ,trail as railroader and a minstrel. Mac lived an adventurous life and never
- To go rogue are able to replace the core of a normal boomer with that of a, boomer ,that is showing signs of going rogue and thus engineer rogue boomer events for
- Across generations. Some researchers have attributed this rise to the baby, boomer ,generation. Historically, the baby boomer s were the largest influx of children
- Development in Hamilton has been geared to accommodating the aging baby, boomer ,generation. Retirement communities and assisted-living facilities outpace that
- Job openings will increase in the next 5 years due to retirements of the baby, boomer ,generation. The Over 50 population is actually the fastest growing labor groups
- In general, basing his argument on the fact that Lucas was born during the baby, boomer ,generation, and the dark times featured in the original trilogy rival the dark
- Technology. Boomer may refer to: Animals * An adult male kangaroo, nicknamed ", boomer ," in Australia Fiction Comics * Owen Mercer, the current Captain Boomerang in
- Amusement park owners are also aware of the need to satisfy their aging baby, boomer ,customer base with more restaurants, landscaping,gardens and live
- For the AD Police, explaining how the Knight Sabers are always aware of rogue, boomer ,events, and becomes a Knight Saber herself. While ostensibly digging expansive
- That of a boomer that is showing signs of going rogue and thus engineer rogue, boomer ,events for the AD Police to combat. Through Press, Linna makes contact with
- Is often identified with the emergence of teen culture among the first baby, boomer ,generation, who had both greater relative affluence, leisure and who adopted
- Boomer Magazine, a Canadian periodical focused on topics relevant to the baby, boomer ,generation. On 1 June 2005,he published his first book of photos in the United
- Performances The Ed Sullivan Show is especially known to the WWII and baby, boomer ,generations for introducing acts and airing breakthrough performances by
- With George O'Brien playing the title role. Television Audiences of the" baby, boomer ," generation are more familiar with the Daniel Boone television series, which
- Received its official name in 1884 when William L. Couch established his “, boomer ,colony” on its banks. The placid, spring-like creek became known as Stillwater
- Added to the fund in 1984 saved so that it could be spent on a retiring baby, boomer ,in 2020 without a tax increase? If the only way for the federal government to
- Baby Boomers. Definition The United States Census Bureau considers a baby, boomer ,to be someone born during the demographic birth boom between 1946 and 1964.
- A small group of women in hard suits who are always arrived to stop the rogue, boomer , even going so far as to attempt to capture and kill the Knight Sabers. A small
- Presented for this industry in this time of shifting travel trends and the baby, boomer ,generation. The success of Kingston's tourism industry is heavily dependent on
- Unable to cause a boomer to go rogue are able to replace the core of a normal, boomer ,with that of a boomer that is showing signs of going rogue and thus engineer
- Have had to adapt. The mere barking of a dog can set a full-grown male, boomer ,into a wild frenzy. Wedge-tailed eagles and other raptors usually eat kangaroo
- The West German polls. Both men had come to their own terms with the new baby, boomer ,lifestyles. Kissinger considered them to be" a shameful crowd of long-haired
- Fans in their twenties in a climate dominated by the musical tastes of the baby, boomer ,generation that preceded them. Averred wrote," Never mind came along at exactly
- War II baby boom and who grew up during the 1960s and 1970s. The term" baby, boomer ," is sometimes used in a cultural context. Therefore, it is impossible to
- Point will quickly lose all lift and descend accelerating very fast like a dive, boomer ,so that its landing will be vertical and with great force and probably cause
- Being run over by Press on her motorcycle and once while fighting a rogue, boomer ,with Press in her hard suit. Megacorporation Genome has been producing boomer s, a
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