Examples of the the word, upheaval , in a Sentence Context
The word ( upheaval ), is the 12838 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- To liberal republicanism, and the gradually increasing democracy, caused an, upheaval ,of traditional social hierarchy and gave birth to the ethic that has formed a
- Been a nation and a state for over 900 years. However, after a brief period of, upheaval ,and the allies' foreclosure of union with Germany, Austria established itself
- Of 1848,during which ten countries had experienced brief or long-term social, upheaval ,as groups carried out nationalist uprisings. After most of these attempts at
- Period of 46 years, from 1179 BC to 1133 BC. Another brief period of internal, upheaval ,followed the death of Sheridan I when his son and successor
- Perhaps the marriage simply could not outlast the strain of the political, upheaval ,in Rome,Cicero's involvement in it, and various other disputes between the
- That the IRA in Dublin suffered a severe blow. This was also a period of social, upheaval ,in Ireland, with frequent strikes as well as other manifestations of class
- Support in early general elections in 2003. * Another murder that caused great, upheaval ,took place on 2 November 2004,when film director and publicist Theo van Gogh
- The Crown of Ireland also. The subsequent 17th century was one of political, upheaval , religious division and war. English colonialism in Ireland of the 16th century
- Referred to simply as" America ". The American Revolution was the political, upheaval ,during the last half of the 18th century in which thirteen colonies in North
- Power struggles within the Party and a fear of the Soviet Union, led to a major, upheaval ,in Chinese society. In 1972,at the peak of the Sino-Soviet split, Mao and Zhou
- Power papyrus, a poem of lamentations describing natural disasters and social, upheaval , is a famous example. The Story of Since, written in Middle Egyptian, might be
- Solve the problems it was convened to discuss and a period of conflict and, upheaval ,continued for some time. Constantine himself was succeeded by two Arian
- Throughout the empire, each of whom falsely proclaimed kinghood during the, upheaval ,following Cyrus's death. Darius the Great proclaimed himself victorious in all
- Zimbabwe began experiencing a period of considerable political and economic, upheaval ,in 1999. Opposition to President Mugabe and the ZANUCK government grew
- Is usually only transferred from one class to another by social and political, upheaval , #When a given style of production relations no longer supports further
- Reverberated throughout the country. Despite efforts at containment,the, upheaval ,in Eastern Europe inevitably spread to nationalities within the USSR. In
- The Great proclaimed himself victorious in all battles during the period of, upheaval , attributing his success to the" grace of Ahura Mazda ". The inscription
- Sexuality. Context and interpretation Religious Written at a time of religious, upheaval , and in the wake of the English Reformation, the play is alternately Catholic (
- Exchange. Tourism in Haiti has suffered from the country's political, upheaval , Inadequate infrastructure also has limited visitors to the island. In the
- As revolution swept Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union also began experiencing, upheaval ,as the political consequences of glasnost reverberated throughout the country.
- War against Japan led in 1905 to a general strike in Finland and revolutionary, upheaval ,in the empire. In an attempt to quell the general unrest, the system of estates
- Has recently undergone a watershed political realignment, the sort of political, upheaval ,that rarely happens and often lasts for many years. In terms of the results of
- Against France. The death of William III in 1702 once again created a political, upheaval ,as the king was replaced by Queen Anne, who immediately began her offensive
- And medicine). Thus, modern science in Europe was resumed in a period of great, upheaval ,: the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter-Reformation; the discovery of
- Model described the emotional effect that this political, social,and cultural, upheaval ,had on the composer. Model noted that these radical changes, especially the
- Sydney E. Maelstrom saw it as part of a" great international Protestant, upheaval ," that also created Pietism in Germany, the Evangelical Revival, and Methodism
- Symbolism in the French Revolution The French Revolution was a time of, upheaval , especially towards traditional ideology, in almost every sense: the current
- La Grande Revolution),was a period of radical social and political, upheaval ,in French and European history that saw a series of major changes in power and
- Gala, he was retained at Rome, and when he returned to his kin in the year of, upheaval ,in the Roman Empire,69,he headed a Batavian rebellion. He managed to capture
- City" The Noble Lie" to keep them passive and content, without the risk of, upheaval ,and unrest. In contemporary society, doctors and scientists, for example, are
- S regime did not begin to organize until the late 1950s,which experienced an, upheaval ,of parties such as the Communist Party of Spain and the formation of various
- The late 18th century and early 19th century, there was considerable social, upheaval ,as a largely agrarian society was transformed by technological advances and
- And discipline would be undermined if soldiers who mutinied in the 2000, upheaval , were to be pardoned. On 4 August 2005,Opposition Leader Mahendra Chaudhary
- The son of a Leicestershire weaver, Fox lived in a time of great social, upheaval ,and war. He rebelled against the religious and political authorities by
- By Turkey. Topography and drainage Twenty-five million years ago, a geological, upheaval ,pushed up the Earth's crust to form the Armenian Plateau, creating the complex
- The Franks in 507 in their victory over Alaric II the Visigoth. During the, upheaval , sometime between 483-501,Gunboat began to set forth the Led Gundobada (see
- The unexpected benefits no less than the tragedy of this historical moment. The, upheaval ,forces samurai to channel the selflessness of their credo of loyal service into
- Egypt The Muslim invasion of Egypt took place in AD 639. Despite the political, upheaval , the Egyptian population remained mainly Christian. However, the gradual
- Led by newly elected Governor Powell Clayton, marking a time of great, upheaval ,and racial violence in the state between state militia and the Ku Klux Klan. In
- Would boil over. Ultimately, the conflict abated without significant regime, upheaval , In the political sphere there have been attempts at power-sharing to try to
- Causative factor leading to serious internal conflicts within Japan — an, upheaval ,which was only resolved in 1867 with the end of the Tokugawa shogunate and the
- Where command-line arguments are used, and the environment is in constant, upheaval ,and cannot be trusted. This/Apache creates a small, efficient subset of the
- In Prague until Rudolph's death in early 1612,though between political, upheaval , religious tension, and family tragedy (along with the legal dispute over his
- October 1908,Austria-Hungary seized the opportunity of the Ottoman political, upheaval ,to annex the de jure Ottoman province of Bosnia-Herzegovina, which it had
- Under Oliver Cromwell. He wrote at a time of religious flux and political, upheaval ,in England, and his poetry and prose reflect deep convictions and address many
- Hidden forces. Originally it was a neutral term but during the political, upheaval ,of the 1960s it acquired its current derogatory sense, In the pejorative sense
- To democracy, these experts contend, would result in the economic and political, upheaval ,that occurred in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s,and that by focusing on
- And diaspora living in certain countries, often due to recent political, upheaval , Although judges and telemeters cannot vote for their own country's entry
- Strongly identified with the rapid social changes, civic unrest, and political, upheaval ,that characterized the late 1960s. In that period, Berkeley—especially
- Power struggles within the Party and a fear of the Soviet Union, led to a major, upheaval ,in Chinese society. In 1972,at the peak of the Sino-Soviet split, Mao and Zhou
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