Examples of the the word, mister , in a Sentence Context
The word ( mister ), is the 12857 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Watered thoroughly with a fine mist, such as from a nozzle sprayer or a spray, mister ,bottle. After the initial watering, the medium is allowed to almost dry out
- In 1965 the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet Canal (" MR GO ", pronounced, mister , go ) was completed, connecting the Intracoastal Waterway with the Gulf of
- Subject hijacking a subway train, with lines such as: Get lost from here, mister ,engineer, this is a hijack,I'll drive the train. ... You better pay attention
- Niven's Known Space fictional universe Other * In Indonesia, Usually used as, mister ,or father: Dear PAK ... * Panzerabwehrkanone, abbreviated PAK, German antitank
- Failed. The neighborhood continued to decline and the phrase" Watch your car, mister , " Became a catchphrase to game attendees. Indeed, the parking problem became
- From the sick and the old. Well the God I believe in isn't short of cash, mister , " Roswell Eyes Concord (April 25, 1839 – October 30, 1939)
- Such as for formal invitations. The age at which the transition from master to, mister ,takes place is not strictly observed, though approximately 13,or the beginning
- Or the channel name RCN TV, or a pun on the word Enron, a pejorative form of, mister ,) and Pilot (pronounced pell-o-TOO, an imitation of Tattoo; his name is an
- The world is the place I mean,' Tom said. 'Are we going into the world, mister , ' Tom hesitated and then asked with hesitant gravity: 'Is Woods the word for
- Turkish, and in Azerbaijan, the word" bey" ( or" bay" ) simply means ", mister ," (compare effendi) or" sir" and is used in the meaning of" chieftain "
- Fair, parade,programs in the high school auditorium, queen,little miss and, mister ,contest, and town wide garage sales. The festival concludes with a
- Anger with childishly strange words and phrases like" cockadoodie," ", mister ,man" " dirty bird,"" dirty bird,"" bogie," and" rooty-patooties. " In
- Monsieur is used as a courtesy title of respect, an equivalent of English, mister ,"" or" sir ". It can be abbreviated in M. (plural: MM.
- The first move to do anything I'm going to shoot. Now, twenty-three for yours, mister , skid! We don't want your company; not today," said Thad.:: – St. George
- Hispanic and speaks very broken English; for example, she pronounces the word ", mister ," as" missed" and uses incorrect sentence structure. Consuela first appears
- This happens to be one of my specialties). Samson miscalls him Mr. De Raaf (, mister ,The Raven). Miranda De Bolle (Lilibeth Verstappen) Octave De Bolles teenage
- And" missus" as common nouns for wife/husband. For example," Jyoti's, mister ,stopped by yesterday" or" My missus is not feeling well ". *"Master" is a
- Bowing down to him and stating" White man very great! Has good spirits … White, mister ,is big just man! " Angered, Muganga starts a war between the Barbarous and their
- To find a way across! "" Now what, you better not be playing a video game, mister , "" Would you please hurry up with that stupid code,Kai's running of time! "
- 1954 - Metro en veneer Riches; twisting forte verbal (Misses and, mister ,Riches; twenty short stories) * 1955 - Ordered near Beacons; TAAF forte
- But everyone (even Samson) addresses him as (veneer de) burgomaster (, mister ,mayor). He is addicted to model airplanes, this leads that he tries to keep
- Frederica, a woman with German ties, who wondered whether" this is the way, mister ,district attorney understands the development of German and Greek relations ".
- The last time now, stand back, take your finger out of his eye, and call him, mister , " The judge abruptly interrupted Leibowitz While the motion was denied, this
- Their name in the local Arabic dialect where they were found translates to ", mister ,saddlebags" ( Arabic: أبو جراب) due to the amount of storage space in their
- As" Mr. Sarto ". He would then get irritated and exclaim:" That's Sarto! No, mister ,; accent on the DOH! " Another recurring line was:" Have you seen our vomit? "
- Do you want to know where the means to pay your fees come from for now? Well, mister ,Eminence, are we such strangers to each other? Don't you know the love (if
- Apsireiskimams # PROTEST: War # SEINE FUR DEN FRIEDAN: Free? # ALTITUDE: Hey, mister ,president # ARMED REVOLUTION: Corporate slave # GRUUTHAAGY: Start insane #
- Want Your Millions, Mister," in which he sings," Take the two old parties, mister , /No difference in them, I can see. /But with a Farmer-Labor party, /We will set
- To be based on the Dutch Brussels dialect Carols, such as" menhir" for ", mister ," (cf. Dutch" pioneer" ). Sources Tintin albums featuring Border: * Le
- Has gently poked fun at Barney). *"I had my eye on you right from the start, mister , " (spoken by Barney whenever Andy exposed a con artist whom Barney up to that
- Form of greeting and gradually changed its meaning to the equivalent of ", mister ," in modern Armenian. In late medieval Armenia and in the new age a variety of
- Internal" ( engineer) are often substituted for the ordinary" Signore" (, mister ,), while " Dot tore" ( doctor) is used very freely for any graduate of a
- African popular music for 20 years. Songs like" I'm Burning Up "," thank you, mister ,DJ "," I Cry for Freedom "," Dakota "," Motherland" and the ever-popular "
- Had two, but they were rather small: Himmler - had something similar: But, mister ,Goebbels had no balls at all or Hitler he's only got one ball The other is on
- Both" clan" and" maiden name" and serve as a masculine honorific such as ", mister ," or" sir ", it also is used sometimes in reference to his people, sometimes
- Herr ..." — In past and modern German military protocol," Herr" ( ", mister ,") is said before ranks when someone is addressing a person of higher rank.
- He asks" Goldfinger" if he expects him to talk and Goldfinger says to him" No, mister ,Hannah, I expect you to eat this BLT! " Then Bond says," That's not Kosher!
- With or without an appointment as RSM or CSM, are addressed as" Nick" ( ", mister ," in Malay) by officers and other ranks, although this is an informal right
- And their implied meanings: * Khan (literally mister , miss,or Mrs. ) or k. =, mister ,or miss (e.g. Khan Songhai will have a meeting on Friday. ) Following is the
- Words of Thai prefix particles and their implied meanings: * Khan (literally, mister , miss, or Mrs. ) or k. = mister or miss (e.g. Khan Songhai will have a
- Meester, and from Latin magister; cognate to Italian maestro, English master, mister ,Michelle Renee Royer-Jefferson (née Roger; born January 5,1966) is a former
- System. Too fine a water droplet, such as those generated by the ultrasonic, mister , produce excessive root hair without developing a lateral root system for
- To India, Smith-saahib" or" Begum Sahib would like some tea ". *Use of ", mister ," and" missus" as common nouns for wife/husband. For example," Jyoti's
- To referring to a judge as being an honorable or an adult man as being a, mister , Variations The Reverend may be modified to reflect ecclesiastical standing and
- Chlap (man, male ) - V: shape, priateľ (friend) V: privately or N, pán (, mister , lord) - V: pane or N),master (master artist) - V: master or N),BOH (
- Porky off on dodo hunt! " Before showing the paper to the camera (" Paper, mister , ") In Dough for the Do-Do, this does not happen. The title card just fades to
- A social title for men (somewhat like the English word" mister " ). Unlike ", mister ," however, it follows the name (" Fretting Bey" ) and is used only with
- Used informally as a social title for men (somewhat like the English word ", mister ,"). Unlike" mister " however, it follows the name (" Fretting Bey" ) and
- On to hold more than 20. In the mid-1980s,Asha sang with Boy George (Bow down, mister ,) and Stephen Lipscomb. In 1997,she sang a love song with the boy band Code
- Four stripes with a crown and are referred to as" Sergeant Major ". The term ", mister ," then being given to WO2's. Origins and history The chevrons worn by many
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