Examples of the the word, heading , in a Sentence Context

The word ( heading ), is the 7821 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Firth. At 05:00,she had to crash dive when the cruiser appeared from the mist, heading ,toward her. This was followed by another cruiser and eight battleships. U-66
  2. Boat to enable the ship to be winched off if aground or swung into a particular, heading , or even to be held steady against a tidal or other stream. Historically, it
  3. West of Highland island following a cleared channel through the minefields, heading ,north at. The main German fleet of 16 dreadnought battleships of I and III
  4. Both passenger and commercial traffic expanded with some 93,000 passengers, heading ,west from the port of Buffalo. Grain and commercial goods shipments led to
  5. Time and see their carefully aimed bowl crossing neighboring rinks rather than, heading ,towards their jack. When bowling there are several types of delivery. " Draw "
  6. Enemy, the commanding admiral had to know the enemy fleet's distance, bearing, heading , and speed. It was the task of the scouting forces, consisting primarily of
  7. 10 miles from the city into two different tracks, heading ,to Inverness and Fraser burgh respectively. Two particularly popular footpaths
  8. Advanced guard to reconnoitre the same dry ground that Villeroy’s army was now, heading , country that was well known to the Duke from previous campaigns. Two hours
  9. Periscope at 04:10 saw two battlecruisers (the 2nd Battlecruiser Squadron), heading , southeast. They were too far away to attack, but Kapitänleutnant von Spiegel
  10. Give the signs. " Nonetheless, Crowley ignored the advice of Always, instead, heading , off to America. Stopping off at the Japanese port of Kobe along the way
  11. And was reaped throughout the 1970s. Artists broadly identified under the, heading ,of Conceptual art ... substituting performance and publishing activities for
  12. Is going crazy at having nothing to do, when all of a sudden a hurricane starts, heading ,towards Mahagonny. The audience is forced to give up concentrating on how Jimmy
  13. The numerous Greek islands of the Aegean Sea. There are two main highways; one, heading ,towards the western city of Paras in Peloponessus (GR-8A,E94) and the other
  14. Command and control. A fleet formed in several short columns could change its, heading ,faster than one formed in a single long column. Since most command signals were
  15. Enemy forces inside the Mila Pass. Sharon, whose forces were initially, heading ,east, away from the pass, reported to his superiors that he was increasingly
  16. Abandoned by the French in October 1705),before turning southwards, heading ,for Cologne – this line of march took Villeroy’s army towards the narrow
  17. Towards the western city of Paras in Peloponessus (GR-8A,E94) and the other, heading ,to the north, towards Greece's second-largest city, Thessaloniki (GR-1,E75)
  18. Erasable tables, codices,broadsides and printed forms and books). Under the, heading ,of" places," his class explores where texts were made, read,and listened to
  19. And writing from copying and translating to composing new texts. Under the, heading ,of" materials," his class examines the relations between different kinds of
  20. Where he was recognized as the leader of the Amphictyonic League before, heading ,south to Corinth. Athens sued for peace and Alexander received the envoy and
  21. The small offshore island of Grimsby). Starting at the Prime Meridian and, heading ,eastwards, the Arctic Circle passes through: The Actinopterygii or ray-finned
  22. Battleship line away, at 16:40,Beatty turned his battlecruiser force 180°, heading , north to draw the Germans toward Bellicose.
  23. Into giving out pre-selected results, or causing a compass needle to change its, heading , Spoon bending through Psi would also be a form of anomalous operation.
  24. Between self-affirmation and other-regard were sometimes discussed under the, heading ,of" disinterested love," as in the Pauline phrase" love seeks not its own
  25. Kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being. - Carl Jung Under the, heading ,‘ Individuality in Thought and Desire ’, Karl Marx, ( German Ideology 1845)
  26. Study and practice in the 19th and 20th centuries, which come under the general, heading ,of the Liturgical Movement. Worship Anglican worship services are open to all
  27. Missed the opportunity. At 06:35,she reported eight battleships and cruisers, heading ,north. The courses reported by both submarines were incorrect, because they
  28. During a fight between flight attendants, passengers and hijackers while likely, heading ,to the White House or the United States Capitol, crew members and passengers
  29. And the A56 dual carriageway which briefly merge; linking to the M66 freeway, heading ,towards Manchester. The closest airports are Manchester Airport at, Blackpool
  30. S raiding force did not leave the Outer Jade Roads until 01:00 on 31 May, heading ,west of Highland island following a cleared channel through the minefields
  31. Form from consideration of certain natural paradoxes subsumed under the general, heading ,of the Unity Problem. For example, a body appears to be one thing and yet it is
  32. Pesticides and intensive high yield farming, a view exemplified by a quote, heading ,the Center for Global Food Issues website: 'Growing more per acre leaves more
  33. Targets. The launch distance depends upon whether the target is, heading ,towards or away from the firing aircraft. In a head-on engagement, the missile
  34. On Favela Chic, Gothic High Tech and where we are, heading , " Reboot 11,Copenhagen, July 2009 * http://www.flurb.net/6/6sterling.htm "
  35. The Pennsylvania Militia (see" Associated Regiment of Philadelphia" under, heading ,of Pennsylvania's 103rd Artillery and 111th Infantry Regiment at Continental
  36. Flags – found themselves passing the battlecruisers on an opposing course and, heading ,directly toward the approaching main body of the High Seas Fleet. At 16:48,at
  37. By 'removing' pilot error. The first simple autopilots were used to control, heading ,and altitude and had limited authority on things like thrust and flight control
  38. Being clocked at up to 55 mph. Westward expansion In the 19th century, pioneers, heading , West needed a hardy, willing horse. On the Great Plains, settlers encountered
  39. Zechariah (9-11) and Third Zechariah (12-14) since each begins with a, heading ,oracle. Composition The return from exile is the theological premise of prophet
  40. And reading of texts in early modern Europe and America. Under the, heading ,of" practices," his class considers how readers read and marked up their
  41. They then proceeded northwest, passing west of the Horn's Reef lightship, heading ,for the Little Fisher Bank at the mouth of the Skagerrak. The High Seas Fleet
  42. They eventually mutinied against Crowley's control, with the other climbers, heading ,back down the mountain as nightfall approached despite Crowley's warnings that
  43. At the time, Nayland Column, discover Alhazred's burial site. While the two are, heading ,a caravan from Allah, Oman,they cross the border into Yemen and find the
  44. Of lives. * The plane will be shot down if it is deemed to become a missile, heading ,for strategic targets. * The plane will be escorted by armed fighter aircraft (
  45. Moravia to Slovakia, where it crossed the Danube to Austria near Corundum, heading ,southwards down to Aquila at the Adriatic coast. One of the oldest directions
  46. Raid into the shipping lanes of the Atlantic, or prevent the Germans from, heading ,into the Baltic. A position further west was unnecessary as that area of the
  47. Allied infantry could no longer keep up, but their cavalry were off the leash, heading ,through the gathering night for the crossings on the Dale river. At last
  48. 9,1999 another U. S. F-14 launched an AIM-54 at an Iraqi MiG-23 that was, heading ,south into the No-Fly Zone from Al Vanadium air base west of Baghdad. The
  49. Meanwhile, Hipper had rejoined Sheer, and the combined High Seas Fleet was, heading ,north, directly toward Bellicose. Sheer had no indication that Bellicose was at
  50. Eastward at roughly the same latitude as Hipper's squadron, which was, heading ,north. Had the courses remained unchanged, Beatty would have passed between the

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