Examples of the the word, urgency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( urgency ), is the 7878 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has remained in unstable for a certain length of time (depending on the, urgency ,of the software's changes),that package is automatically migrated to the
  2. Among the Romantic generation. In Greece, the Iliad and Odyssey took on new, urgency ,during the Greek War of Independence. Many other" national epics," epic
  3. Painful urination or the urge to urinate more frequently than usual (urinary, urgency ,). Men In men, chlamydia shows symptoms of infectious urethritis (inflammation
  4. Had been settled. With major petroleum dollars on the line, there was a new, urgency ,for an agreement, and,in 1971,the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act was
  5. Arts. The post-war period left the capitals of Europe in upheaval with an, urgency ,to economically and physically rebuild and to politically regroup. In Paris (
  6. For the appropriate length of time (the exact duration depends on the ", urgency ," of the upload) * It must not have a greater number of" release-critical "
  7. Would give finite answers, was not worked-out till much later, when the, urgency ,of trying to formulate finite theories for the strong and electroweak (and
  8. A four-level scale: * DCD: decade (deceased),or urgency degassed (beyond, urgency ,) * UMP: urgency médico-psychologique (medical-psychological urgency ) or
  9. Of the eight-step plan of action established by John P. Potter: Increase, urgency , get the vision right, communicate the buy-in, empower action, create
  10. Cranmer continued to work on the annulment proceedings, which required greater, urgency ,after Anne announced her pregnancy. Henry and Anne were secretly married on 24
  11. Be made when proof beyond a reasonable doubt is achieved. If it's a matter of, urgency ,or the contempt was done in front of a judge, that person can be punished
  12. Detects an anomaly, it changes the carrier between four tones, based on, urgency , Ground receivers then signal operators to divert DSN resources. This prevents
  13. Prior to face-to-face mediation — to commence the mediation process early where, urgency ,exists, to narrow the issues, to commence brainstorming of solutions and to
  14. With making comments that it was far too weak and did not communicate the, urgency ,of the current crisis. He compared the crisis in education to the arms race
  15. The work of the artist in the elucidation of form takes on new scope and new, urgency , Most men are pushed into the artist's role. The artist cannot dispense with
  16. For Abu Zubaydah’s interrogation. Yew even told an interviewer“ there was an, urgency ,to decide so that valuable intelligence could be acquired from Abu Zubaydah
  17. Hell and High Water, energy technology expert Joseph J. Room discusses the, urgency ,to act and the sad fact that America is refusing to do so ... Ultimately
  18. Had been developing over the past thirty-two years coupled with an increasing, urgency ,for the church to proclaim a gospel of unity in contemporary society. In light
  19. Uncomfortable or the poem feel like“ flow-of-thought” with a sensation of, urgency ,or disorder. In contrast, the following lines from Romeo and Juliet (c. 1595)
  20. S stay in Corinth. This letter to the Galatians was written with a sense of, urgency , The South Galatians View The South Galatians view holds that Paul wrote
  21. Dr. Phillip Song Physic expands this concept to include a chronic frequency, urgency ,and pain syndrome occurring in the absence of demonstrable etiology53 * 1836
  22. Note that aidez-moi means" help me" ) the following is a message of extreme, urgency , the highest level of danger. (MAYDAY is used on voice channels for the same
  23. From an urgent mission. He believed he was living in a time of crisis and, urgency ,where the Kingdom of God would be established where there would be no marriage
  24. Growth that has beneficial effects for the poor, or progressing with the, urgency ,the situation requires. They also take issue with the time period which is
  25. Conditions basically safe. Continuation of the blockade into 1994 gave added, urgency ,to the decision. Another environmental concern is a significant drop in Lake
  26. Can involve long-term effects on the rectum including bleeding, diarrhoea and, urgency ,and is associated with radiation therapy to pelvic organs. Pelvic radiation
  27. And crowned Charles IV as Holy Roman Emperor. Unable any longer to resist the, urgency ,of the French cardinals, and with numerous cities of the Papal States in revolt
  28. However, the reviewer believed that the game had" little sense of, urgency ," and" confusing level layouts ". The Boston Herald compared System Shock
  29. A long yarn about the loss of his arm; this attitude, coupled with a lack of, urgency ,in telling where he sighted Moby-Dick, infuriates Ahab, leading Boomer to query
  30. Front" ( eight abreast) assaults by armored Sturmgruppe FW 190s,brought an, urgency ,to attacking the Luftwaffe wherever it could be found. Beginning in late
  31. Salvific will of God does not diminish, but rather increases the duty and, urgency ,of the proclamation of salvation and of conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ” (
  32. From the danger of digressing from the spirit of the original. In view of the, urgency ,of the matter, special precautions were taken to prevent any delay in the
  33. And proposed coping mechanisms to deal with these changes under 4 categories of, urgency ,of need. The program is now focusing on the country’s most vulnerable sectors
  34. Through exhaustion and disease. However, Marlborough was convinced of the, urgency ,–" I am very sensible that I take a great deal upon me ", he had earlier
  35. Intestine (see peristaltic movement),and may cause a similar feeling of, urgency ,and discomfort. Researchers investigating the role of sensory nerve endings in
  36. With urination (dysuria),urinary frequency (as often as every 10 minutes), urgency , and/or pressure in the bladder and/or pelvis. The disease has a profound
  37. The development of insurance" from a matter of convenience into one of, urgency , a change of opinion reflected in Sir Christopher Wren's inclusion of a site
  38. In Vatican circles – did not view the plight of the Jews with a real sense of, urgency ,and moral outrage. For this assertion no documentation is possible, but it is a
  39. Certificates would become invalid, previously unannounced so that the sense of, urgency ,would not be lost. Fortune subsequently signed an Executive Order extending the
  40. Has been seen as a metaphor for orgasm, and that was preceded by a rhythmic, urgency ,of the previous lines" Suck on, suck on, I glow, I glow! ", alluding
  41. Beyond urgency ) * UMP: urgency médico-psychologique (medical-psychological, urgency ,) or applique (implied,i.e. lightly wounded or just psychologically shocked
  42. During 1946 led Attlee to promise independence no later than 1948. When the, urgency ,of the situation and risk of civil war became apparent, the newly appointed (
  43. Be liberated. The fags have had it with oppression. " Aftermath The feeling of, urgency ,spread throughout Greenwich Village, even to people who had not witnessed the
  44. And as the war wound down after the victory at Yorktown the sense of, urgency ,to support the military was no longer a factor. No progress was made in
  45. Defeat of the slave states of the Confederate South, the narratives lost their, urgency ,and were less concerned with conveying the evils of slavery. Sometimes they
  46. Salvific will of God does not diminish, but rather increases the duty and, urgency ,of the proclamation of salvation and of conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ” (
  47. Chromatic notes (also frequent in the guitar),producing a sense of, urgency , #Baroque ornamentation, with an expressive, rather than merely aesthetic
  48. First meeting on 18 December 1941" pervaded by an atmosphere of enthusiasm and, urgency ," in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor and the subsequent declaration of
  49. Of peoplehood after a long exile. Synopsis Haggai's message is filled with an, urgency ,for the people to proceed with the rebuilding of the second Jerusalem temple.
  50. As Germany moved towards modernization in the late 19th century, a new sense of, urgency ,characterized its art, and Friedrich’s contemplative depictions of stillness

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