Examples of the the word, superiority , in a Sentence Context

The word ( superiority ), is the 7824 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Wings of the Admiral Kuznets are often geared primarily towards the air, superiority ,and fleet defense roles rather than strike/power projection tasks which require
  2. To rapidly destroy the target's unit cohesion. It is vital to obtain fire, superiority ,as rapidly as possible, to prevent enemy counter-ambush tactics from being
  3. Is unclear from the treaty, though,given Alfred’s political and military, superiority , it would have been surprising if he had conceded any disputed territory to his
  4. During the later years of the war. Early German successes enjoyed air, superiority ,with unencumbered movement of ground forces, close air support, and aerial
  5. And grenadiers prepared for house-to-house combat. Despite enjoying qualitative, superiority ,against the VVS and possessing 80 % of the Luftwaffe's resources on the Eastern
  6. Of the naval war When the war began, the British had overwhelming naval, superiority ,over the American colonists. The Royal Navy had over 100 ships of the line and
  7. Trees the French thought would impede this tactic. Air superiority Allied air, superiority ,became a significant hindrance to German operations during the later years of
  8. Mobilized infantry, artillery and aircraft, to create an overwhelming local, superiority ,in combat power, to overwhelm an enemy and break through its lines. Blitzkrieg
  9. Adopted instead. By 1911 Germany had built battlecruisers of her own, and the, superiority ,of the British ships could no longer be assured. On her Tank, begun in 1908
  10. Hegemony, and that dollar dominance is not just a consequence of US economic, superiority , Globalization historians claim that dollar dominance has been achieved also by
  11. Living. Niobe, the queen of Thebes and wife of Amnion, boasted of her, superiority ,to Let because she had fourteen children (Niobium),seven male and seven
  12. In British waters. France's formal entry into the war meant that British naval, superiority ,was now contested. The Franco-American alliance began poorly, however,with
  13. Who worships the idol that he himself has carved. While Yahweh had shown his, superiority ,to other gods before, in Second Isaiah he becomes the sole God of the world.
  14. Make an effective low-level attack aircraft make for a distinctly inferior air, superiority ,fighter, and vice versa. Conversely, many fighter aircraft, such as the F-16
  15. And guided bombs, large guns were no longer deemed necessary to establish naval, superiority , Battleship design evolved to incorporate and adapt technological advances to
  16. For the cavalry contest to the south were at last in position; Marlborough’s, superiority ,on the left could no longer be denied, and his fast-moving plan took hold of
  17. Accomplishing a singular and significant achievement and thereby showcase the, superiority ,of the capitalistic, free-market system as represented by the US. The Economist
  18. Guns, and was obsolete before she was even launched. The Royal Navy's early, superiority ,in capital ships led to the rejection of a 1905-6 design that would
  19. After re-establishing its credibility in 1989,Australia underlined its, superiority ,with victories in the 1990–91, 1993,1994–95, 1997,1998–99, 2001 and 2002–03
  20. John F. Kennedy was elected president after a campaign that promised American, superiority ,over the Soviet Union in the fields of space exploration and missile defense.
  21. Regard, who came to see Arnulfo at Forehead in May 889. Recognizing the, superiority ,of Arnulfo’s position, in 888 Do of France formally admitted the suzerainty of
  22. Companion. Niobe A Queen of Thebes and wife of Amnion, Niobe boasted of her, superiority ,to Let because while she had fourteen children (Niobium),seven boys and
  23. Propulsion, to displace about 50,000 tons and to carry an air wing of 30–50 air, superiority ,aircraft and helicopters, which makes her roughly comparable with the French
  24. S arguments for equality stand in contrast to her statements respecting the, superiority ,of masculine strength and valor. Wollstonecraft famously and ambiguously
  25. Of Scheer's escape, and Jellicoe's inaction, indicate the overall German, superiority ,in night-fighting, the results of the night action were no more clear-cut than
  26. Armoured attacks, but these failed for lack of co-ordination and Allied air, superiority , The most notable attempt to use deep penetration operations in Normandy was at
  27. Human beings. Such theories, usually posited by white Europeans, advocated the, superiority ,of white Aryans to Semitic Jews. Political antisemitism William Brustein
  28. The Ancient Near East in the field of astronomy, demonstrating the intellectual, superiority ,of the" Aryans" ( Indo-Europeans) over the Semites. Since the Nineteenth
  29. Deployed its resources in a more general, operational way. It switched from air, superiority ,missions, to medium-range interdiction, to strategic strikes, to close support
  30. Scope. As he himself makes clear, he did not question the state ideology or the, superiority ,of the Soviet Union until he spent time in the camps. On 7 April 1940,while at
  31. Under his name: On Sophists, directed against Socrates and setting forth the, superiority ,of extempore overwritten speeches (a more recently discovered fragment of
  32. Command's nighttime area bombing in Operation Pointblank to help secure air, superiority ,over the cities, factories and battlefields of Western Europe in preparation
  33. Homes" of their time, objects of prestige and very visible demonstrations of, superiority ,for important families (Admit 2003). Once again, however,there is a lack of
  34. Early British success, the war became a standoff. The British used their naval, superiority ,to capture and occupy American coastal cities while the rebels largely
  35. That he sustained defeat in 1809 was due in part to the great numerical, superiority ,of the French and their allies, and in part to the condition of his newly
  36. Heavy. "" At the end of the battle, the British had maintained their numerical, superiority ,and had 23 dreadnoughts ready and four battlecruisers still able to fight
  37. Children. A related theory—enhanced perceptual functioning—focuses more on the, superiority ,of locally oriented and perceptual operations in autistic individuals. These
  38. Aid its rise, and the self-delusion of a populace which believes its moral, superiority ,will never allow a dictatorship to come to power, until it is too late. The
  39. Knocking down the trees the French thought would impede this tactic. Air, superiority ,Allied air superiority became a significant hindrance to German operations
  40. To lorazepam, alprazolam,and venlafaxine, but pregabalin has demonstrated, superiority ,by producing more consistent therapeutic effects for psychic and somatic
  41. Every tactical advantage an army could hope for; he held the higher ground, had, superiority , of numbers, and was better supplied from his many allies in Greece. This caused
  42. Buying the new cruisers that were required to maintain a sufficient margin of, superiority ,over the Franco-Russian alliance. In 1904,Admiral" Jackie" Fisher" was
  43. Cottages soon deteriorated into a fierce bayonet and clubbing melee, but the, superiority ,in Dutch firepower soon told. The accomplished French officer, Colonel de la
  44. Any purported spiritual or scientific theory on the basis of which the alleged, superiority ,of one race is justified at the expense of another race. The aurochs (or; also
  45. Before the winter of 1941,the strategic failure above the German tactical, superiority ,became apparent. Although the German invasion successfully conquered large
  46. And north-east, the Ottoman Empire also intervened in Thrace. Allied numerical, superiority ,was almost 2:1. After a month and two days of fighting, the war ended as a
  47. As a way of life that can shape the ideal social values. It stresses the, superiority ,of a simpler rural life as opposed to the complexity of city life, with its
  48. As a minor German offensive to relieve the pressure of the Russian numerical, superiority ,on the Austro-Hungarians, but the cooperation of the Central Powers resulted in
  49. Guilt seizes me whenever I think of them. " By 1943,the Allies had gained air, superiority ,over Germany, and bombings of German cities and industry had become commonplace
  50. The balance of the French position and nullifying the French numerical, superiority , " The men were so crowded in upon one another ", wrote Mérode-Westerloo,"

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