Examples of the the word, photocopy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( photocopy ), is the 7828 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Through an extensive public relations campaign advising consumers to ", photocopy ," instead of" xerox" documents. One example of an active effort to prevent
  2. Seen on eBay is called" preprinting" by many sellers. The item is only a, photocopy ,of an actual autographed photo, usually printed on glossy home photo paper.
  3. Customers to deposit their packages for shipping, also offering a self-service, photocopy ,and fax machine, office products for packing and shipping, boxes and packaging
  4. And forged documents to portray the FLQ as a CIA false flag operation. A, photocopy ,of the forged" CIA document" was" leaked" to the Montreal Star in September
  5. A number of clandestine religious publishing houses that published journals in, photocopy ,or printed form. The production and distribution of underground literature was
  6. And lending. * A borrowing library sends an owning library a request to borrow, photocopy , or scan materials needed by their patron. * The owning library fills the
  7. The first issue says the magazine" satiates and encourages true lusts. " A, photocopy ,from a magazine of child pornography was used as the cover of issue #2 of Pure.
  8. Unit to produce offset lithographic plates. Today this technology is used in, photocopy ,machines, laser printers, and digital presses such as Xerox iGen3 and Taken
  9. Pages to American comic book format, Quality attached a distorting lens to a, photocopy ,machine, elongating and" effectively destroying the art in the process "
  10. N't done as commercial art or advertising. You could have stuck anything on a, photocopy ,machine and put the band name and made an advertising flyer, but these weren't
  11. By editorial assistant Daniel King. Inside the envelope, with the card, was a, photocopy ,of two U. S. Postal keys on a magnet keychain. The handwriting on the envelope
  12. Just down the street from that uncle's house and east of Vermont (now a, photocopy ,store) as well as the second larger Disney studio (now a Gelson's
  13. Law Society of Upper Canada was sued for copyright infringement for providing, photocopy ,services to researchers. The Court unanimously held that the Law Society's
  14. Loan, adult & youth sections, and several meeting rooms. Internet terminals and, photocopy ,machines are also available for use. Various groups utilize the library for
  15. To probate in the vast majority of jurisdictions even the most accurate, photocopy ,will not suffice. It is a good idea that the testator give his executor the
  16. Book. Many pioneers of Unix and open source had a treasured multiple-generation, photocopy , Other follow-on effects of the license change included Andrew S. Tenenbaum
  17. Are physical sheets that are photocopied, with the difference in the resulting, photocopy ,revealing any telltale deviations or defects in the machine's ability to copy.
  18. Who are still required to carry some form of photo identification (such as a, photocopy ,of their passport or foreign driving license) at all times. At time the Postal
  19. Printing process but also the play and variation of scale. With the analogue, photocopy ,– probably the most ephemeral form of image (re)production – a system of
  20. His stencils, though it is assumed he uses computers for some images due to the, photocopy ,nature of much of his work. He mentions in his book, Wall and Piece, that as he
  21. Canada. They are now preserved at the National library in Warsaw, Poland. The, photocopy ,of the Sermons may be seen on The Digital National Library Pomona (
  22. Neiman's layering prismacolor pencil through successive runs of a color, photocopy ,process (1988-1990). The San Francisco Bay Area had an active Color Xerox
  23. April-2008. Trademark The word" xerox" is commonly used as a synonym for ", photocopy ," (both as a noun and a verb) in many areas; for example," I xeroxed the
  24. Huxley's family portraits during the half-century after his first marriage. A, photocopy ,of John Collier's Sitters Book (made in 1962 from the original in the
  25. To rubber-stamping, are used to create multiples, and copy art (xerography, photocopy ,) is a common practice, with both mono and color copying being extensively used
  26. Other methods of forming images with light are available. For instance,a, photocopy ,or xerography machine forms permanent images but uses the transfer of static
  27. Published until Palmer tracked down an original copy and republished it as a, photocopy ,of the original. He continued to publish and reprint later editions to which he
  28. Russian Sweet Murder Trial Scrapbook,1925. Scrapbook and, photocopy ,of the Nov. 1925 murder trial of Russian Sweet. Clarke Historical Library
  29. Pay to have a microfilm copy made. *Journals are not usually loaned; rather,a, photocopy ,is made of the needed article. Some sources charge a copyright fee, which may
  30. Issue, as the dot-matrix text's readability would rapidly degrade with each, photocopy ,generation. Initially, third-party software (such as the Bradford printer
  31. Property of inks with a yellow tint. Some UV-visible inks may be detected on a, photocopy , due to the relatively strong ultraviolet component in light from the
  32. Demand to see the form). However, in practice, most NFA firearm owners keep a, photocopy ,of their paperwork with the firearm at all times, and will show it to any
  33. To enable discounts from the purchase of paper for schools. In later years, as, photocopy , machines proliferated, citizens wanted to make photocopies of the forms, but
  34. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade),making the paper very difficult to, photocopy , Another variant of this method—most famously used on the ZX Spectrum version
  35. By ensuring that the volume in hand is complete, opened with ease, and easy to, photocopy , In addition, many libraries re-bind damaged books in library bindings
  36. Of the group consisted of Lesser, Ali Farahnakian, Drew Franklin (a, photocopy ,of Franklin wearing 3D glasses remained the UCB logo ever since),Adam McKay
  37. Onto the photocopy , and oil-based ink of any color is Pollard over the, photocopy , The ink can be removed fairly easily from the white areas by carefully wiping
  38. Unit to produce offset lithographic plates. Today this technology is used in, photocopy ,machines, laser printers, and digital presses which are slowly replacing many
  39. Using a 50 % acacia gum solution. This is carefully sponged onto the, photocopy , and oil-based ink of any color is Pollard over the photocopy . The ink can be
  40. With repetitions of the word void in a color that shows up as black on a, photocopy , States have various laws making theft of prescription blanks or forgery of
  41. With a printed scan of a fingerprint after it had been licked, as well as by a, photocopy ,of a fingerprint. * In Demolition Man the character Simon Phoenix cuts out a
  42. Said that the WTC site was the best location. Wallace presented Giuliani a, photocopy ,of Hauer's directive letter. The letter urged Giuliani to locate the command
  43. Andropov was recommending that Gorbachev be his inheritor. Vol sky made a, photocopy ,of the document and put the copy in his safe. He delivered the original to the
  44. That has been freshly embossed, in much the same way that a poor-quality, photocopy ,is not as readable as the original. Hence, large publishers do not generally use
  45. A well-known product brand name into a generalized trademark (e.g. Xerox for, photocopy , Band-aid for adhesive bandage, Jell-o for gelatin dessert or Kleenex for
  46. Has recently replaced triplicate forms with new forms that are impossible to, photocopy ,or fax: the background is printed with repetitions of the word void in a color
  47. Film technology. That way I could sit down and read it, and if they'd let me, photocopy ,it, I would. If not,I'd make notes. " After seeing the original Star Wars
  48. Further distribution takes place in the form of encouragement for readers to, photocopy ,and distribute the newspaper by every available means. Scenes is a
  49. Travel; however, Mihdhar did not go to Karachi, instead returning to Yemen. The, photocopy ,was sent to the CIA's Alec Station, which was tracking al-Qaeda. On January 5
  50. Can use the individual study and reading rooms, Inter-Library loan service, photocopy ,services, scanners,CD-ROM, Videos,DVD or consult the Library Database and

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