Examples of the the word, justin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( justin ), is the 7830 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

Mastering contextual understanding of words and phrases is a vital skill for effective communication and English learning. Enhance your proficiency by practicing with our handpicked collection of 50 English phrases.

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  1. Produces all but a few of the broadcasts. The shows are broadcast live using, justin , Tv. Video interviews are recorded using a Skype video connection and screen
  2. Meets Jasmine who doesn't talk because of her experiences. Soon she meets, justin , and Teri, two teenagers with bad attitudes. Teri used to be hooked on drugs and
  3. Cancer. http://abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/08/14/2004225.htm? Section, justin ,http://www.latimes.com/news/obituaries/la-me-barth15aug15,0,5591375.story? Coll
  4. Until 2010,when John McAllister broke the record over live-streaming video on, justin , Tv. Film In 2007,a film about Twin Galaxies and video game champions in the
  5. By Brian Cooley and Tom Merritt. The first episode featured Justin Kan of, justin , Tv. CNET Shopper. Com is an online tool that aims to find the
  6. And Teri, two teenagers with bad attitudes. Teri used to be hooked on drugs and, justin , saved his fathers life only to watch him die from cancer a year later. Last she
  7. Supplier of lacrosse balls to Major League Lacrosse with their orange ", justin , diamond " ball, while Brine is the official supplier of lacrosse balls to the
  8. Scheduled time, interview the live audience and plan a US and world tour around, justin , Tv viewers location. Lisa Data, however,broadcast her entire life, talking
  9. The Trans-Siberian Orchestra * Justin Bur chard, former MMA fighter for the UFC, justin , has fought 52 times and was never knocked out. He has 45 knockouts and 3 T. K.
  10. 2007. Reichstag was featured on ARE 11 television in December 2008. He uses, justin , Tv founded by Justin Kan and broadcasts by using his laptop, an END card, his
  11. The 50 key people to follow-on Twitter. The Climate has live broadcasts via, justin , Tv from the UN Climate Talks.: There is also a Russian actor named Vladimir
  12. Is back at home, she begins high school and starts dating a boy at her school, justin , hart. She is shocked one day to find Justin's face on the cover of People
  13. With original Grand Slam member Dish Eagle fronting the band along with, justin , healy on Drums. Discography Albums *2003 - Twilight's Last Gleaming (Live
  14. In the American children's rights movement. Pre-19th century The history of, justin , and Caleb rights in the United States ranges from the earliest years of

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