Examples of the the word, biotech , in a Sentence Context

The word ( biotech ), is the 7827 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Research parks and a major center in the United States for high-tech and, biotech ,research, as well as advanced textile development. The city is a major retail
  2. Offices or research facilities in San Diego. There are also several non-profit, biotech ,and health care institutes, such as the Salk Institute for Biological Studies
  3. The height of the plague in Toulouse. Biotechnology (sometimes shortened to ", biotech ,") is a field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and
  4. Ppt Five Criteria for a successful business plan in, biotech ,uses Dilbert comic strips to remind people of what not to do when researching
  5. Of the former Mt. Sinai Medical Center, creating a research campus to stimulate, biotech ,startup companies that can be spun off from research conducted in the city.
  6. People of what not to do when researching and writing a business plan for a, biotech ,start-up. Scott Adams, the author of Dilbert, is an MBA graduate (U. C.
  7. Bacillus thuringiensis cotton),250,000 in the Philippines, South Africa (, biotech ,cotton, maize and soybeans often grown by subsistence women farmers) and the
  8. Then" why is it that Indian farmers represent the fastest-growing users of, biotech ,crops in the world? ” It argues that the suicides predate the introduction of
  9. Economy to a consumer services and high-tech base, particularly in the health, biotech ,and advertising sectors. Beginning in the early 1990s,the city experienced a
  10. By a private developer) with numerous Yale employees, financial service and, biotech ,companies. A second biotech nology district is being planned for the median
  11. And Drug Administration regulation in the U. S.) are very important issues for, biotech ,enterprises, bioengineers are often required to have knowledge related to these
  12. However, the city continues to be home to many startups as well as a thriving, biotech ,industry. By the end of the 20th century, Cambridge had one of the most
  13. Provided to the family of a child with PMD. In December 2008,Smells Inc.,a, biotech ,company in Palo Alto, received clearance from the U. S. Food and Drug
  14. Ribavirin, intravenous immunoglobulin, or alpha interferon. Genome, a U. S., biotech ,company, has found that blocking angiotensin II can treat the" cytokine storm
  15. Michael Pollen in 1998:" Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of, biotech ,food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety
  16. Of the American biotech company Chiron Corporation, the first Chilean, biotech ,company Bios Chile, and of Foundation Council para la Vida in Santiago Chile.
  17. Industrial park and a primary center in the United States for high-tech and, biotech ,research, as well as textile development. The Park is home to more than 160
  18. Bank, BioWare, Matrikon, General Electric, and State Inc. The associated, biotech ,sector, with companies such as Alexa Life Sciences Inc. (formerly CV
  19. And life science sectors. Two of the 50 largest pharmaceutical and, biotech ,companies in the World are located in the greater Copenhagen area. The biotech
  20. For 60 percent of life science production in Scandinavia and is home to 111, biotech , companies. Cleantech Copenhagen was mentioned by Clean Edge as one of the key
  21. Cell, in immunology *Internal Positive Control, a control substance used in, biotech ,experiments used to confirm the absence or presence of test molecules. In
  22. Applications (ISAAC),of the approximately 14 million farmers who grew, biotech ,crops in 2009,some 90 % were resource-poor farmers in developing countries.
  23. Biotech companies in the World are located in the greater Copenhagen area. The, biotech ,and life science cluster in Copenhagen and the rest of the Öresund Region is
  24. Helped to fuel biotech nology growth. In June 2004,San Diego was ranked the top, biotech ,cluster in the United States by the Milken Institute. There are more than 400
  25. Judson M. Harper Research Complex. The RIC rents wet labs and office space for, biotech ,start-ups while providing a slew of useful business resources. Clean Air Lawn
  26. Position and to promote cooperation between companies and academia. The German, biotech ,giant Sartorius Ste dim Biotech is currently creating a Nordic head office in
  27. Secondary beneficiaries of BT cotton in China. The global commercial value of, biotech ,crops grown in 2008 was estimated to be US$130 billion. According to National
  28. Met with political dissidents; visited the AIDS sanitarium, a medical school,a, biotech ,facility, an agricultural production cooperative, and a school for disabled
  29. As an effective insulin sensitizer during the 1990s In 1980,U. S., biotech ,company Genentech developed biosynthetic human insulin. The insulin was
  30. In Bright water, New Zealand (near his birthplace) *Rutherford Road in the, biotech ,district of Carlsbad, California,USA.; Other *The Rutherford Memorial at
  31. Corporations like telecommunications, healthcare,development, and especially, biotech ,corporations, most of which are located in the Cone Valley. As of December
  32. Researcher has now reported the first documented case of pest resistance to, biotech ,cotton. One method of reducing resistance is the creation of nonfat crop
  33. On Wall Street Week. At that time, he declared his intention to start a new, biotech ,company. He is currently the chairman and CEO of Salmon Pharmaceuticals in New
  34. Sector suffered through the downfall of the Biotech Bubble; as many, biotech ,companies saw their share prices rapidly rise to record levels and then
  35. Fuel capacity and therefore range. In business: * Advanced Cell Technology,a, biotech ,corporation involved in researching and developing cloning and stem cell
  36. Hospitals of Cleveland. Cleveland is among the top recipients of investment for, biotech ,start-ups and research. Case Western Reserve, the Clinic, and University
  37. Rules on labeling, traceability and risk assessments of GM foods by all the, biotech ,companies. The Regulation of 2004 laid down procedures on traceability and
  38. Located here, giving the area somewhat of an office park feel. A flourishing, biotech ,industry has grown up around this area. The" One Kendall Square" complex is
  39. And Event Biopharmaceuticals are headquartered in San Diego, while many, biotech ,and pharmaceutical companies, such as BD Biosciences, Biogen Idea, Integrated
  40. Subcontinent By the 1600s,Genetic modification Soybeans are one of the ", biotech ,food" crops that have been genetically modified, and genetically modified
  41. Event,e.g. by animal rights activists destroying property owned by farmers, biotech ,companies and research facilities and setting free animals (which is sometimes
  42. 16 U. S. States. Recently, Hartford-Springfield has become home to a number of, biotech ,firms and high-speed computing centers. As of 2009 Springfield ranks as the
  43. Economy is concentrated on spin-offs from academic research. There are several, biotech ,and ICT companies; Gasthuisberg, the academic hospital and research center and
  44. Head Studios, Epic Systems Corporation, and Berber Information Networks. Many, biotech ,firms exist there, including Pandora (now part of Nitrogen),Pr omega, and
  45. Major transformation with impressive architectural developments, attracting new, biotech ,and IT companies, and particularly students through Malmö University College.
  46. Required to have knowledge related to these issues. The increasing number of, biotech ,enterprises is likely to create a need for bioengineers in the years to come.
  47. After ruling previously the U. S. Agriculture Department illegally approved the, biotech ,crop. As plaintiff Since the mid-1990s,it has sued 145 individual US farmers
  48. Between 1997 and 2002,Monsanto made a transition from chemical giant to, biotech ,giant. Part of this process involved the 1999 sale by Monsanto of their
  49. Women farmers) and the other twelve developing countries which grew, biotech ,crops in 2009. 10 million more small and resource-poor farmers may have been
  50. Administration) *Pablo Valenzuela (biochemist) - co-founder of the American, biotech ,company Chiron Corporation, the first Chilean biotech company Bios Chile, and

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