Examples of the the word, confederate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( confederate ), is the 7819 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. One of those represented only Georgia. The remaining three served in the, confederate ,government, two as members of the Provisional Confederate Congress, and one was
  2. Became provinces of Canada. Terminology Canada is a federal state and not a, confederate ,association of sovereign states, the usual meaning of confederation; but is
  3. And experiments A shill in a psychology experiment, or the like, is called a ", confederate ,". In Stanley Milgram's experiment in which the subjects witnessed people
  4. Virginia, notably during the Peninsular Campaign. In September 1862,the, confederate ,campaign in Maryland ended in defeat at the Battle of Antietam, which dissuaded
  5. Subject would think that a draw of names from a hat was random. The, confederate ,would always play the role of the learner, and the subject would be the teacher
  6. The museum houses a diverse collection of artifacts from the South Carolina, confederate ,period. *The Richland County Public Library, named the 2001 National Library of
  7. Nearly two hundred people. He was roundly condemned by both the conventional, confederate ,military and the partisan rangers commissioned by the Missouri legislature. His
  8. Differences and creation of a new federal system (Greek Cypriot position) or, confederate ,system (Turkish Cypriot position) of government. Following the 1998
  9. 1993,Michael Wisher, the original Davos, with Peter Miles, who had played his, confederate , Ryder, reprised the role in an unlicensed one-off amateur stage production
  10. The Union by that of the European citizens. ... As a consequence, both, confederate , and federate features coexist in the judicial landscape. " According to Thomas
  11. Appointed Captain-General of the confederate army and Admiral-General of the, confederate ,fleet, though no stadtholder ever actually commanded a fleet in battle. In the
  12. And West Frisian on 26 March 1629,and thus factual supreme commander of the, confederate ,Dutch fleet, taking as flag captain Marten Tromp. He died the same year, in a
  13. Of Lidos, Kamiros and Calypsos it formed the Dorian Megapolis, which held its, confederate ,assemblies on the Ethiopian headland, and there celebrated games in honor of
  14. Of Holland and Zealand was normally also appointed Captain-General of the, confederate ,army and Admiral-General of the confederate fleet, though no stadtholder ever
  15. After the conquest of Mecca, Muhammad was alarmed by a military threat from the, confederate ,tribes of Hawaii who were collecting an army twice the size of Muhammad's.
  16. Offices held Eighteen of Alabama's governors have served higher federal or, confederate ,offices. All but three were elected to the U. S. Congress, although one of
  17. Felt and the others did unlawfully, willfully,and knowingly combine, conspire, confederate , and agree together and with each other to injure and oppress citizens of the
  18. Friendly relations with Rome, and though it did not enjoy the advantages of a, confederate ,city (federate civets),like its neighbors Tauromenium (modern Forming)
  19. First),using his invisibility to terrorize the nation with Kemp as his secret, confederate , Realizing that Griffin is clearly insane, Kemp has no plans to help him and
  20. Baptist university in Atlanta. Nathan Bedford Forrest, grandson of the, confederate ,general by the same name, was appointed business manager, and the school would
  21. For the academy as it struggled to admit and reintegrate cadets from former, confederate ,states. The first cadets from Southern states were re-admitted in 1868,and
  22. Thus came to the Eastern capital. Empress Theodora sought to win him as a, confederate , to revenge the deposition of the Monophasic Patriarch Anthems I of
  23. Jubal Early, saving DC ** Battle of Fort Stevens (11 July – 12 July) – Failed, confederate ,attempt to capture Washington’D. C., President Lincoln, observing the battle
  24. And Andrew Johnson. At this time he commented on the readmission of the, confederate ,states:" The burden of proof rests on each of them to show whether it is fit
  25. Norse radar strong feminine plural (" solemn promise, vow ") (cf. During ", confederate , Varangian" ); cf. Old Slavic. Věra (" faith). This is a derivative from the
  26. But only God knew where. And brothel madam, Belle is portrayed as a loyal, confederate , * Honey Wilkes – Sister of India and Ashley Wilkes, Honey is described as
  27. Army, commanded by General Anthony Wayne. On August 20, 1794,Blue Jacket's, confederate ,army clashed with Wayne at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, just south of
  28. Russian writer (d. 1889) * 1826 – Richard Taylor, American, confederate , general (d. 1879) *1827 – Alabama Manjaro, Japanese translator (d. 1898)
  29. Victory over the South, Radical Republicans deployed troops in the former, confederate ,states to ensure constitutional rights to loyal whites and freedmen. Grant, as
  30. Française movement, theorized the" anti-France," composed of the" four, confederate ,states of Protestants, Jews,Freemasons and foreigners" ( his actual word for
  31. Returned from America to a hero's welcome and was given supreme command of the, confederate ,fleet. The Spice Fleet from the Dutch East Indies managed to return home safely
  32. The experiment The volunteer subject was given the role of teacher, and the, confederate , the role of learner. The participants drew slips of paper to 'determine '
  33. Such as Perryville, producing strategic Union victories and destroying major, confederate ,operations. In the Eastern theater, things did not start well for the Union. In
  34. In Quebec. John A. Macdonald's successful leadership of the movement to, confederate ,the provinces and his subsequent tenure as prime minister for most of the late
  35. By English Parliamentary forces. * November – Battle of Knocknanauss: An Irish, confederate ,force is destroyed by the army of Parliament; Alasdair Marcella is killed. *
  36. Could communicate but not see each other. In one version of the experiment,the, confederate ,was sure to mention to the participant that he had a heart condition. The
  37. On plywood, is held by a private collector. On 18 March 1871 he wrote to his (, confederate ,) friend Félix Bracquemond in Paris about his visit to Bordeaux, the promissory
  38. Their hand with one they have secretly hidden. This may also be done with a, confederate , A skilled cheat can deal the second card, the bottom card, the second from
  39. Was to destroy the entire Western Union offensive once for all. Over 44,699, confederate , troops led by Albert Sidney Johnston and P. G. T. Beauregard, vigorously
  40. A cheat from knowing that top card and dealing" seconds" to either give a, confederate ,a card that helps his hand or an opponent a card that hurts his. Collusion
  41. Cavour, Prime Minister of Italy (b. 1810) *1865 – William Quantile, American, confederate , raider (b. 1837) *1878 – Robert Stirling, Scottish inventor (b. 1790) *1881
  42. Or any other place the cheat wants, then false deal them to oneself or one's, confederate , One sign of false dealing could be when a dealer grips the deck with the index
  43. A century, North Brabant served mainly as a military buffer zone. In 1796,when, confederate ,Dutch Republic became the unitary Batavian Republic, Staats-Brabant became a
  44. And one fresco. But first appears in written history as Persia, one of the 12, confederate , cities of Etruria; In 216 and 205 BC it assisted Rome in the Second Punic War
  45. Of a wealthy scheme and tax collector at Brill. Supreme commander of the, confederate ,fleet Tromp was promoted from captain to Lieutenant-Admiral of Holland and West
  46. Second year of the American Civil War, making the abolition of slavery in the, confederate ,states an official war goal. It proclaims the freedom of 3.1 million of the
  47. A congress of city states met at Corinth in late autumn of 481 BC, and a, confederate ,alliance of Greek city-states was formed. It had the power to send envoys
  48. S proclaimed goal was equal rights for the ethnic Albanian minority within a, confederate ,Macedonia. Senior LA commanders insisted that" We do not want to endanger the
  49. Continental Congress of the working class ". Haywood stated:" We are here to, confederate ,the workers of this country into a working class movement that shall have for
  50. S experiment in which the subjects witnessed people getting electric shocks,a, confederate ,would pretend to be one of the experimental subjects who would receive the fake

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