Examples of the the word, unused , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unused ), is the 7881 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Baby" ( from the film Blue Hawaii,1961) *"Stepping' Out of Line" (, unused ,track from the Blue Hawaii sessions, first released on 1962 album Pot Luck)
  2. Such as 冇 and 係 for Cantonese and Hakka, which are considered archaic or, unused ,in standard written Chinese. Written colloquial Cantonese has become quite
  3. Then one pathway being hung up, now two pathways are hung up and the number of, unused ,transistors is increased. This design, wherein the CPU's execution resources
  4. Digital Packet Data (CDPD) was a wide-area mobile data service which used, unused ,bandwidth normally used by AMPS mobile phones between 800 and 900 MHz to
  5. First five Doctors, a new actor to replace the deceased William Hartnell, and, unused , footage to represent Tom Baker. This was a full-length,90-minute film, the
  6. To record labels, therefore she needed a professional demo. He sent Spears an, unused ,song from Toni Braxton; she rehearsed for a week and recorded her vocals in a
  7. Are easily traversed in ordinary vehicles, provided care is taken. Drivers, unused ,to dirt roads should be especially cautious – it is recommended that drivers
  8. As far as Apple's Locally port drivers were concerned, but ran over the two, unused ,wires in standard four-wire phone cabling. Phoneme was considerably less
  9. Review. An unfinished build of the game dated November 17, 1994,it contains, unused ,music tracks, locations,and other features changed or removed from the final
  10. Being discarded during digital television transition. An estimated 99 million, unused ,analog TV receivers are currently in storage in the US alone and, while some
  11. Plans had been announced as to its future use. The bridge remains intact, but, unused , and without any means of access. Air Bordeaux is served by an international
  12. Format, but has an 11-bit function field made possible by using the literal and, unused ,bits which are reserved in integer operate format. The memory format is used
  13. And it will stay black even if it becomes unreachable. A white object is, unused ,memory and may be allocated. Second, the interpretation of the black/white bit
  14. Instances see cannons built near natural islets that were often completely, unused , This long chronology of use has been verified by both radiocarbon dating and
  15. In many applications including air, rail and bus timetables; it is largely, unused ,in the US outside of military, police,aviation and medical applications. 15
  16. To materials plundered from the monuments of the lower city, and the large, unused ,cisterns of the upper city were occupied by small houses and the workshops of
  17. To computer programs by one of four methods: appropriating otherwise, unused ,control characters; using some encoding other than ASCII; using multi-character
  18. Can sometimes help businesses increase their efficiencies by monetizing their, unused ,capacities and excess inventories. The worldwide organized barter exchange and
  19. Orange Line subway and Amtrak. Parts of the planned I-695 right of way remain, unused ,and under consideration for future mass transit projects. The original 1948
  20. Flights would not be renumbered, and the names Apollo 2 and Apollo 3 would go, unused , The manned flight hiatus allowed work to catch up on the Saturn V and Apollo
  21. Prompting fans to explore and document the game's differences, including two, unused ,world map NPC character sprites and presumed additional sprites for certain
  22. Clock cycle, the video generation circuitry's memory access on the otherwise, unused ,cycles avoided memory contention issues and also eliminated the need for a
  23. Stellar diameters by Michelson in 1920 proved crucial in convincing astronomers, unused ,to Eddington's intuitive, exploratory style. Eddington's theory appeared in
  24. Crocodilians, did not have a diaphragm, the dead-space volume (the amount of, unused ,air remaining in the mouth, trachea and air tubes after each breath) has been
  25. Seek to trade emission rights in carbon emission markets, purchasing the, unused ,carbon emission allowances of other countries. If overall limits on greenhouse
  26. They differ in the hints provided to the branch prediction hardware. The, unused ,displacement field is used for this purpose. Integer arithmetic The integer
  27. Final round, each half of the data block is Bored with one of the two remaining, unused ,P-entries. The diagram to the upper right shows Blowfish's F-function. The
  28. Lakes-Knin, which is on the European route E71,is becoming increasingly, unused ,because Croatia built a separate highway to the west of it. The border on the
  29. And Communion that Cranmer had tried to knit together. After the communion,the, unused ,but consecrated bread and wine were to be reverently consumed in church rather
  30. Alternatively, the thumb can be rested loosely on the strings to mute the, unused ,strings. The string can be plucked at any point between the bridge and the
  31. Resident relocation from more sparsely populated neighborhoods and converting, unused ,space to agricultural use, though the city expects to be in the planning stages
  32. He wanted to pitch her to record labels, sending them a demo tape with an, unused ,song from Toni Braxton. Jive Records was interested in working with Spears, and
  33. A smaller virtual address space with a minimum size of 43 bits. Although the, unused ,bits were not implemented in hardware such as Lbs, the architecture required
  34. In later versions. If there is just one device on the cable, this results in an, unused ,stub of cable, which is undesirable for physical convenience and electrical
  35. Format except for the replacement of the 5-bit Rb field and the 3 bits of, unused ,space with an 8-bit literal field which is zero-extended to a 64-bit operand.
  36. Network, June 1,2009 -. * He played a bank robber named" Malcolm Y" in an, unused ,plot line for the movie. Music appearances *In 2010 Chuck D made an appearance
  37. Memory may leak despite the presence of a garbage collector, if references to, unused ,objects are not themselves manually disposed of. This is described as a logical
  38. Issues with the stand-alone drive. Because this internal 1571 does not have an, unused ,8-bit input/output port on any chip, unlike most other Commodore drives, it is
  39. Navigational approach all of these data would be placed in a single record, and, unused , items would simply not be placed in the database. In the relational approach
  40. Refused to enter. At this point, the prison governor and his staff fled to an, unused ,part of the prison and secured themselves in there. The prisoners then released
  41. Hold of the battlefield. Now, far too late, Villeroi tried to redeploy his 50, unused , squadrons,but a desperate attempt to form line facing south, stretching from
  42. For this genus in 1878 by Thiel Charles Marsh, but the term was largely, unused ,until the 1970s in favor of Megalosauridae, another family of large theropods
  43. Clock cycle, the video generation circuitry's memory access on the otherwise, unused ,cycles avoided memory contention issues and also eliminated the need for a
  44. An allocated object. Conservative collectors may produce false positives, where, unused , memory is not released because of improper pointer identification. This is not
  45. Years for all the years of their reign alongside their regnal years. Long, unused , this practice was not formally abolished until Novel XCIV of the law code of
  46. Is a playing card dealt from the top of a deck, and discarded (" burned" ), unused ,by the players. Burn cards are almost always placed face down next to the
  47. The Baltic Proper, in Germany, Denmark and Sweden. About 17 % of the basin is, unused ,open land with another 8 % of wetlands. Most of the latter are in the Gulfs of
  48. Bridge lies the Lumberton Rail Bridge. Built in 1910,the rail bridge has been, unused ,since 1982 and its western approach collapsed in a fire in 1998. When in use
  49. The register containing the second operand. Next is a 3-bit field which is, unused ,and reserved. A 1-bit field contains a" 0 ", which distinguished this format
  50. Differential compression to refer to data differencing. Outlook and currently, unused ,potential It is estimated that the total amount of the information that is

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