Examples of the the word, collateral , in a Sentence Context
The word ( collateral ), is the 7879 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of microcredit which allows poor and destitute people with little or no, collateral ,to borrow money. The borrowers typically pay back money within the specified
- To the extent that the banks authorized to borrow from the ECB have compromised, collateral , their ability to borrow from the ECB—and thus the liquidity of the economic
- Sign or sign system. In that context Pace speaks of collateral experience, collateral ,observation, collateral acquaintance, all in much the same terms. This typology
- Participation in the auctions, banks must be able to offer proof of appropriate, collateral ,in the form of loans to other entities. These can be the public debt of member
- A motion for new trial, has been reversed on appeal, or has been vacated in a, collateral ,proceeding (such as habeas corpus),does not violate double jeopardy because
- Security. The main open market operations are: * Temporary lending of money for, collateral ,securities (" Reverse Operations" or" repurchase operations ", otherwise
- Of brutality, torture and interference with the non-violent protests as a, collateral ,damage provoked by the clash between the law enforcement ranks themselves and
- On direct appeal to higher state appellate courts, and if unsuccessful, mount a, collateral ,action such as filing for a writ of habeas corpus in the federal courts.
- Be called neutralizing the target or Employing Kinetic Effects and the second, collateral ,damage. Violent destruction of non-state enemies may be referred to as
- More direct purchasing of financial assets than its European counterpart. The, collateral ,used by the ECB is typically high quality public and private sector debt. The
- Key is adjustable. Shares in the ECB are not transferable and cannot be used as, collateral , All National Central Banks (NBS) that own a share of the ECB capital stock
- The same whether the appellant is the defendant or prosecution. Direct or, collateral ,: Appealing criminal convictions in the United States Many jurisdictions
- The blood relationship with Okinawa clan, a powerful local ruling family or the, collateral ,line of Imperial family governed OMI region (a part of present-day Shiva
- Can buy. In the European Central Bank system, the central bank lends money on, collateral ,put up by the official members of the banking system. There is no limit on the
- And there is no netting of contracts, and the bank holds no counter-party, collateral , * High-risk mortgage securities: Securities where the price or expected
- Incur if the bank defaults and there is no netting of contracts, and no bank, collateral ,was held by the counter-parties. * Gross positive fair value: The sum total of
- In any eight-year period. Generally, the rights of secured creditors to their, collateral ,continues even though their debt is discharged. For example, absent some
- Was used to finance the building of houses for members, which in turn acted as, collateral ,to attract further funding to the society, enabling further construction. By
- In that context Pace speaks of collateral experience, collateral observation, collateral ,acquaintance, all in much the same terms. This typology classifies every sign
- Lending to counterparties only when security of a certain quality is pledged as, collateral , Examples of use The People's Bank of China has been forced into particularly
- And collateral to, that sign or sign system. In that context Pace speaks of, collateral ,experience, collateral observation, collateral acquaintance, all in much the
- Facility (CPFF): on October 7,2008, the Federal Reserve further expanded the, collateral ,it will loan against, to include commercial paper. The action made the Fed a
- In addition, the balance sheet also indicates which assets are held as, collateral ,against Federal Reserve Notes. Francium () is a chemical element with symbol
- His right knee, with an MRI scan revealing that he had sprained his medial, collateral ,ligament and would be out for six weeks. He returned to play in the final home
- The court that tried the case. The key distinguishing factor between direct and, collateral ,appeals is that the former occurs in state courts, and the latter in federal
- Of general application. Underneath that conceptual umbrella is the concept of, collateral ,estoppel. As applied to double jeopardy, the court will use collateral estoppel
- The official members of the banking system. There is no limit on the amount of, collateral ,it can accept. Both operations have the effect of putting money into the
- Files an appeal with the next higher court of review. The second is the, collateral ,appeal or post-conviction petition, in which the petitioner-appellant files the
- Funding to primary dealers in exchange for a specified range of eligible, collateral ,and is intended to foster the functioning of financial markets more generally.
- As a general rule secured creditors—creditors who have a security interest, or, collateral , in the debtor's property—will be paid before unsecured creditors. Unsecured
- A unit of Warren Buffett's MidAmerican Energy Holdings Corp. NNG was put up as, collateral ,for a $2.5 billion capital infusion by Dynegy Corporation when Dynegy was
- Assets held by the central bank (bonds owned outright, and also bonds held as, collateral ,). In 2011 this is essentially what happened. The value of the assets (the
- And other landholders, permitting them to sell their land or to use it as, collateral ,for loans. Despite declarations by the Callers government in 1989 of its
- Central Bank can and does purchase assets outright rather than accept them as, collateral , If bonds held by a central bank turn out to have lower value because the
- Much of their technology no longer functions, potentially causing trillions of, collateral ,deaths. However, the massive shift in physical law also envelops and destroys
- Neutral. Another technique is simply to accept the bad assets as long-term, collateral ,(as opposed to short-term repo swaps) to be held until their market value
- Domestic product, are designed to ensure that assets offered to the bank as, collateral ,are, at least in theory, all equally good, and all equally protected from the
- In American law, there are two distinct forms of appellate review, direct and, collateral , For example, a criminal defendant may be convicted in state court, and lose on
- Of a complete failure of the main line, the throne would pass to the nearest, collateral ,branch, again in the male line. If the empress did not give birth to an heir
- And environment histories. What are introspectively observed are certain, collateral ,products of those histories. ... In this way we repair the major
- Mind needs some experience of that sign's object, experience outside, and, collateral , to,that sign or sign system. In that context Pace speaks of collateral
- a million in current dollar terms),with the mortgage on Fenway Park as, collateral , The deal was contingent on Ruth signing a new contract, which was quickly
- Electronic deposits. Additionally, the Federal Reserve can and does engage in, collateral ,operations, and the European Central Bank can and does purchase assets outright
- Law or even fictional) determines the sign to an interpret ant through one's, collateral ,experience with the object, in which the object is found or from which it is
- Remarried after the death of her previous husband, a Captain Herbert, R. N.,a, collateral ,descendant of the noble family of Herbert, Earl of Pembroke. Phillip was
- Of collateral estoppel. As applied to double jeopardy, the court will use, collateral ,estoppel as its basis for forming an opinion. There are three essentials
- Especially in Bogotá, from vehicle emissions and other main cities. The, collateral ,damaged produced by attacks against oil pipeline infrastructure by rebel
- Coulter. In the process, severe internal divisions were generated. One major, collateral ,casualty was the party whip Paul McLean who resigned and quit the Senate in
- Including the crisis of 2008. Key concepts to understanding the crisis include, collateral , assets, and liabilities. The principal monetary policy tool of the European
- The world with rising living standards, the elimination of malaria was often a, collateral ,benefit of the introduction of window screens and improved sanitation. WHO's
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