Examples of the the word, identifier , in a Sentence Context

The word ( identifier ), is the 7833 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. If the XML document type declaration includes any SYSTEM, identifier ,for the external subset, it can't be safely processed as standalone: the URI
  2. One of the more prominent examples of abuse was that executed with the decode, identifier ,which decodes a given encoded string. Many users who did not understand this
  3. In a separate text file. The external subset may be referenced via a public, identifier ,and/or a system identifier . Programs for reading documents may not be required
  4. Cell identification (Cell ID) used to identify cell phone towers. * Chemical, identifier ,for molecular structures in PubChem. * Clinical Infectious Diseases, one of the
  5. And anchor to the current element the target of references using this defined, identifier ,(including as document fragment identifier s that may be specified at end of an
  6. Cannot be located with their specified public identifier (FBI) and/or system, identifier ,(a URI),or are inaccessible. (Notations declared in the DTD are also
  7. In two variants: ** parsed external entities (most often defined with a SYSTEM, identifier ,indicating the URI of their content) that are not associated in their
  8. The documentand defined with a public identifier (an FBI) and/or a system, identifier ,(interpreted as a URI) specifying where the source of their content. They
  9. The external subset may be referenced via a public identifier and/or a system, identifier , Programs for reading documents may not be required to read the external subset
  10. Error if these external entities cannot be located with their specified public, identifier ,(FBI) and/or system identifier (a URI),or are inaccessible. (Notations
  11. Exception number that occurred (if a CPU error occurs) or an internal error, identifier ,(such as an 'Out of Memory' code),in case of a system software error. The
  12. Or presentation. Appended to the URL of the page, it provides a globally unique, identifier ,for the element, typically a subsection of the page. For example, the ID "
  13. International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric commercial book, identifier ,based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) code created by Gordon
  14. Spaces within identifier s for clarity (for example, AVG OF X was a valid, identifier , and equivalent to AVG OFX). Recursion Early FORTRAN compilers did not support
  15. Begin" and" end ", whereas the" end" ( in most cases) is followed by the, identifier ,of the block it closes (e.g. if. End if, loop ... end loop). In the case of
  16. Path Identifier (8 bits UNI) or (12 bits NNI): VCI = Virtual Channel, identifier ,(16 bits): PT = Payload Type (3 bits): CLP = Cell Loss Priority (1-bit):
  17. Of the feature. For example, a forest inventory polygon may also have an, identifier ,value and information about tree species. In raster data the cell value can
  18. Have a unique name associated to a public identifier (an FBI) and/or a system, identifier ,(a URI) ). Some applications (but not XML or SGML parsers themselves) also
  19. With digital signals In non-English abbreviations * Cúcuta Deporting,an, identifier ,for a football club in Colombia Other uses * Compulsory dance, the first part
  20. List of such name tokens),but it is not restricted to be a unique, identifier ,within the document; this name may carry supplementary and
  21. Parsing the XML document into lexical tokens). If it just includes any PUBLIC, identifier , it may be processed as standalone, if the XML processor knows this PUBLIC
  22. Each token is a single atomic unit of the language, for instance a keyword, identifier ,or symbol name. The token syntax is typically a regular language, so a finite
  23. Is 10110 followed by a 3-bit identifier for which register to use. The, identifier ,for the AL register is 000,so the following machine code loads the AL register
  24. Specification);; ID: the effective value of the attribute must be a valid, identifier , and it is used to define and anchor to the current element the target of
  25. Defining the same identifier ; the uniqueness constraint also implies that the, identifier ,itself carries no other semantics and that identifier s must be treated as
  26. Style also suggests underscore to separate components of a multi-word, identifier , as in average_temperature. The specification of Eiffel includes guidelines for
  27. It is an error if distinct elements in the same document are defining the same, identifier ,; the uniqueness constraint also implies that the identifier itself carries no
  28. In the 1970s,medial capitals became an alternative (and often standard), identifier , naming convention for several programming languages. Since the 1980s,following
  29. Named" type-image-svg" that references the standard public FBI and the system, identifier ,(the standard URI) of an SVG 1.1 document, instead of specifying just a
  30. Is not case-sensitive. The tokens make, maKe and MAKE all denote the same, identifier , See, however,the" style rules" below. Comments are introduced by -- (two
  31. The cell value can store attribute information, but it can also be used as an, identifier ,that can relate to records in another table. Software is currently being
  32. A register. The binary code for this instruction is 10110 followed by a 3-bit, identifier , for which register to use. The identifier for the AL register is 000,so the
  33. For these parsers they just have a unique name associated to a public, identifier ,(an FBI) and/or a system identifier (a URI) ). Some applications (but not
  34. Parsers and the entity replacement text will be located by its defined SYSTEM, identifier ," example1. SVG" ( also interpreted as a relative URI). The effective content
  35. Galvanised iron, a type of molded sheet-metal * Cell Global Identity, unique, identifier , of a cell site in cellular networks Organizations * California Graduate
  36. With a pseudo-attribute" XML: ID" ) and whose effective value is the same, identifier ,;; TOKEN or TOKENS: the effective value of the attribute can only be a valid
  37. May appear in many elements: * The ID attribute provides a document-wide unique, identifier ,for an element. This is used to identify the element so that stylesheets can
  38. After the capacity number, designations may or may not append the range, identifier , The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aircraft type
  39. African continent. The Black Power movement defiantly embraced Black as a group, identifier , It was a term social leaders themselves had repudiated only two decades
  40. Name into our browser address bar and the DNS looks up the associated numerical, identifier ,or IP address. For example, the domain name WWW. Example. Com translates to the
  41. Absolute URI to a specific renderer, or a URN indicating an OS-specific object, identifier ,such as a UUID). The declared notation name must be unique within all the
  42. Known as" Maria ", or " FAM ", and such names have become a specific kind of, identifier , People can tell what a person's heritage is by his or her surname or clan
  43. That support such a concept, is a class which is not bound to a name or, identifier ,upon definition. (Analogous to named vs. unnamed functions) ). Benefits
  44. State of Indiana was renamed for Frisson on May 12, 1968. *The three letter, identifier ,of the VOR located at Frisson Air Reserve Base is GUS,Grissom's nickname *Two
  45. Navigation systems' latest Represent database revision with the ICAO airport, identifier ,code of DATA and listed as" Homey Airport ". The probably inadvertent release
  46. It may be processed as standalone, if the XML processor knows this PUBLIC, identifier ,in its local catalog from where it can retrieve an associated DTD entity. XML
  47. Card Identification Number, a security-feature on credit cards. * Carrier, identifier , used in locking a phone to a specific carrier's SIM cards. * Cell
  48. Are just declared by a unique name in the document, and defined with a public, identifier ,(an FBI) and/or a system identifier (interpreted as a URI) specifying
  49. The standard URI) of an SVG 1.1 document, instead of specifying just a system, identifier ,as in the first example (which was a relative URI interpreted locally as a
  50. IDEA or IDR EFS: the effective value of the attribute can only be a valid, identifier ,(or a space-separated list of such identifier s) and must be referencing the

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