Examples of the the word, toil , in a Sentence Context
The word ( toil ), is the 12858 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Nor sport of child Finds Nassau on this many wild; Lax grow his joints, limbs, toil , in vain — Poor wight! Why didst thou quit that plain? Vainly for succor Nassau
- To stir people from their intellectual slumbers, and the daily grind of their, toil , to see that they were captivated in the grip of a culture which kept them
- Of Mass every morning in the oratory of the community, vows of poverty and, toil , daily silence from vespers until terse the next morning, abstinence from all
- Advance Australia Fair.; Verse 2: Beneath our radiant Southern Cross: We'll, toil ,with hearts and hands;: To make this Commonwealth of ours: Renowned of all the
- Europe, the focus of interest shifted to American respect for honest, toil ,and to the virtues of republican government. In the early 20th century, the
- And Alfred Ellis concurred that the female soldiers," endured all the, toil ,and performed all the hard labor. " The women seem to have in fact considered
- Increase your activities, start making distinctions between things, and you'll, toil ,forever without hope. " — The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tau (Brian Browne Walker
- Passions; he had also many things which acted as incentives to industry and, toil , The vices of lust raged in him; but at the same time he was conspicuous for
- Rowland's' Macassar-Oil --: Yet twopence-halfpenny is all: They give me for my, toil , ": But I was thinking of a way: To feed oneself on batter, : And so go on from
- World to come there shall be neither eating nor drinking, neither trading nor, toil , neither hatred nor envy; but the righteous shall sit with crowns upon their
- S approach, is defined as the opposite of utility -" disutility ", pain, toil , etc. Labor which is pleasant in itself is only therefore partly labor, or
- Watt, Vol 1,His time in Scotland,1736-1774 (2002); Vol 2,The years of, toil , 1775-1785; Vol 3 Triumph through adversity 1785-1819. Landmark Publishing Ltd
- Convent of Sent'Ontario, on a stormy 1 April 1595. Seeing a cardinal's coach, toil ,up the steep Trasteverine Hill, the monks came to the door to greet it. From
- Originally sung as:; Third verse: Beneath our radiant Southern Cross, : We'll, toil ,with hearts and hands;: To make our youthful Commonwealth: Renowned of all the
- Masculine physique of the women, enabling them to compete with men in enduring, toil , hardship and privations," and Alfred Ellis concurred that the female soldiers
- Of our parents, and the Lord heard our voice, and saw our affliction, and our, toil , and our oppression. 8 And the Lord brought us forth out of Egypt with a strong
- Had worked his way up from poverty into respectable society, Balzac considered, toil ,and effort his real mark of nobility. When the July Revolution overthrew
- It simply buy the gift of Divine bounty and not by the efforts of his own, toil ," (chapter 1). In chapter 11,Caspian presents Chairman as speaking of the
- Let us rejoice, : For we are young and free;: We've golden soil and wealth for, toil ,: Our home is girt by sea;: Our land abounds in Nature's gifts: Of beauty rich
- Of their wealth and comfort, and the rest of humanity assigned to lifelong, toil ,: Once, life and property must have reached almost absolute safety. The rich had
- Identifies her as the daughter of Eris (" strife" ) and sister of Ponds (", toil ,"),Limos (" starvation" ), the Algae (" pains" ), the Sinai ("
- Gratitude, for I know how much the writing of that fantasy has cost me in sheer, toil , in temper, and in disillusion. "; Conrad, who suffered while writing this
- Fifty years before he had attained the summit, and had got nothing from it save, toil ,and repentance and torn clothing. ) Petrarch was dazed and stirred by the view
- Let us rejoice, : For we are young and free;: We've golden soil and wealth for, toil ,;: Our home is girt by sea;: Our land abounds in nature's gifts: Of beauty rich
- Rowland's Manassas Oil;: But fourpence-halfpenny is all: They give me for my, toil , ": But I was thinking of a plan: To paint one's gaiters green, : So much the
- Minister, tells the House of Commons," I have nothing to offer you but blood, toil , tears, and sweat. " * May 13 – WWII: German armies open a wide breach in the
- Projects, which millions of peasants and prisoners had been forced to, toil ,on and in many cases die for, proved useless as they had been built without the
- Best developed resources, but only through years of painstaking investment and, toil , The nation therefore built up the manufacturing and processing industries to
- To a meaningless task. Camus presents Sisyphus's ceaseless and pointless, toil ,as a metaphor for modern lives spent working at futile jobs in factories and
- Newport sails back to England. * June 27 – Jamestown: The colony bears extreme, toil ,in strengthening the fort from John Smith, Proceedings (Barbour 1964:210).
- Of a mighty empire, strength unimpaired, habituation to victory, endurance of, toil , unity, discipline,frugality and watchfulness ... Can we doubt what the result
- Their bones have tell-tale signs of childhood diseases and a life of grinding, toil , The bones also showed traces of numerous healed fractures, probably the result
- Moment Hephaestus was busily: Turning from bellows to bellows, sweating with, toil ,: As he labored to finish a score of three-legged tables: To stand around the
- Speech as prime minister was the famous" I have nothing to offer but blood, toil , tears, and sweat ". He followed that closely with two other equally famous
- She brings with her a jar or, in most stories, a box containing" burdensome, toil ,and sickness that brings death to men" ( 91–2),diseases (102) and" a
- Nature. If they turned to illegality it was due to the fact that honest, toil ,only benefited the employers and often entailed a complete loss of dignity
- Of the earth: and she is far kinder to men. She stirs up even the shiftless to, toil ,; for a man grows eager to work when he considers his neighbor, a rich man who
- The Goth was the armed protector of the peaceful Roman; the Gothic king had the, toil ,of government, while the Roman consul had the honor. All the forms of the
- Studio close to the Via del Baboon. He spent about two years of unremitting, toil ,in arranging the design and composing the models for the tomb of the pontiff.
- Is depicted as good, while good is rendered evil. The line" Double, double, toil , and trouble," (often sensationalized to a point that it loses meaning)
- Who named him Noah, saying," This same shall comfort us in our work and in the, toil ,of our hands, which comet from the ground which the LORD hath cursed. " In his
- Chicago's stockyards—and to students willing to endure the ceaseless, toil ,of extracting their isolates. In 1927,Koch and his student, Lemuel McGee
- Thing, what every thing really costs to the man who wants to acquire it, is the, toil ,and trouble of acquiring it. What every thing is really worth to the man who
- As the German army crosses the Meuse. Winston Churchill makes his" blood, toil , tears, and sweat" speech to the House of Commons. * 1940 – Queen Wilhelmina
- The" managers" live in luxurious skyscrapers and the workers live and, toil ,underground. The city was founded and built by the autocratic John Pedersen.
- That they could simply vote for whatever they wanted ... and get it, without, toil , without sweat, without tears. " Indeed, Colonel Dubois criticizes as
- Old Irish: A there film hi nimbi, : Neither than.: Most do faithful.: Did do, toil ,i Tasman: email ATA in him.: Tab air dun India AR salad lathe.: Focus log dun AR
- Lame ch making the statement:“ He Noah will comfort us in the labor and painful, toil ,of our hands caused by the ground the LORD has cursed,” he was expressing hope
- Bulwer-Lytton's mother in 1843,greatly saddened him. His own" exhaustion of, toil ,and study had been completed by great anxiety and grief ", and by" about the
- It, and who wants to dispose of it or exchange it for something else, is the, toil ,and trouble which it can save to himself, and which it can impose upon other
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