Examples of the the word, reflective , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reflective ), is the 7817 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hollow glass or plastic spheres coated with a thin metallic layer to make them, reflective , with a further coating of a thin pigmented polymer in order to provide
  2. Support for functional and object-oriented programming, and is dynamic and, reflective ,while providing a programming model designed to support efficient machine code
  3. In 1991 with the goal of reducing its numbers and making its ethnic composition, reflective ,of the country as a whole. Neither of these goals was achieved, and the
  4. Of a disc cannot be determined based purely on its color. Similarly, a gold, reflective ,layer does not guarantee use of phthalocyanine dye. The quality of the disc is
  5. Hosts the annual Taste of Chicago festival. In Millennium Park, there is the, reflective ,Cloud Gate sculpture. Also, an outdoor restaurant transforms into an ice rink
  6. Most prevalent in the novels found in Deus Ex, with excerpts usually providing, reflective ,commentary on the player's current situation. Such real-life works as The Man
  7. To distinguish a single animal. Examples include stripes on zebras and the, reflective ,scales on fish. Gallery File: Gum leaf grasshopper. JPG|Gum leaf grasshopper, so
  8. Mapping of input colors into the gamut that can be reproduced. Pigments and, reflective ,media Pigments are chemicals that selectively absorb and reflect different
  9. Events (like the Annals) or past expressions of feelings by common people and, reflective ,members of the elite, preserved in the poems of the Book of Odes (). Ethics
  10. Requirement: sensation must give rise to pleasure by engaging our capacities of, reflective ,contemplation. Judgments of beauty are sensory, emotional and intellectual all
  11. Our conceptual powers we extend nature's realm, allowing it to achieve a, reflective ,capacity in us as philosophy, art and science. Steiner was one of the first
  12. Sold only for a year or two. A more successful series of calculators using a, reflective ,DSM-LCD was launched in 1972 by Sharp Inc with the Sharp EL-805,which was a
  13. And comets in outer space. Surprisingly, cometary nuclei are among the least, reflective ,objects found in the Solar System. The Giotto space probe found that the
  14. This exhibits the category of Compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps as a, reflective ,subcategory of the category of Tychonoff spaces and continuous maps. " Most
  15. Each other. Cycles of change that are observed in the heavens are therefore, reflective ,(not causative) of similar cycles of change observed on earth and within the
  16. Restrictions; the majority of the surface had to be covered with a highly, reflective ,white paint to avoid overheating the aluminum structure due to heating effects
  17. Where the light is only redirected, causing objects to appear transparent, reflective ,or white respectively. Usage, symbolism,colloquial expressions Authority and
  18. Concepts and techniques," Proceedings of Weston,1970. * Scion, D. A. The, reflective ,practitioner: How professionals think in action, Basic Books, USA,1983. *
  19. Layer of aluminum or, more rarely, gold is applied to the surface making it, reflective , The metal is protected by a film of lacquer normally spin coated directly on
  20. That learning was not about the acquisition of facts but the development of a, reflective ,state of mind. Alcott's ideas as an educator were controversial. Writer
  21. Reflective patches on their feathers. Male Blue Tits have an ultraviolet, reflective ,crown patch which is displayed in courtship by posturing and raising of their
  22. Seconds effectively destroys the data layer by causing arcing in the metal, reflective ,layer, but this same arcing may cause damage or excessive wear to the microwave
  23. In 1791 composed Louisa, an opera that rose him to fame. Its style is clearly, reflective ,of the mature Haydn and Mozart, and its instrumentation gave it a weight that
  24. Cooled by the" dome effect. " Many installations have reported that a, reflective ,or light colored dome induces a local vertical heat driven vortex that sucks
  25. Discs, a bit is encoded as the presence or absence of a microscopic pit on a, reflective ,surface. In one-dimensional bar codes, bits are encoded as the thickness of
  26. Divination in daily life, both public and private. Crying through the use of, reflective ,water surfaces, mirrors,or the casting of lots were amongst the most
  27. Can use relatively exotic technologies, such as vacuum insulation, and, reflective , concentration of sunlight. Current practical, comfortable water-heating systems
  28. In the intake ducts serve to deflect and shield radar emissions from the highly, reflective ,engine compressor blades. The B-1A's engine was modified slightly to produce
  29. Comfiest (though not directly connected to it) is the large Gay Pride Parade, reflective ,of the sizeable gay population in Columbus. The Hot Times festival is held
  30. That which sees ", or " that which flashes or gleams" ( perhaps referring to, reflective ,scales). This is the origin of the word" dragon ". (See also Hesiod's
  31. Of impinging light and absorbs the rest may look black but also be faintly, reflective ,; examples are black objects coated with layers of enamel or lacquer. * Objects
  32. As well as degradation of the dye, failure of a CD-R can be due to the, reflective ,surface. While silver is less expensive and more widely used, it is more prone
  33. In foraging—kestrels have been shown to search for prey by detecting the UV, reflective ,urine trail marks left on the ground by rodents. The eyelids of a bird are not
  34. As a person and as a writer, from Charlotte and Emily. The controlled, reflective ,camera eye of Agnes Grey is closer to Jane Austen's Persuasion than to
  35. East. The Canada culture manufactured a diverse selection of material goods, reflective ,of the increasing power and wealth of the elite, as well as societal
  36. Campanulaceae. Asteroids (from Greek Only one asteroid,4 Vesta, which has a, reflective ,surface, is normally visible to the naked eye, and this only in very dark skies
  37. Many cells as the area exposed to light. Typically, this area is covered by a, reflective ,material such as aluminum. When the exposure time is up, the cells are
  38. Problems for the optical or laser tracking, for example, a transparent or, reflective ,surface. In the marketplace Around 1981 Xerox included mice with its Xerox Star
  39. Old Testament, wisdom is connected with the court. It is possible practical and, reflective ,wisdom was transmitted in a house of learning or instruction. Biblical examples
  40. But the progressive shrinking and eventual disappearance of its tail and the, reflective ,elements it carries. Comets are most interesting when their nucleus is bright
  41. Powered) floppy disk to a desktop ST once back indoors. The screen is highly, reflective ,for the time, but still hard to use indoors or in low light, it is fixed to the
  42. Exist ", when in the end the book is actually a call for a more responsible and, reflective ,approach to anthropological research. At any rate, the book ushered in an era
  43. Scholars are sometimes critical of the Jungian approach to alchemy as overly, reflective ,of nineteenth century occultism. Magnum opus The Great Work of Alchemy is often
  44. Of Tychonoff spaces and continuous maps. " Most general" or formally ", reflective ," means that the space ex is characterized by the universal property that any
  45. Similar to the naked eye are distinguished by the presence of ultraviolet, reflective ,patches on their feathers. Male Blue Tits have an ultraviolet reflective crown
  46. Were that this indicated a common racial origin, but more recent theories are, reflective ,of culture and language rather than race. Celtic cultures seem to have had
  47. Dependent on the dye used, it is also influenced by sealing, the top layer,the, reflective ,layer, and the polycarbonate. Simply choosing a disc based on its dye type may
  48. On past themes of vanity and body image, and Nobody's Daughter was lyrically, reflective ,of Love's past relationships and her struggle to sobriety, with the majority
  49. Data. Recycling The polycarbonate material and possible gold or silver in the, reflective ,layer would make CD-Rs highly recyclable. However, the polycarbonate is of very
  50. Metal is protected by a film of lacquer normally spin coated directly on the, reflective ,layer. The label is printed on the lacquer layer, usually by screen printing or

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